Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

An Adventurous Life

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

I am so predictable the baristas warm my cup when I walk in.  Ritual: find a chair, write today's list, order coffee: Tall Komodo Dragon (brewed in The Clover) in a mug. And a big ice water. Add a dash of cream + cinnamon.   #taralovesmornings #everyday
You gotta love a downtown with a mountain view.
My go-to travel&teach outfit: @karinadresses wrap & Old Navy flats. (For when I drive for an hour+, teach for 2 hours, then drive home).
Love this quote from @Beverly_army13.  The Starship closes at 4pm EST today, don't hesitate to ask if you've got questions!

I am so grateful for…

  •  Coffee! This week has been a constant battle with my deadlines (and distraction). If I weren't slightly caffeinated, I don't think I'd be nearly finished with my CreativeLIVE class materials. (Here's what I drink at a coffeeshop, or at home)
  • The amazing Starship boarding! I've gotta double-check but I'm fairly certain this is our biggest boarding party ever. Either way, I'm delighted by the smart, clever makers beaming up.


The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m listening to:

I'm eating: 

  • Butternut Mac. It tastes nothing like mac+cheese, but non-vegans LOVE it. So so good.
  • Tempeh Chili (followed by chili dogs!)
  • Garlicky thyme-y marinated tempeh sandwiches, with roasted red pepper and greens on ciabatta. YUM.
  • Nut granola with almond milk and bueberries.

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

My $2/yd fabric. I went ahead and bought the whole 5 yards, so I have back-up.  Question: do you wash fabric before you sew clothes? (It's rayon, a crepe I think)
My adorable bunny-lover. (He saw the bunny, froze, then shook it off and started inside.) #bestdogever
Huzzah! Just opened The Starship for the quarter! So excited to meet who beams aboard.  All the details in the link in my profile. But ask me anything!   #starshipbiz
Morning glories are just so happy. (And they make me feel special, being up early enough to see them) Song of the Run: Do My Thing by Estelle, feat. Janelle Monae (This song is so great!) #foundwhilerunning #yaysummer #summerjam #running

I am so grateful for…


The Finds:

I’m reading:

  • I love that Pinch of Yum shares their monthly income report, but the best part is how the answer the question, “What does it take to make money blogging?”
  • Not much else! Spending all my time writing class materials + welcoming in new Starship Captains.

I’m eating: 

  • Pad Thai, of course!
  • BBQ tofu sammies + summer squash rice casserole (from Cookin Crunk.)
  • THIS was amazing. My lasagna noodles totally broke apart, so instead of rolls, it was more of a lasagna with pieces of noodles above and below a layer of DELICIOUS pesto-y vegan ricotta. Topped with more pesto. I could eat this every day.

I'm listening to: 
The Songs of Summer, since 1962 – this is a great playlist for summer-ing it up!

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Finally found peonies for sale! (Trader Joe's AVL) #nofilter because they don't need it! #peonies #yaysummer
This day never recovered, even after location change. The solution: knocked off early to get fabric. The fabric store never disappoints! #100happydays #100happytaradays

While Jay picked up his comics, I explored our tiny downtown.   I've been meaning to tell you: I downloaded the app Moves, and it's totally changed the way I think about waiting. I take a SHOCKINGLY low number of steps in my tiny home or working at coffee
Still obsessed with #peonies. #yaysummer

Embroidery done by my great-grandma, hanging in my mom's studio. Grandma knew how to put a bird on it.   (Also used in Mom's logo: bluebirdlegacy on Etsy).

I am so grateful for…

  • A lovely weekend with my family, exploring Nashville
  • The Moves app, it's totally changing my days
  • Clarity of purpose. Is there anything better than knowing that you're doing what you should be doing?
  • The patience of Jay, Mom, and my friends while I freak out over what I'll wear (and how I'll do my hair) for my CreativeLIVE class. It's so obviously the least important aspect, and yet the one I talk about the most often.


The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m eating:
(I share my favorite meals as they happen, on Instagram. Since there's always at least one person who wants the recipe…here they are!)

In case you missed it: 

  • I had a great conversation with Mei, of Tiny Hands, about how she got her work on a popular TV show (and in many magazines and blogs!)
  • Next week I'm sharing a much-requested (free!) mini-course on How to Say No. Get the whole thing in a handy PDF (with worksheets!) here.

What adventures have you had?


PS. The beautiful embroidery of birds, above, was made by my great-grandma. You can see the whole thing in the header of my mom's shop here. (Did you know you can get wool from her sheep?)

What I’m reading: June 2014

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can join the informal book club by sharing your own list in the comments and find all the posts here.

Here's what I'm reading  this month! (Details on the blog.)   What are you reading?

What I read

The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg – This was so great! I find myself applying this to my own life and my work with clients already! I highly recommend it!

Hyperbole and a Half, by Allie Brosh – This is hilarious (dogs!) and poignant (a great description of depression).

The Eventual Millionaire: How Anyone Can Be an Entrepreneur and Successfully Grow Their Startup, by Jamie Tardy – Despite the title, this book is less about being a millionaire and more about starting a business and growing, based on how millionaires have done it. I tend to avoid “get rich” books, and this book is far from it. Jamie has a great podcast with interesting interviews, and she's taken all she's learned and turned it into a great getting-started guide.

Sitcom: A History in 24 Episodes from I Love Lucy to Community – As a kid, I feel completely in love with I Love Lucy and Lucille Ball. We got all of the shows from the library, and then I read all of her biographies. Friends was our Thursday Night standing Roomate Date. So when I spotted this book at the library, I had to grab it. With it's look at sitcoms from I Love Lucy through Friends all the way to Community (which I love) was a fun (if somewhat nerdily academic read.)


What I'm reading

How about you? What are you reading? 

 Disclaimer-y Disclaimer!  Or course I’m biased when my friends write a book, but I don’t mention things I don’t like. Read the usual disclaimer here.

On my 32nd birthday

Rocking the bangs & the pink sweaters & the flyaway hair way back in...86? I think I'm 4ish. #tbt

It's my birthday! Yay!

It's become a kind of tradition that I reflect back on the last year + share what I've learned (and accomplished) each year on my birthday.
Finally cold enough for tights, sweater, shawl. #yayfall
Of course, I always do this on my own, for myself (I talk about that more in tomorrow's episode)…but I also share it here for two reasons:

  1. It takes time.
    I think that, when you're looking at anyone's life and business from the outside, it's easy to miss just how long it took them. (More on that here). By sharing the last year (and a quick brief on the years before), I hope that it helps you see that everyone's growth goes slowly, piece by piece.
  2. Celebration is important.
    It's more socially acceptable (and comfortable!) to be modest, humble and self-effacing…to the point where we skip over acknowledging our accomplishments and move on to the next thing. (Claudine and I chatted about just this!) But celebration is important – it keeps you going, it reminds you of your awesomeness, and it builds your confidence so you try the next thing. Since I build my work around encouraging others to celebrate, I have to do it myself in order to have integrity. It's my hope that, as uncomfortable as this may make me, it serves as a model for your OWN celebration.

Auditioning all-over pink for Boston trip. Will it last the whole week? (This after 3 washes). #hmm

A look back…

Last year, I reflected that you never know where a tiny step is going to take you

Two years ago, I shared my secret of success. Then I started leading in-person workshops, finished two quilts, and explored my enthusiasm. I trained for (and ran!) a 5k
Three years ago, I explained why I was giving it all away and opened the Starship. The following year I got a book deal, wrote my book, and gave my first live speech. It was a sparkly year, full of firsts + traveling + feeling like a rock star.
Four years ago, I welcomed you to this site. The following year I moved from individual classes to building a community for makers, and got my first “big” client. My house was broken into (multiple times) and we moved suddenly into a 10×10 room, with all our stuff in storage, for 3 months. It was a rough year, but by my birthday I was feeling brave.
Five years ago, I was at the beach, about to quit my dayjob. That year I became self-employed, and opened a yarn shop (and quickly closed it, when I recognized that I wasn't having fun). It was a year of boldly following my enthusiasm through fear.
Six years ago, I was working full-time in an office, making yarn at nights and weekends, growing my business.
Seven years ago, I was teaching and dyeing custom colors for a local yarn store.
Eight years ago, I was managing a paint-your-own-pottery studio, beginning to dye yarn, but hadn't even dreamed of starting a yarn company.

After missing the first day and a half of the beach thanks to the flu, I'm that much more thankful to finally be in the sea air. #windy

This year, I feel like I fully let my enthusiasm become by business advisor and I doubled the Starship membership, opened the Solo Mission, and created 4 new digital workshops.
Later, Boston. See you tonight. xoxo, your new girlfriend.
I also got brave + bold with my in-person teaching: I taught at the national trade show for the knitting industry (!) in San Diego (and learned an important lesson), two workshops in Boston, at community colleges and arts councils around North Carolina, and signed a contract to teach with CreativeLIVE. I dedicated myself to helping you explore your Enthusiasm, by hosting the Exploration Party in July and by starting a podcast (Explore Your Enthusiasm) last month. Oh, and I totally redesigned by whole website.

Moms new Christmas quilt, on top of last year's Christmas quilt. #nofilter #pennypatchqal

I found a good balance between work and play- I finished 2 quilts (and started 2 more), I started painting and I picked knitting back up.

Emerald Isle quilt

But I definitely made less this year than others, because I spent a lot more time outdoors: I ran my first 10k, in the Redwoods (and of course, trained for it most of the winter).

Hiked 4 miles to swim at the falls (& then 4 miles back. Oof).

I went to the Outer Banks with my extended family, took a roadtrip with a college roommate, watched the sun set on my brother's boat, visited my dad twice, celebrated a friend's wedding, and met a whole host of students, friends and fellow biz explorers during my travels. Jay and I spent endless evenings snuggled in with great food and our favorite TV shows.

More from my goodbye to the Oceanside Pier yesterday, because pretty. (& running though CLT requires pretty).
There were, of course, less-than-awesome moments. Beau had a weird growth on his mouth, that required several hundreds of dollars in vet visits (and one surgery)…to discover it's just an bacterial overgrowth of skin and nothing to be worried about. There were misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and one friend-break-up (Jay's). There was hope and possibility, disappointment and impatience.
The rain is busy pelting the petals off the trees, so I wanna remember this moment in last week's run. #yayspring #foundwhilerunning

But really, when I look back, I can't remember much about the bad, sad, or exhausting. I remember the beautiful spring runs, the seabreeze, the hugs, conversation, smiles, and gigglefits. I remember the moments when I felt loved or understood. I remember that this was a year full of love and opportunities.

And that's all I can hope for the coming year.

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.


The view

I stopped to smell the roses (literally) and found a tiny nest in the rose bush! #foundwhilerunning

I was awoken by this face burrowing into my armpit. #taralovesmornings
Today is a two-cups of coffee, two-screens day. Holding a (surprise! bonus!) Q&A for Customer Path students...and the classroom software is totally down.
These 2 are unconcerned with the swinging weight above their heads. #totaltrust #fitstagram

Beau knows there's *something* here...(see the bunny at the far top, center?)

I am so grateful for…

  • Jessica! My Number One makes the endless amount of worksheets + class material I create possible + pretty + error-free.
  • Your sweet replies to this week's lesson! So many Thank Yous, made my whole week.
  • A great conversation with Mei, which you'll hear on the podcast in 2 weeks.
  • Patience when my classroom stopped working for an entire day. I very nearly lost my head. And then I didn't. So I'm grateful for that tiny bit of progress accepting Things I Can't Control.

The Finds:

I'm reading

I'm eating

What adventures did you have this week?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

These peonies slay me. #nofilter #foundwhilerunningGrowth. #foundwhilerunning
The Watauga Arts Council in Boone, NC is lovely, with smart & clever artists!  Had a great workshop!
Celebratory solo dinner, at the first place I ever had Thai. #yum
Second strawberry-based meal of the day. #nofilter #strawberrycrazy #whatveganseat #taralovesmornings

I am so grateful for…

  • Strawberries! I could eat them (and I maybe have eaten them) every day, in every meal.
  • A lovely workshop at a great Arts Council.
  • I'm happiest when I'm creating usefulness + this week I've received piles of confirmation that I'm truly helping. So grateful to feel like I'm doing my best work!

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m eating: 

In case you missed it: 

My newest class, with includes a super-rare live Q+A call closes TODAY. Join us!


What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Mother's Day Brunch. #yum
The beginnings of brussels fried rice. (Via @isachandra) #sogood #vegan
My darling is fine! Waiting on biopsy results, but happy & clueless.
It's the MOST wonderful time! Of the yearrrr! Strawberry season! #yayspring #whatveganseat

I am so grateful for…

  • A safe procedure for Beau. (And being able to pay for it, because whoa.)
  • A lovely Mother's Day weekend!
  • My mother-in-law – today's her birthday! Happy birthday, Rhonda!
  • The smooth launch of the new class (even better – people are joining! yay!)
  • Massive inspiration – I wrote more than 3000 words in just a few hours!

The Finds:

I’m loving:

I’m eating: 

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?


The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

I lovelove the PacNW. And my pals there.   And I'm totally delighted to be home to work & snuggle & eat home food. #boldlygo #andthenrestI had a lovely & inspiring lunch with @craftypod & K yesterday...but I didn't remember take a picture of anything except my pie from Random Order. Strawberry rhubarb. Delicious.The Redwoods were completely amazing. Thanks so much for all your sweet encouragement!This is the farthest away he's let me get all day. #missedme #homesweethome

I am so grateful for…

  • Hugging Kylie, Diane, Velma, college friends and family.
  • An easy and fun run – the longest of my life!
  • The flow of an easy trip. We were on the road a lot, and there's plenty that could have gone wrong (and a few things that did!), but I'm grateful for safety, friends, and flow.
  • Ongoing successes that I get to be a tiny part of – from Solo Mission-ers + book readers + students. Nothing is as cheering as getting an email from someone reaching their goal!

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m eating: 

  • I made these amazing cookies for my mom for Mother's Day
  • Jay made great tempeh nuggets (he douses his in hot sauce) with mac + cheese
  • Lots of road food in the PacNW.

In case you missed it: 


What adventures have you had?

What I’m Reading: May 2014

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can join the informal book club by sharing your own list in the comments and find all the posts here
What I'm reading


What I read

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook, by Gary Vaynerchuk.

Quilting with a Modern Slant, by Rachel May.

Devotion: A Memoir, by Dani Shapiro

Gods in Alabama, by Joshilyn Jackson


What I’m reading

FaceTime, by S.J Pajonas (interview with her here)

The Art of Learning, by Josh Waitzkin

The Power of Habit, by Charles Duhigg

The Obstacle is the Way, by Ryan Holiday


How about you? What are you reading? 

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