Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

An Adventurous Life

The adventures

Every week is an adventure. On Fridays I share my adventures via images + notes, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

Finished block! This isn't as scary as I thought! #paperpiecing
"The feeling that the work is magnificent, and the feeling that it is abominable, are both mosquitos to be repelled, ignored, or killed, but not indulged." Annie Dillard says so. (True of any work, I think)
Andre doesn't seem to understand that I need to move the quilt in order to bind it.
Finished square! Yay! (For Believe circle of do. Good -finished quilt will go to foster kid!) #paperpiecing #quilting

The Path

Best Moment of the Week: Hearing that Jay got the new job he's longed for!


  • Even though I'm not really taking a break this August (I'm preparing for Explore You, teaching 2 live workshops with HIA, and our anniversary and Jay's birthday!), I am taking part in Susannah Conway's August Break. This means I'll be taking a photo every day this week, sharing it Instagram  and right here on this blog. Some days they'll be accompanied by words, sometimes not. If you subscribe to the blog posts, this means you'll be getting a few more than usual. You can always update your settings to just get the weekly lesson (always a totally new, not-on-the-blog lesson for your creative biz), if you don't want all those blog posts. You can see all the August Break photos with the hashtag #AugustBreak2013. Join me?


  • Another photo idea/challenge that I've been pondering is Becky Higgins' Stories of Home. It's a great reminder to snap all the tiny places around your house that you love, right now.


  • I've overjoyed at the response to our new Meet-Up map! If you wanna meet local explorers (we're a crafty, geeky, wordy bunch), add your town here. To be a part of the map, you need to click “Get updates” over in the left sidebar, after you've clicked on your city. This does NOT mean you have to plan something, just that you're saying: Hi! I'm here! (I heartily suggest that you add also yourself to the nearest bigger city, if you're willing to go there for a meet-up or class.)


  • I did my first paper-piecing this week! I made two 12″ blocks for the Believe quilting circle, using Fresh Lemon's Starry Night block. So much easier than I imagined (even if my points aren't quite perfect) and it's amazing to know the finished quilt will go to a foster kid.



This makes me very very happy: What it means to be a nerd, by Wil Wheaton:

My own support solution

Breakfast. (For now.) #augustbreak2013
In the last 2 weeks we've been exploring support. This was inspired by the lessons I've been learning about what kind of bra my business needs, and questions from Starship Captains. As usual, it wasn't just enough to read what other people say about support, I had to explore what it meant for, and to, me. I explored what I need, the different options, getting support at home, and thinking about my entire support network – the the books I read, the classes I take, the Starship (both accountability + encouragement), and my daily schedule.

After all this exploration, I decided to make two big decisions in my business. I want to share them with you today, not because I've got it figured out, but so that you can see what explorations lead to in my own business.

1. I hired my first ever person.

Well, she's actually not the first person I've ever hired (I used to hire + fire + manage a staff of 12-20 at the pottery studio)…but she's the first person I've ever hired to work in my OWN business.

Please welcome Jess, my new Number One!
So how did I come to hire Jess? Part of my exploration involved listing absolutely everything I do in my business – the daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, even yearly tasks, along with everything that goes into a class, a collaboration, a book. And from that big list I could spot a bunch of things that:

a. I put off because I hate, which slows down the momentum of a project I love.
b. I don't actually have to do.

And now Jess is going to do them! Happily, because she actually doesn't hate them! (Also, as she pointed out in the first week, her relationship to the tasks is totally different when it's in someone else's business. Everything is a lot less loaded with fear and apprehension and ohmygoshwhatifnoonebuysit?)

In case you're wondering…

  • I love my inbox. I love the emails you send me. If you hit reply to one of my emails, to share your joys or sorrows, I will be delighted to get to know you. I reply to every email, so don't be shy!
  • I do not love figuring out tech glitches. So if you sign up for a class and have problems logging in, downloading or dealing with the technology involved, your email will go to vulcan@taraswiger.com and Jess will help you find the answer!
  • When it comes to money, I'm still dealing with all of it, for your privacy's sake. So if you request a special payment plan for the Starship or you buy 100 signed books, I'm the only one that knows. I want to make sure you never feel embarrassed to ask for what you need.
  • I write everything. Writing is my #1 favorite activity (and the heart of my entire business), so the blog, emails, and tweets are all written by me, forever and always.
  • I desperately need editing help. I did a quick tally and this week alone (with only 1 blog post, 2 newsletters, and 2 transcripts for the new class), she caught over TWENTY typos and just-plain-weird sentences. I am deciding not to be embarrassed about this and instead be delighted that I'm only embarrassing myself in front of one person, instead of a thousand.

2. I need in-person connection.

The second lesson I learned about support is that I'm getting ALL of it in just two places: online + my family.

It's so easy for me to get emotional support from you, my dear online friends. And while that has served me well, and you have kept me inspired and challenged, I find myself craving some in-person connections. With people I'm not related to. (In my defense, we are related to over 40 people in a 20 mile radius. So that's quite a lot of people.)

This week Jay got a new job (yay!) which means I need to finally shelve my fantasies of moving to Asheville and meeting Patti + Matt and becoming best friends. It means I need to really settle in here (after, um, 6 years?) and make friends. (Phew! This is so hard for me to write! I'm afraid you'll think I'm a friendless freak!)

My solution is two-fold: I'm going to go to every vegan and knitting and book meet-up and roller derby and…{I could use some ideas for where else to meet my kind of people?} AND I'm going to move this Exlorer party into the offline world.

After hearing that so many of you also have trouble meeting local people, I realized I'm not alone in needing a little help with this. And although most of you aren't close to me…you are close to each other. If we're all on the same page of being more introverted while also being explorers of our own handmade businesses, then it's likely (and I've certainly found this to be true when I've met you in person), you'll like each other (or at least have more in common than the people at your chamber of commerce's networking event!)

This (meeting local people) can be an adventure we go on together! I can (maybe) make it easier for you!

I created a map where you – wherever you are – can join!
You can use the map to meet explorers in your area. You don't have to wait for me to come to your town to organize a meet-up and find fellow adventurers. Just join here.
And of course, when I come to town, I can let you know and we can have a coffee date with everyone in your area!

All you have to do to start the process of forming a meetup is to say that you’re interested in having one near you. You can join a city that is already created or add your own. If enough folks are interested, you can choose a location and meet. It’s that simple.

I've already started on for my upcoming trip to Boston, which you can find here.

(I'm totally new to this map thing, so I'm not sure how it's going to end up working! If you're the first person in your town, just click “start a new community in {your town}”)


So! Those are my two big changes in business (life)!

Do you have any questions about either?


How about you?

Where are you finding support?





The Adventures

Every week is an adventure. I share my adventures via images + notes, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

Cat nap.
Morning, glory! #foundwhilerunning #nofilter    (#plankaday = :35 & :30)

What's a girl to do, stuck at home without computer? Recover a pillow with narwhals, obviously.

The Finds

Best Moment of The Week: Receiving an email on Monday, from Katie of Yarn Love. You can read the entire email here (or at the very top of the page here.)

I've been looking forward to reading Homeward Bound, so I was interested in the excerpt in Salon. I was bummed to discover that it left me cold. It's well written and interesting, but the whole premise of “New Domesticity” is so based on the urban, upper-class woman as to be totally outside of my own experience of craftiness and homemaking.  In my family, even my extended in-law family, located in the corn fields of rural Ohio and the mountains of Appalachia – this is just how we do things. My dad (the most “urban” of my family, in Southern California), just harvested and canned over 120 lbs of tomatoes. An ex-Marine, 50 year old Harley rider – he's hardly trendy. Despite being one of those crafty 30-somethings who bake because it's fun, I'm bewildered at the author's  telling (at least in this excerpt) of this bougie “trend”.


And now for something I loved reading: Stay on the bus. Found via Kim, this is just a fantastic reminder to keep going, even when you feel like you're not “unique” enough.


After years of being the “breadwinner” of the family, I really love finding other women who are willing to talk about. This post on Sweet Fine Day is beautifully honest.


My college roomie (and dear friend!) Allison lost her dad to cancer 5 years ago. I'll be sharing more of her story soon, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm donating 10% of ALL of my sales (of the new class, the signed books, Map-Making Guide) to her Obliteride (wherein 100% of donations go towards cancer research), until she rides on August 9. Donate directly here. 


What did you discover in your adventures this week?


The power of choosing (and quilts)

This week, as we've been map making in the Starship, I've been thinking about my own goals, and my investment into the belief that This Is What Works.


Even though I'm always exhorting you find what works for you. Even though I'm always reminding you that what works for someone might not work for you…there a few things that I stand by as Good For Just About Everyone. Map-Making is one of them. Not because you need to grow. Not because you need to do more.

But simply because, this is what's bumming you out.

When you feel like you're not going anywhere, when you feel like you “never finish anything” (a phrase I hear a lot!), the problem usually can be boiled down to one thing: you don't have a direction. All of your dreams and hopes and ideas live in the puffy land of One Day. And so you beat yourself up, you feel bad, you don't think you know/act/ARE enough.

And, darling, that's just not true.


You are enough. Brave enough to follow your dream. Strong enough to do the hard work. Smart enough to make the big decisions.


The reason you're stuck is because you don't know which way to turn. So, by making a map, you pick a direction. You just pick one. ANY direction is fine as long as you start making movement towards it. The Map doesn't care what your destination is. The power is in CHOOSING. Choosing to focus yourself. Choosing a path. Choosing to figure out what will get you there. Choosing to take action. Choosing to honor your dream by making it do-able.


Once you get in the habit if taking consistent action toward your hopes, you might not need a map, you might be able to wake up each day and just do what you need to do, without creating some big plan.

Then again, you might be the kind of person (like me!) who likes to have milestones to reach, who likes to set crazy challenges to test what you're capable of.

And that brings us to what I really planned to write about today – my crazy quilt goal. Last March I decided to try to finish 6 quilts in 2013. I joined the Finish-a-long to keep me on track. Last quarter I hoped to finish two..but I only completed one. This quarter I want to finish the two I've started and get as far as possible on a brand new quilt.

Here's the two I've got so far:

Red trip

(You can read more details here)

I am so close to being done! I just have 8-10 short hand-quilting rows left! I'll share all the details when it's done!


Blooms & Dots

This is another collaboration with my mom. We each picked 9 fabrics, cut them in strips, and are piecing all 18 fabrics into our own tops. I'm still not 100% sure on my layout, but I have a 40″x40″ panel done so far.



What are you choosing this week?

What's the goal you're working towards right now?




The story of a quilt: Emerald Isle

Four years ago, my family rented a house in the Outer Banks, on Emerald Isle, NC. My mom and I both brought fabrics in shades of blues and greens (without knowing what the other would bring).



We pieced together strips, without having a definite plan. We thought we'd have enough to make one quilt, but we were delighted to discover with an added border, we had plenty for 2 tops!

And that's where progress ended. We went home, put the strips away…and let it marinate for over two years. Last summer while I was visiting for a weekend, mom pulled the strips back out and all of a sudden: we were ready. We picked our own fabric for borders and the back and we had my top and back pieced together by the end of the weekend.


And so I took my quilt sandwich home with me, in hopes of finishing hand-quilting it by this year's trip back to Emerald Isle.

I quilt mostly on the couch, while watching TV or movies with Jay, after work. When we have a road trip ahead of us, I'll even quilt while riding!




Four years after our last trip, four years after we started the quilt, we returned to the island, with the finished quilts in hand! Here's mine, front & back:



This quilt is the first in my quest to finish 6 quilts in 2013. To stay on track, I'm participating in the 2013 Finish-along, and you can read about my goal for this quarter here (I'm just a bit behind). Take a minute to admire the other Q2 Quilts in the FAL on She Can Quilt.

Oh! And here's Mom's!



The Adventures

Every week is an adventure. I share my adventures via images + notes, and you're invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.


Last minute warning! The Starship closes tonight! Beam up here.


The view

Mom just me this. Pretty much our best family photo. Ever.
You can't forget this step of packing. #catsofinstagram
Goodbye, ocean. #smooches
Our next collaborative quilt. #bloomsanddots
Our digs for the week.

The Path

  • I am bubbling with excitement for my upcoming to trip to Boston! I'm planning a series of workshops around the city (each with a different focus + a prize for everyone who comes to all of them!) and the registration for the first one just opened. I'll be teaching how to develop and FILL a class where you can share your creative skills (painting, knitting, writing!) at Cabot Street Studios, thanks to an invitation from Ana. (Want me to teach in your city? Shoot me a note and let's plan something!)



  • The highlight of the week is overwhelmingly the responses I got to this email. I've added a few of the stories (with permission) to the Love + Praise page.


  • The second best thing of the week? My FOURTH self-employment anniversary! I celebrated here + with my own quarterly review and planning (I use this mini-book + Leonie's Money Game (which you can find in her Business course here or as part of the Academy))





I plan to spend the rest of my weekend snuggled up with this stack of books. You?

Explorer Club of Book Lovers – July!

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I’ll share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can share your list of books in the comments, or we can talk about any of the books that you want to read along with me.
Sharing my July book list on the blog! #linkinprofile #reading

What I read in June

I can't believe I hadn't read The Handmaid's Tale before now. I was amazed by how modern this story of a distopian future felt (right in line with the Hunger Games and Divergent, with a young female narrator navigating a not-so-distant future). If you think much about women's rights, this book will delight (and frighten) you.

Just like Divergent, I gulped down Insurgent in one weekend. Fun and face-paced, I can't wait for the final part of the series!

I was super-honored to be an early reader for my friend Kyeli's new book about loss and motherhood, Time and Again. If you've ever struggled with fertility or wanted to save your younger self, you'll enjoy it! (Crying alert! I bawled my eyes out!)

Also read:
The Great Gatsby
Loving What Is


July's To Read List


(For more reading inspiration, visit the comments of June'sMay'sApril's, and March's book club.)


What are you reading this month?

What was your favorite book of June?



Please note! I’m an affiliate for Amazon, which means I get book money if you buy through the links I’ve used here. (So far, I've earned enough for half of a book, or one grande soy latte.) GoodReads is a free tool for tracking what you read. I read all of these books via my library, which I strongly recommend!

The Adventures

Every week is an adventure. I share my adventures via images + notes, and you're invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.
Trumpeting. #foundwhilerunning

Handquilting with the pup and The Doctor and the little bros.

Standing on the dam. #appalachiantrail

Jammie Dodgers & The Doctor. #happysaturday

Prioritizing enthusiasm: today I painted before doing the To Do list. #tdoybook (more about enthusiasm on the blog)

So so happy with my basil! Pesto this weekend! #containergarden #yum

Yay! The rest of my yarn for Staccato arrived. #staccatokal


Savoring…pesto from my homegrown basil


Quilting…with bright red thread

Exploring…the Appalachian Trail around Watauga Lake

Celebrating…a succesful class that the students loved

Trying…Jammie Dodgers with The Doctor

Preparing…to open the Starship next week

Planning…at least two workshops in Boston, in September (!!)

Listening…to Icona Pop

Watching… (hopefully!)  Before Midnight


How about you? 


Explorer Club of Book Lovers – June

I follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I’ll share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can share your list of books in the comments, or we can talk about any of the books that you want to read along with me.

June's reading list. More books &  info today at TaraSwiger.com

This was a weird reading month, because I had whole, uninterrupted days to read (yay!), followed by a long week with my visiting brother (love him!), where I didn't pick a book for several days (so weird!).

Here's what I read, from May's list:

I swallowed Divergent in one glorious weekend gulp. Completely fun and engaging. I have Insurgent on the list for this

Contagious was a great investigation of what makes things (any thing!) spread and become known. The author studies (and develops a kind of equation) what I was trying to express in my book, in the section on making your work shareable. If you want to increase the sharability of your work, I highly recommend this book.

Lean In was much better than I expected. I wrote a review of it on GoodReads that sparked some Twitter conversation. The short version: A woman's work life is influenced by a number of things, many of which are under the surface and out of view (social and cultural norms). By bringing these influences to the surface, Sandberg wants to make it easier for you to make a real decision, with all of the facts in front of you. She's not on one side or the other of the mommy wars (and neither am), she just wants to talk about your options. When (if?) I have kids, I'll be talking about my own choices honestly with ya'll, and I look forward to exploring the range of experiences we have in our community.
(If you want a book to reaffirm your decision to work after children, The Feminine Mistake comes down pretty hard on that side. I read it 6 years ago, so I'm a little fuzzy on it, but I remember liking it. If you're choosing another way, you'll probably want to avoid it.)

(I also read The Paris Wife and Tattoos on the Heart, both great!)

June's To Read List

The list is a bit shorter this month, because I'm hanging out for a week my littlest brothers (12 + 14) and I'm spending a week at the beach with my extended family. If I learned anything last month, it's that I really can't pick up a think-y book after a day of interaction. (For more on my introvert needs, read Quiet)

  • The Great Gatsby – yes, I read it in High School, but Jay didn't, so we're both reading it this summer. I'm excited to talk about it with him! (on GoodReads, also on Craftlit – which I recommend if you wanna sound supersmart)
  • Insurgent – because Divergent was fun! (on Goodreads)
  • Paradox of Choice – I often suggest that Captains strip their offerings down to few choices…and this book has the science on why.
  • A Walk in the Woods – we've been exploring bits of the Appalachian Trail near us, so I'm looking to reading more about it. (For a lovely tail of long-trail hiking, you can't beat Wild.)

(For more reading inspiration, visit the comments of May's, April's, and March's book club.)

What are you reading this month?

What was your favorite book of May?




Please note! I’m an affiliate for Amazon, which means I get book money if you buy through the links I’ve used here. (So far, I've earned enough for half of a book, or one grande soy latte.) GoodReads is a free tool for tracking what you read. I read all of these books via my library, which I strongly recommend!



You’ve come a long way, baby.

At the garden center, amongst my kindreds.

Today is my birthday, and I'm feeling reflective. Turning 30 last year rocked my world, as I looked back at my 20s and realized how perfect and beautiful and hard and unknown it all was. This year, I'm ready to share a bit of that reflection with you, to encourage you that really, you never know.
The bold unfurl carefully. #foundwhilerunning

You don't know what hobby you pick up today that will change your life in 2 or 5 or 10 years. You don't know what move you'll later write a book about. You don't know what the first step will be, so you just take the next step in front of you.
Hello Atlantic. #brothersisteradventure

Here are some of my own steps:

Last year I shared my secret of success.
Two years ago, I explained why I was giving it all away and opened the Starship. The following year I got a book deal, wrote my book, and gave my first live speech. It was a sparkly year, full of firsts + traveling + feeling like a rock star.
Three years ago, I welcomed you to this site. The following year I moved from individual classes to building a community for makers, and got my first “big” client. My house was broken into (multiple times) and we moved suddenly into a 10×10 room, with all our stuff in storage, for 3 months. It was a rough year, but by my birthday I was feeling brave.
Four years ago, I was at the beach, about to quit my dayjob. That year I became self-employed, and opened a yarn shop (and quickly closed it, when I recognized that I wasn't having fun). It was a year of boldly following my enthusiasm through fear.
Five years ago, I was working full-time in an office, making yarn at nights and weekends, growing my business.
Six years ago, I was teaching and dyeing custom colors for a local yarn store.
Seven years ago, I was managing a paint-your-own-pottery studio, beginning to dye yarn, but hadn't even dreamed of starting a yarn company.

So happy my TARDIS shawl dried in time for today's workshop. Made getting up at 5:30 am a bit easier.


In this last year, I've gotten (mostly) over my fear of public speaking and have given more in-person workshops. I've celebrated my first book royalties + held a read-along. I focused on connection. I visited the redwoods, the Oregon Coast, a Dalek, and the sunrise over the Atlantic (just last week!).
Wearing a few hundred bright colors for my #brothersisteradventure.

I discovered Dr. Who. I collected Starship-stories and doubled enrollment. I experimented. I said goodbye to a grandpa. I celebrated commitment. I finished two quilts, printed pictures, and explored my enthusiasm. I (finally!) invested in my website. I trained for (and ran!) a 5k (I lost 15 lbs). I hugged baby sheep. I got honest about the awsesome. I just (this week) started painting.


5 video lessons, 5 hair & wardrobe changes...and I'm done! #emailsforconnectionclass #comingsoon

I also cried, freaked out, and got a big IRS bill (all unphotographed). I ate great meals, and I burnt or mis-spiced at least 20 dinners. I got overwhelmed + took Introvert Recovery Days. I lost my temper + apologized. I shipped orders late. I gave up without trying hard enough. I completely lost it at the doctor's office. I didn't call my family enough. I let myself compare my work (and my family) too often.

My newly-knit hat is a liiiitle more rasta than I had planned. #butperfectlypink


As I look over this list (and the collection of photographic evidence of it all), I am overwhelmingly…grateful.
To you, my readers and fellow explorers, supporters + encouragers, question-askers + email-buddies. Also to my publisher, co-teachers, students, and book-buyers. And of course my sweet family + far-off friends. And…and I'm grateful for the my own courage and daring, for going on these adventures, for facing my fears, for connecting, for reading, for taking the time, for taking the photos, for forgiving myself and others.

Thank you.

Thank you for being here, for reading, commenting, buying.
Thank you for sharing your own adventures on your blogs, social media and Instagram. Thank you for writing and photographing and boldly going.
Thank you for your bravery, and for witnessing mine.


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