Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

An Adventurous Life

The Secret Power of Craft Shows

The Power of Craft shows

Craft shows changed my life.

(I didn't know it until I started writing this post, but as I started to trace the roots of what I do today, I realized that's where it all started.)

Last weekend I sold my yarn for the first time in over a year (I put my yarn business on hold when I could no longer get packages out on time, thanks to traveling to teach. This weekend I was back in the game with a few skeins of my yarn (and my mom's sheep's fiber). Preparing for the show and helping my pal Misty think through the process brought it all back in a rush.

Even though I help Starshippers get prepared for their first shows (and 50th shows) every month, I had forgotten what it was like to be in it.
To be worried you don't have enough.
To do late night, last-minute labeling.
To get nervous about people seeing your work.

So, to calm my nerves, I searched my own site for advice (the major benefit of having a blog!). And sure enough I found it.

In 2008 (that's 6 years ago!), I wrote about my first craft show here, in 5 1/2 Shocking Facts about Craft Shows.

“You don’t have to (and probably can’t) fake enthusiasm.”

A month later, I wrote about my next show, with even more lessons:

“Be prepared to answer the “Can you make this in ***” question. Know how long it would take you and how you’ll handle payment for a custom order. If you don’t want to do custom, come up with a nice way of saying no, so you’re not taken by surprise in the moment.”

One year later, I wrote about the Pain of Craft Shows:

” I do craft shows because it’s the one place, the one situation in which being a full-time yarnie feels good, normal, accepted. The people get me. They get my yarn. It’s a place to be me: handknit clothes, stripey knee-socks, pink-haired, yarn-making me.”

Two years after that first post and my first show, I wrote this: “That feeling hasn’t faded in the last 2 years of doing shows; in fact, it’s only grown stronger.”

It occurred to me, in reading through these posts that this where I really got clear on the power of following my enthusiasm. This is where I learned that it is OK to be weird, pink-haired, wonky me. Those first shows, while I still worked in a boring office in black slacks, were the first taste I had (maybe ever?) of being myself out loud and connecting with people as that true self. Once you get a taste of that, you can start to imagine the possibility of being yourself, expressing yourself, like … all the time.

And this taste, this experience totally transformed my life. (Very, very slowly.)
For me this meant making more yarn, doing more shows, and connecting with people in the maker community. That led to me spending my days writing, talking, and helping other makers bring more of themselves into their businesses, to craft a life they really want.


But for you, the path will be different. It will lead you in different directions. You can start to express yourself more in how you dress, how you tell the truth and how you embrace all your weird bits.

I totally haven't figured it out yet, and I'm certainly not comfortable being myself all the time, but it's a process. You can kick-start the process by choosing to do things you're enthusiastic about, by doing more of what makes you feel like yourself, and by letting those experiences transform you.


Whether it's craft shows, or making your art, or just starting to take your enthusiasm more seriously — it could change your life.

PS. I made a class sharing everything I knew about craft shows 4 years ago. Currently it's only available in the Starship, but I hope to refresh it and offer it again in 2015. Sign up here to get notified when it's ready.

The Adventures


Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

#foundwhilerunning: A little bird (can you see it?) at a crossroads. I'm feeling crossroadish myself and fighting some mighty loud voices of self-doubt.         Song of the Run: Super Bass, Nikki Minaj (I sing along to the whole thing and "chuck the deuce
Playing Settlers of Catan for the first time, with birthday boy @dylan.m22. #Iwon
Roast pumpkin is everything I ever wanted in a vegetable. Served with black beans and garlicky chimichurri, my life is complete. @isachandra (it's her recipe!) is a genius. #yayfall #whatveganseat
Heading to Bristol Rhythm & Roots musical festival with too many knitting projects (3?!) in my @mistydot #drwho bag & my hot pink skirt.

I am so grateful for…

  • Finally reaching a long-time goal (and breaking my own records)
  • Roast pumpkin!
  • Kind words by Libby + Nat!
  • I know I could say this every week (and often do), but I am so so grateful for the fantastically inspiring people I get to work with. And I am truly grateful when they have successes. (An author got an agent! A maker experienced a selling frenzy at a national trade show!)

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m eating: 

  • Roast pumpkin over rice and black beans with Chimichurri, from Isa Does It.
  • The very last homegrown basil pesto.

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Reading while knitting...with a book stitch marker. (Marker from @mistydot's #drwho kit, yarn from @cephalopodyarns)   #knitting #booksofinstagram
Saying goodbye (for the season) to the rose bush I've been stalking. Rose seems indifferent to me, frost.    #foundwhilerunning    Song of the Run: Fancy by Izzy Azalea

Ahh! @kpwerker's book arrived and I can't put it down! I'm not even through the Introduction and already there's Buffy & "you're not alone" (my fave message!) & I'm pretty sure a Princess Bride reference. #mostlydead    (It's also undeniably delightful to
My next-up project bowl. All the details in the newest episode of #handmadepodcast, brand new at http://HandmadePodcast.com
It is a very bright day, and we glow. #bristolrhythm


I am so grateful for…

  • The opportunity to see a few of our favorite bands in person at Bristol Rhythm and Roots – Jeff Tweedy, Sturgill Simpson and St Paul and the Broken Bones.
  • One of the best performances I've ever seen: St Paul and the Broken Bones. Seriously amazing.
  • A humblingly, surprisingly awesome Starship boarding.
  • The sparks of a new opportunity, and the bravery to pursue it.
  • My running playlist

The Finds:

I’m reading:

  • Kim's Make it Mignty Ugly. LOVE it.
  • This great post on…a shoe by Elise. This is exactly how I think about pieces of my wardrobe (my shoes, my purse, a few dresses) – the part of my life they've experienced and clothed me for.

I’m eating: 

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Jason Isbell! At the prettiest theater.
The sock is enjoying a warm evening at a college soccer game. #gobucs
My #greatbookproject is getting serious. I can't seem to stop the obsession, so I'm going with it. Some kind of read along via FB page - details to come.
The light today was fantastic. I can feel summer creeping away. #yayfall #foundwhilerunning #taralovesmornings
Went through my entire stash tonight (it's tiny) & I have a few to give away/trade. Pictured here: 80% of my sock yarn. (Stay tuned, I'm just tired of some of these!)

I am so grateful for…

  • Yarn!
  • Libraries and my favorite librarian!
  • Pesto!
  • Real, honest conversations with loved ones.


The Finds:

I’m obsessing over:

  • My Great Books Project is coming together. Making an official announcement about it today over at the Facebook page (where the majority of the project will unfold). In order to see updates, it's not just enough to “like” the page, you also need to “follow” it (to get notifications), or just be sure to like/comment/share on my posts. SpaceCadet Stephanie explains it well here.
  • Yahaira's awesome BlueSand Cardigan. I spent the last week trying to get it out of my mind, but I finally gave in and got some Plucky to knit it up. (I‘m still looking for a pale gray if you have a suggestion!)
  • All that project-obsession got me thinking about my stash, so I cleaned it all out (it fits on two tiny shelves in one of those cube-y shelves, in a closet) and gave a few skeins away (there's still one left here). Now my Ravelry stash reflects my actual stash and order reigns once again.
  •  Allyson's Midwestern Knits project!  (I'm a Midwesterner, after all.)

I’m eating: 

  • Pesto Cauliflower with breaded tofu, from Isa Does It. I loved it, Jay said, Meh. (It helps if you're as addicted to cruciferous vegetables as I am. I would eat roast cauliflower in every meal. Or broccoli. Or brussel sprouts! YUM!)
  • Nachos, with (vegan) Chorizo, refried beans, our home-grown tomatoes, and the nacho cheez sauce from Bake + Destroy.

In case you missed it: 

  • This week we talked about money and enoughness and how to get going without any, on the blog, podcast, and email lesson. I got a lot of “thank you SO MUCH!” messages and a higher-than-usual amount of unsubscribes. Did you love it? Hate it? I'd love to know! (By the way, I don't plan on changing anything based on unsubs – I think they're a good metric of my success: I'm talking directly to my right people + the others aren't interested. Which is a good thing.)
  • The newest episode of the Handmade Podcast came out! I announced the only place to buy my yarn, if you've been hoping to snag it.

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share this week's adventures – the view, the gratitude and the news on Fridays. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Your Daily Adorbs. #catagram #taralovesmorningsEvery once in a while Johnson City looks downright adorable. (From last night's after dinner walk in the new park)
Jay's birthday cake: the absolutely most peanut buttery thing ever. Peanut Butter Pie, 4 ingredients. Recipe on the blog today. #whatveganseat
My favorite running weather: sun-dappled.    (Today I accidentally ran 5k, at a pace 1:10 faster than usual, thanks to my playlist.).   #foundwhilerunning
Today's @creativelive class with @craftypod inspired me to REALLY dig out the old t-shirts. This was in the VERY back, at the VERY top of the storage space.  This #quilting project now involves climbing and lifting.    Totally worth it. I now have shirts

After three days of trimming, interfacing & cutting I'm finally laying it out! I have just a few spots to fill in and then I'm ready to piece!   (Thanks to @craftypod'd class!)

I am so grateful for…

    • Diane fantastic t-shirt quilting class. It finally got our long-saved t-shirts out of storage and into an actual quilt! It was so nice to go through the stack together and remember all of our adventures.
    • Lovely morning runs.
    • The sweet, uplifting emails I get from podcast listeners. Apparently you're taking me to bed, and listening to it before you fall asleep or when you first wake up. I LOVE it.
    • AMAZING students. One crocheted her class notes:

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m eating: 

  • Peanut Butter Pie! 

As per your request, here's the recipe:

Mix 1 cup peanut butter, 1 package Tofutti Cream Cheese (or real cream cheese if you like), a half cup of soy whip (or cool whip), and 1/4 cup of powdered sugar. Whip until it's light a fluffy and fill a graham cracker crust. You can eat it right away, or pop it in the freezer for an hour or two, if you want an ice cream pie. I like it just off freezing, where it's cold, but soft.

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?



The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Beau knows what comes after a workout: PEANUT BUTTER shake.   #priorities
We stand in amazement at Troy's pizza skillz. #lilbros #notsolittle
Knitting socks with Teddy (& @mistydot). We're working on something great. Announcement soon!
Sooo excited to announce my newest, just-for-fun project: a crafty video podcast with @mistydot! We're talking knitting, dyeing, spinning, quilting and taking you with us to yarn shops & fiber festivals!  1 episode up with a new episode coming tomorrow &
Buying interfacing for @craftypod's T-shirt quilting class on @creativelive (tomorrow!) but Hancock's doesn't  make it easy.

I am so grateful for…

  • New projects
  • Big ideas
  • Making messy art
  • Letting go


The Finds:

I’m doing:

I'm quilting along with Diane yesterday and today – turning my old t-shirts into something snuggly! It's free to watch live, so join us here!

I’m eating: 

  • Pad Thai
  • Homemade pizzas! (Because someone always asks: Daiya mozzarella melts pretty well, but I'd rather skip the fake cheese and add LOTS of pesto)
  • Samosa Pot Pie from Bake + Destroy

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

The most decadent cupcake ever. #Vegan caramel-filled chocolate cupcakes topped with salted caramel buttercream dipped in toasted coconut. Samoa Joe cupcakes, my anniversary gift (everything from scratch, with the thousands of dishes to prove my love.)
Adorable & delicious all-#vegan cafe in the middle of West Virginia. Just what we needed  & we could sit outside with pup! I got a DANDELION latte, and it is GOOD.
Teaching 100+ alpaca farmers how to reach knitters & spinners (like us). SUCH a great group!
Yay! My knitting is in my first-ever project bag! Made by the fabulous @mistydot!
A great Southern, #vegan meal. Black eyed peas, greens, and marinated, baked tofu. #whatveganseat #yum
YAY. My fiber from @graceshalomhopkins arrived! #nofilter needed, it is GORGEOUS. #spinzilla #spinning

I am so grateful for…


The Finds:

I’m doing:

This week I joined Spinzilla! It inspired me to get out my dyepots and dye someroving from my mom's sheep, and I gave her a call to see if I could get more…and there's only ONE pound of white left and three pounds of gray. So if you wanted to get some small-farm roving, snag it here. (Before I do.)

I’m eating: 

  • So much good food on the road! Mission Savvy is all-vegan, in the middle of West Virginia (kind of a shock!); a (small) vegan menu at TJ's in Wooster, OH; a great breakfast at Spoon Market in downtown.
  • Tupelo Honey Cafe for our anniversary!
  • Ridiculous cupcakes: Samoa Joe cupcakes from Bake + Destroy = chocolate cupcakes filled with vegan coconut caramel, topped with salted caramel buttercream and rolled in toasted coconut. YEAH.

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?



The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

I did it! I finished the sweater I started in 2010!! I kept putting it away worried it wasn't working...but IT FITS!!  Featherweight cardigan in Malabrigo. I'll give you a better look at it soon.
Blueberry pancakes with blueberry syrup = my new obsession.  #yaysummer  (syrup =  blueberries microwaved with maybe 1/2 tsp maple syrup)  #blueberries #100happytaradays #vegan

I am so grateful for…

  •  A lovely hike in the Appalachians this weekend.
  • Making a new friend, a real friend that totally gets my crafty obsessions and propensity to talk too fast.
  • Blueberries! Basil! Local summer tastiness.
  • This fabulous surprise on the Rock + Purl podcast!

The Finds:

I’m finding:

I’m eating: 

  • More blueberry crumb bars. Don't judge. (From this book)
  • More pesto from my home-grown basil over gnocchi.
  • Ancho Lentil burritos.

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news each month – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

I got one great shot...before my phone died. Leaving me 2 mi from home with no way to get directions or call a car.  So grateful to the gal at @raredevice who downloaded Uber so I could log in and order one.  #taralovesadventure #butnotthatmuch
Who wants pesto? #basil #mygarden
Reason One Zillion I love @storiedyarns: she sent me the BEST card, right to the studio. Ah-mazing. #swigerlive
When life gives you a broken refrigerator and sad blueberries, make blueberry crumb bars.    (And then enjoy with a big mug of coffee  while waiting for the repair man.)  #taralovesmornings

I am so grateful for…

It's been a full July. I taught live, in front of over 5,000 students. I traveled across the country. My cat died. I didn't sleep for over 40 hours. Then I slept for 13 hours, three nights in a row. I took time off. I got a lot of work done. I had a zillion conversations with a bajillion interesting people. Jess sent me an awesomely encouraging card. Karen made me a beautiful dress. And I am grateful, for all of it.

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m eating: 

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

What I’m reading: July 2014

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can join the informal book club by sharing your own list in the comments and find all the posts here.
What I'm reading this month! Full list on Taraswiger.com/blog

What I read

  • Foodist, by Darya Rose – a good primer for anyone wanting to feel better about food
  • Mindset, by Carol Dweck – a LOT of research showing how your mindset (do you think people are capable of change?) matters in…everything.

I didn't get a lot of reading in this month, because I spent most of my time writing and editing my new class materials. This month I'm flying, so I hope to get more in!

What I’m reading

My new bookish obsession

About a  month ago (right when my workload was ramping up), I got obsessed with the idea of reading the Great Books – you know, the books that have formed the foundation of our culture, that teach us something about ourselves…those books that everyone else read in high school and college that I missed. (As a French Lit major I read MANY “classics”…in French. But I seemed to miss many of the English/American classics.) I scoured many Great Books list, and added the ones that seemed to show up the most (and that seem “great” to me). You can see my list of 102 Great Books here (some of which I've read, thank goodness!), but I'd love to hear from you – what are the most important books to how YOU see the world? Whether the Western Canon thinks they're “great” or not, what would be on your own Great Book list?

And also – what the heck should I do with this list now? Read through it in a year? Read one a month? Where would you begin?


My most-recommended books for your small business or life:

I've collected my most-recommended books in a list of 28 books in the Bibliography of my new course. This list is my answer to the question: Where do I start? And: How did you learn to..? I'm entirely self-taught via books, and these are the ones that have had the biggest impact in my own business business and life. You'll get the full bibliography when you purchase the course here.



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