This week's podcast is live! Talking about my favorite question to your marketing floundering: Where does it fit on your Customer Path?

How customers find you, fall in love, and choose to buy = your Customer Path.

In today's podcast episode, we talk about what it is, what you already have and how to start improving it.

A “Customer Path” is a framework to think about your marketing. Once you think through your message and your goals from your own point of view (like we do in the book), you need to shift and think about how this all fits together for your ideal customer. What do they come in contact with first? Where do they go next?

This is how you turn a casual reader (or random googler) into a customer, and then a raving fan.

This framework will help you know:

The good news: you already have a Customer Path! Your job, your responsibility is to make it as easy and effective as possible, both to boost your own sales AND to provide service to your customers (they want to know how to find out more!)

In the podcast I share some questions to get you started in your own Customer Path building and a list of 5 things to remember as you map out your own Customer Path.

If you'd like to build your Customer Path, increase it's effectiveness, and get clear on how you make sales, join the brand new class: From Hi to Buy: Craft a Customer Path.

Links I mention: 

How to listen

Your Turn!

What does your Customer Path look like right now? Are there gaps? Cliffs? Too many options? 

What are you going to do this week to make it clearer (and thus, more efficient)?

If you don't know the answer to that question, sign up for my FREE marketing e-course:



1 Comment on The secret to turning readers into buyers

  1. Lisa Press
    May 15, 2014 at 1:10 pm (10 years ago)

    This morning, you not only made my morning and made my day, but you made my week. I started the morning a bit anxious about my business and started sewing with your podcasts in the background and was soon so happy that I had found someone who knew so many of the things I was thinking and was able to shed light where I had hit a block.

    I’m signing up for your customer path class and cannot wait.