Put on your party hat and press play on the playlist – The Starship is now boarding new captains!

This happens just four times a year, and only lasts about a week (we're already half full, so I'll close the transporter after another 5 cadets). If you've been hanging around here for a while and would like to see what it's all about, go here.
(If you'd like to be reminded before it closes, you can sign up here.)

Today I want to celebrate the Boarding Party by sharing what The Starship is really great at. You see, The Starship is not just me.  It's a whole community of clever, hilarious business explorers who show up for you – they answer your questions, cheer you on, and celebrate (and tweet) your newest products. I am quite surprised by what The Starship has become in it's 2+ years, it's entirely different than what I expected.

Honestly, The Starship can be hard to talk about. For starters, it's not what I expected. It's more communal and far more encouraging than I could have planned. But it's also that, just like you, talking about how amazing my thing is feels weird. I'd rather you just experience it and then tell me how much you love it. I'd rather not have the spotlight on me, I'd rather highlight what you are doing . And the last reason that it's hard to talk about is that the success of the Captains is entirely their own. Yes, The Starship helps you get where you want to go…but you have to do the work. You have to implement (and reiterate). So I never want to claim the successes without first celebrating the person who did all the work!

But! Every week I challenge the Starship Captains to get really clear about what makes their thing special, and then share it with the people who will love it. I'm finally taking my own challenge and experimenting with being really bold in declaring: This is what we do well (and this why you'll love it).


The Starship…

reminds you of your successes. I think of The Starship (and my role in it) as a vessel of celebration (pun intended!). It holds our joys and our challenges and, when we need it most it, The Starship reminds us of what we're capable of.

shares expertise. Whether you're writing a press release or looking for the right platform for your next product, we've got members that have done everything from knitwear design to Public Relations, from self-publishing to traditional publishing. If you've got a question, we've either got the answer, or can find a resource that does.

equips you to reach your goals. Whether your goal is about your income, your direction, or the way you work – we have a library full of tools to help you first get clear on your goal, and then work towards it. The most important thing is that you're going where you want to go, not just where you think you should go.

holds you gently accountable. Once you've got your destination, we check in regularly to make sure you're moving towards it. But this isn't imposing or judging – you let us know what you want to accomplish in the next week, and then you show up to let us know if you did it or not. If you've met or exceeded your plan, we throw confetti and celebrate. If you've fallen short and are feeling bad, we encourage you. We remind you of your past successes.


If this sounds wonderfully appealing, you can read more about The Starship (and join!) here.


Your turn!

Make a list for your own product or service. What does it really do for the buyer? And then share it with the people who will love it!


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