Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

Searching for "say no"

Be a professional

Be a Professional

Last week I read several great posts about professionalism in our craft world. Abby wrote about the changes to the professional organization CHA to include bloggers and in reply Kim wrote about the importance of being a professional in this industry. It might seem unrelated, but I found Diane's post answering if it's “worth it” to write a craft book and Abby's post about what fabric designers earn really seem to me to be even more proof of the importance of treating this, your career as a craftsperson, as a professional. Let's discuss what this means for you.

First, there's an important distinction in this conversation about bloggers and the trade organizations, between Professional Bloggers and Professionals Who Blog.

  • Professional Bloggers make their money from their blog, they sell the eyeballs (views) of their blog to advertisers.
  • Professionals who Blog make their money from either a service or product that they sell, and their blog is one part of the Customer Path for their buyers – it helps them connect in a deeper way with the people who buy what they sell.

I work exclusively with people who sell something (whether they blog or not!); my people sell their writing to magazines, their dresses to buyers, their yarn to knitters.

Now, these people (you!) don't always think of themselves as “professionals.” In fact, many of you came to your business first as a hobby and then started selling some stuff and that's where you are now. Some people don't care to go beyond this, and it's a fun hobby and gives them some extra spending money. That's perfectly fine. I work with people who very much want to go beyond this – makers who want to build their craft into a sustainable business that supports their creativity. In other words, they want to have a career in this field. They want to become a professional.

I've found, by working with people as they make this transition from hobby to career, that there is a moment where it happens. But it's not where you might expect it. The moment is not when they make their first or fiftieth sale. It's not when they make a certain dollar amount. It's not when their work is featured in a magazine.

This moment happens the instant their thinking changes. When they go from “I make some stuff” to “I'm building a business.” From “I hope this works” to “I'm going to make this work.” From “I‘d like to be as awesome as XX {Insert current rock star in their craft}” to “I specifically want to make $XX and spend X amount of time and focus my energy on X project.

The moment you flip from hobbyist to Professional is the moment that you decide to. The moment you commit to doing the work, to making the plan, to learning what you don't yet know.

If you've made this flip, you know it. It might be the first time you made a map, or held an experiment, or just committed: “I'm actually going to do this.
If you feel fuzzy and you're one of the hundred of people who email me asking “Could this be a  business?! Can I do this?!“, that's OK! Spend some time thinking about your life and what you want from it and go with your gut (not with what looks awesome).

Once you've made this flip, it changes your decision-making process. Instead of wanting to write books or design fabric because it seems professional, you'll need to research what that will actually mean for you and your goals. (That's why I love posts like Abby's and Diane's that draw back the curtain.) Instead of saying yes to every opportunity, a Professional gets clear on what she really wants and then pursues a path that will get her there.

I'm absolutely fascinated by what happens after the flip. The systems you build, the decisions you make, the work you have to do. That's why I make tools and classes for the post-flip journey (which lasts the rest of your life). I'm working on a new thing to support those immediately post-flip, who are ready to go from “I have a shop” to “I have a business.” I'm opening it first to email subscribers on Nov 20th (and everyone who joins early will get a free Holiday Sanity class!) and then to the whole world on December 2nd. It will begin January 1. If it sounds interesting, sign up here to be the first to find out (and have lots of pre-holiday time to think about it).

How to make Social Media easier (aka, how I schedule things)

Many clients find it hard to be consistent with their social media messages while also being consistent in making, listing, shipping, and writing content. The solution? Systems. At TaraSwiger.com

(Psst… Make sure you read all the way to the bottom – I've got a FREE gift for you that's going to take the stress out of scheduling social media posts!)

One of the basic tenets of any marketing strategy is consistency. You need to show up wherever you connect with potential customers with consistency, both in time and in content. But many (MANY!) clients find it hard to be consistent with their social media messages while also being consistent in making, listing, shipping, and writing content. The solution? Systems. The more systematic you make things (ie, you don't have to think about them each time you do them), the easier it is to be consistent. I'm still learning this lesson in a lot of ways, but when I shared by current system with the Starship, they really loved it. So I wanted to share it with you, if it'll help.

Remember what I said last week – you need to keep your goals front and center. My goals for social media are to be helpful and spread love and silliness to my people. That's it. I want them to like clicking my links, so they trust me to provide good stuff. That's it. (In other words, I don't worry about time, reweets and I kinda hate favorites (they don't do anything to spread the post at all!)). Because my goal is to be helpful and loving, I don't measure my success by outward signs (followers, retweets), but by the conversations it sparks and the number of new people who join my world because of it.

With that in mind, let's look at the specifics:

I do three kinds of sharing on social media:

  1. My own content published elsewhere (my blog and podcasts, and interviews, guest posts, etc)
  2. Useful links + ideas (from other people) that I know my readers will love
  3. Snippets of my own life (a kind of “behind the scenes”)

This balance changes all the time, but my #1 goal is to Be Me, no matter where I am or what I'm sharing.

Here's how that works:

1. Sharing my Content

I installed CoSchedule recently and now, after a post is all finished and scheduled, we scroll down a bit and set up social messages.

Here's my checklist for each blog post:*

  • Schedule tweet for when it goes live (The title, edited to sound like a real sentence or question)
  • Schedule tweet (with picture) for 7-8 hours later (For podcast say: New on the podcast: {title})
  • and again for 2 -5 days later
  • again 2 months later – give or take – (on a Monday morning)
    (Make sure each tweet is different every time – I don't want to “say” the same thing over and over!)
  • Schedule post to Facebook page as a “text post” (without the link). Quote the entire blog post (or the best part!) for the day it goes live
  • Schedule another post to Facebook as “image post” with link back to post, for 9 days later (so Tues posts would be scheduled for Thurs, and Wed for Friday (ie, days I don't have fresh content))

*And that's another system: Checklists! I have checklists for: blog posts, emails, launching a new class, Starship Boarding, Starship Welcoming…just about anything that happens more than once, so that every piece of content gets the same love and every student gets the same experience. (I try to keep an eye on what can be automated, like the Starship Orientation, and automate it after I experiment with what is working). This helps tremendously when I'm sick, or doing a big project like the CreativeLive class – it makes sure I do everything something needs, and I do the bare minimum (because the checklist just has to be marked off, not thought of anew, each time!).

2. Scheduling Useful and Interesting Stuff

Lately I've been so busy with students and projects (1:1s, writing, recording, etc) that I haven't been taking the time to find good things to share on social media (Twitter + Facebook mostly). This is a huge reason why people follow me (at least, it's what they say!), and I don't want to post just my own stuff (see above!)…and I've found when I just “look for stuff to post,” I just click around reading what I want to read, and don't share anything.
So now, I have a system for it! 

  1. On Mondays, I set a timer for 25 minutes.
  2. Open up my 10 fave sites for small businesses (rotating list)
  3. Scan 'em
  4. If I see something that I think would interest YOU (everything I ever write/post is with YOU, my readers and students, in mind), I read the whole thing and if I still like it, I use the Hootsuite* bookmark to grab it. I write a recommendation (or pull a quote), schedule it, and then post it. I keep my CoSchedule calendar open, so I'm sure not to overlap (I aim to have at least one thing in between my morning and afternoon self-tweets each day).
    I schedule at least one thing per weekday (or stop when I get to 25 min). If I find other things throughout the week (which always happens!), I schedule it for the afternoon (after my last self-tweet).*Several students use and love Buffer.

I have noticed that scheduled posts (both my own and shared links) get far less engagement (on both Twitter + FB) than when I just say random stuff, spur of the moment. That said, I need to spend most of my time NOT being spur of the moment (keeping my head in the game of producing good work), so I'm OK with that.

3. Snippets of life

These are unscheduled and spur of the moment – usually pictures on Instagram that also go to Twitter and Facebook.There's no schedule or plan here, although I try to take a photo a day, just because I want photos of my everyday life! (I scrapbook, remember.)

Just because these are unplanned doesn't mean they are entirely unthoughtful – I often rewrite a tweet or Instagram caption in my head several times, to get the wording and tone just right. No matter what I'm sharing, my goal is to be either helpful or encouraging, so you won't find many angry, disappointed, or snarky social media messages from me. It's not that I don't feel these things (and rewrite them over and over and in my head), it's that posting them doesn't serve my goals for these tools. (Trust me, I have plenty of tools for dealing with the un-fun, not-nice side of life.)
And that's it!

You'll note as you read that there are really multiple systems at work here:

  • Blogging
  • Podcast recording system
  • Finding links and sharing them

If you're just beginning to share your work, do NOT let all these systems overwhelm you – they develop naturally over time as you become more and more effective at doing what you do. The goal isn't perfection (My system changes every few months!), it's improvement. Just start with one system and continue to improve it as you learn more about what works for you.

This is the system that works for me, but it is in no way “optimized” to be the perfect, most traffic-generating thing ever. Keep your eye on your own goal, and find a system that works best for you! 


To help you do that, I've created a FREE checklist you can use to schedule your own social media! This easy format will remind you of all the steps, until pretty soon it'll be an automated process for you and it won't take much of your time at all to make sure you get the word out about your new posts + products. Enter your e-mail below and you'll get it right away!

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Thanks to our One Car Situation (did you know we only have one car in a public-transit-less small town?) when Jay's appointments went reeeeally late, I got to watch the sun set from my favorite spot in town, over the mountains. #workedoutjustfine
You should just assume every Wednesday morning of fall looks like this: Post-workout hot donut, local coffee and a handknit shawl, it is actually cool enough to wear! #coloraffection #fallshawlstyle
Ready for action!  (I am very out of practice. This was hard work, yo )  #spinzilla #spinning
My autumnal obsessions: apples and butternut. (Last night I made the best apple crisp, by @minimalistbaker) #yayfall #taralovesmornings #minimalistbaker
Oh man. This Sheep Spot Polwarth is DELICIOUS. Dyed by @thecraftyrabbit. #spinzilla #spinstagram

I am so grateful for…

The Finds:

I’m exploring:

When Elise first linked to the Capsule Wardrobe idea, I giggled to myself: the idea of paring your wardrobe down to just 37 pieces you'd wear in a season, well, it presumes that you have over 37 items of clothes. And it presumes you go shopping (I don't, Jay has to convince me to try anything on, and then to buy what I actually say I want/need.)
But when Elise shared her own,  I thought: It would be awesome to know that I was actually WEARING everything in my closet and that it all fit together into grown-up outfits. (I tend to wear the same 3 tshirts/sweaters/cardigans with my 2 pairs of identical jeans – the joys of self-employment.) Off I went to my closet and drawer and pulled out everything I'm not going to wear in the cold weather (sleeveless shirts, lighter dresses) and donate-able stuff (stained shirts, too-big dresses and pants I've been holding on to “in case”.) As I  counted up what was left, I realized that there are some gaps that I've been frustrated about for years, and that I could actually, ya know, fill them. (The gaps: Clothes to meet students/friends for coffee in. I have plenty of “working at coffeeshop” tshirts/jeans/hoodies and enough “teaching in front of a room” dresses (3)…but nothing in between.) I got another pair of jeans, a sweater and a button-down (to dress up my pullover sweaters) and suddenly BAM! I feel a grown-up with an actual wardrobe of options. I also signed up for a Stitch Fix, because, man, I hate to shop (Jay bribes me) and my local options are limited.  (I'm still not up to 37 piece, but I have what I need, and it actually fits together.)

I still don't care anything about fashion and meeting someone else's standards of beauty and “appropriateness”, but as I started to explore my own resistance to buying clothes (I could write many, many more posts about my issues around money, shopping, objectification), I'm realizing that it's possible to look at clothes as another opportunity to feel good, to be myself, just for me.

I’m eating: 

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

Craft Shows for Introverts {Podcast}

craft shows for introverts



Last week we talked about marketing for introverts and this week, since I just did a show last weekend, I want to talk more about how you can best prepare for a craft show, as an introvert. If you find it hard to speak extemporaneously or you feel depleted after you spend time with a lot of a people, I'll help you feel your best at your next in-person event.

In this episode

  • 3 practices to be as ready and refreshed as possible for your show
  • How to prepare, so you know just what to say
  • Introvert Recovery (what I do + what my students do)


How to listen

  • You can subscribe to it on iTunes (If you do, leave a review!)
  • You can listen to it using the player above or download it.
  • Subscribe or listen via Stitcher (or subscribe in whatever you use for podcasts – just search “Explore Your Enthusiasm” and it should pop up!).

Find all the podcast episodes here.



The Secret Power of Craft Shows

The Power of Craft shows

Craft shows changed my life.

(I didn't know it until I started writing this post, but as I started to trace the roots of what I do today, I realized that's where it all started.)

Last weekend I sold my yarn for the first time in over a year (I put my yarn business on hold when I could no longer get packages out on time, thanks to traveling to teach. This weekend I was back in the game with a few skeins of my yarn (and my mom's sheep's fiber). Preparing for the show and helping my pal Misty think through the process brought it all back in a rush.

Even though I help Starshippers get prepared for their first shows (and 50th shows) every month, I had forgotten what it was like to be in it.
To be worried you don't have enough.
To do late night, last-minute labeling.
To get nervous about people seeing your work.

So, to calm my nerves, I searched my own site for advice (the major benefit of having a blog!). And sure enough I found it.

In 2008 (that's 6 years ago!), I wrote about my first craft show here, in 5 1/2 Shocking Facts about Craft Shows.

“You don’t have to (and probably can’t) fake enthusiasm.”

A month later, I wrote about my next show, with even more lessons:

“Be prepared to answer the “Can you make this in ***” question. Know how long it would take you and how you’ll handle payment for a custom order. If you don’t want to do custom, come up with a nice way of saying no, so you’re not taken by surprise in the moment.”

One year later, I wrote about the Pain of Craft Shows:

” I do craft shows because it’s the one place, the one situation in which being a full-time yarnie feels good, normal, accepted. The people get me. They get my yarn. It’s a place to be me: handknit clothes, stripey knee-socks, pink-haired, yarn-making me.”

Two years after that first post and my first show, I wrote this: “That feeling hasn’t faded in the last 2 years of doing shows; in fact, it’s only grown stronger.”

It occurred to me, in reading through these posts that this where I really got clear on the power of following my enthusiasm. This is where I learned that it is OK to be weird, pink-haired, wonky me. Those first shows, while I still worked in a boring office in black slacks, were the first taste I had (maybe ever?) of being myself out loud and connecting with people as that true self. Once you get a taste of that, you can start to imagine the possibility of being yourself, expressing yourself, like … all the time.

And this taste, this experience totally transformed my life. (Very, very slowly.)
For me this meant making more yarn, doing more shows, and connecting with people in the maker community. That led to me spending my days writing, talking, and helping other makers bring more of themselves into their businesses, to craft a life they really want.


But for you, the path will be different. It will lead you in different directions. You can start to express yourself more in how you dress, how you tell the truth and how you embrace all your weird bits.

I totally haven't figured it out yet, and I'm certainly not comfortable being myself all the time, but it's a process. You can kick-start the process by choosing to do things you're enthusiastic about, by doing more of what makes you feel like yourself, and by letting those experiences transform you.


Whether it's craft shows, or making your art, or just starting to take your enthusiasm more seriously — it could change your life.

PS. I made a class sharing everything I knew about craft shows 4 years ago. Currently it's only available in the Starship, but I hope to refresh it and offer it again in 2015. Sign up here to get notified when it's ready.

What I’m reading: October 2014

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can join the informal book club by sharing your own list in the comments and find all the posts here.

What I'm reading: October 2014. Details at Taraswiger.com

What I read

  • GirlBoss, by Sophia Amoruso – If you like business biographies, this has got a healthy dose of that, which I think is the best part. Less interesting is her “advice” for young women. On one page she's giving you interview tips, on another page tips for hiring, and it left me thinking: who is this book for? A woman entering the workforce? Middle management? What I was hoping for was a book aimed at US, women who build our own businesses…but the advice was a little shallow for that.
  • The Odyssey, by Homer – I'm sure I read parts of this in High School, but as part of my Great Books Project (details below) I wanted to read the whole thing. I was completely shocked by how gripping and … modern it all felt, especially if you read any sci-fi. I wholeheartedly love it, recommend it, and can't believe it took me so long.
  • Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles – Another Great Book that was actually great. Of course I knew the story, but Sophocles's play positions us so we watch Oedipus discover his crime. My favorite bit from the forward (written by the translator, Robert Fagles), that perfectly explains its relevance:

“Sophocles play has served…our own terror of the unknown future which we fear we cannot control– our deep fear that every step we take forward on what we think is the road to progress may really be a step toward a foreordained rendezvous with disaster.

I mean, right?

  • 10 years in the Tub: a Decade of Soaking in Great Books, by Nick Hornby. I picked this up randomly from the Reading section of my library (geek alert!) and I am so happy with it. It's a collection of Hornby's “What I'm Reading” articles (you know I love that!) for the Believer magazine, which he wrote for 10 years. The articles are funny, memorable, and perfectly express what it is I love about reading. It's a biggie, and I've been reading a few articles every day, stretching out the enjoyment. (Warning: It caused me to add over a dozen books to my To Read list. Beware!)
  • (Some of) How to Read a Book, by Mortimer Adler. I didn't read it all, because the tone totally turned me off. The author gets snobby (or as British Nick Hornby would say, sniffy) about reading and how to properly do it and while I learned bits, I didn't like his voice or style enough to keep going. But according to Mr. Adler, the only fair criticism is to agree or disagree (with a non-fiction book). I agree with this:

“The first piece of advice we would like to give you for reading a story is this: Read it quickly and with total immersion.”

And this:
“A story is like life itself; in life, we do not expect to understand events as they occur, at least with total clarity, but looking back on them, we do understand. “

What I’m reading


The Great Books Project

After months of waffling, the Great Books Project is finally underway. At your suggestion, I'm holding most of it over on the Facebook page, with discussions of our lists, our progress, and regular quotes from the books I love. I'll be sharing a little update here each month, and you're welcome to join in on your own project, either in the comments, or over on the FB page (the joy of FB is that we can all reply to each other).

My project officially started October 1, but as you can see I got a little excited and hit two of my books already (The Odyssey and Oedipus Rex). This month I hope to plow through Virgil and St. Augustine. Do you have any recommended resources for any of them? (For example, I'll be using CraftLit when I hit Dickens and Wilde.) My entire list is here.


What are you reading?




The Adventures


Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

#foundwhilerunning: A little bird (can you see it?) at a crossroads. I'm feeling crossroadish myself and fighting some mighty loud voices of self-doubt.         Song of the Run: Super Bass, Nikki Minaj (I sing along to the whole thing and "chuck the deuce
Playing Settlers of Catan for the first time, with birthday boy @dylan.m22. #Iwon
Roast pumpkin is everything I ever wanted in a vegetable. Served with black beans and garlicky chimichurri, my life is complete. @isachandra (it's her recipe!) is a genius. #yayfall #whatveganseat
Heading to Bristol Rhythm & Roots musical festival with too many knitting projects (3?!) in my @mistydot #drwho bag & my hot pink skirt.

I am so grateful for…

  • Finally reaching a long-time goal (and breaking my own records)
  • Roast pumpkin!
  • Kind words by Libby + Nat!
  • I know I could say this every week (and often do), but I am so so grateful for the fantastically inspiring people I get to work with. And I am truly grateful when they have successes. (An author got an agent! A maker experienced a selling frenzy at a national trade show!)

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I’m eating: 

  • Roast pumpkin over rice and black beans with Chimichurri, from Isa Does It.
  • The very last homegrown basil pesto.

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Reading while knitting...with a book stitch marker. (Marker from @mistydot's #drwho kit, yarn from @cephalopodyarns)   #knitting #booksofinstagram
Saying goodbye (for the season) to the rose bush I've been stalking. Rose seems indifferent to me, frost.    #foundwhilerunning    Song of the Run: Fancy by Izzy Azalea

Ahh! @kpwerker's book arrived and I can't put it down! I'm not even through the Introduction and already there's Buffy & "you're not alone" (my fave message!) & I'm pretty sure a Princess Bride reference. #mostlydead    (It's also undeniably delightful to
My next-up project bowl. All the details in the newest episode of #handmadepodcast, brand new at http://HandmadePodcast.com
It is a very bright day, and we glow. #bristolrhythm


I am so grateful for…

  • The opportunity to see a few of our favorite bands in person at Bristol Rhythm and Roots – Jeff Tweedy, Sturgill Simpson and St Paul and the Broken Bones.
  • One of the best performances I've ever seen: St Paul and the Broken Bones. Seriously amazing.
  • A humblingly, surprisingly awesome Starship boarding.
  • The sparks of a new opportunity, and the bravery to pursue it.
  • My running playlist

The Finds:

I’m reading:

  • Kim's Make it Mignty Ugly. LOVE it.
  • This great post on…a shoe by Elise. This is exactly how I think about pieces of my wardrobe (my shoes, my purse, a few dresses) – the part of my life they've experienced and clothed me for.

I’m eating: 

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

Lift Off

sliderOverwhelmed by all there is to do in your handmade business?

What should you spend your (limited) time on?
What will actually make the difference in your profitability and your happiness?

If you feel overwhelmed or scattered, you’re not alone. 


karen“I was completely scattered. I was being pulled into 50 million (or so it seemed) directions because everyone out there had a thing “I should be doing.” Lift off made me realize, through consistent well thought out weekly lessons, that it's OK to do what I want to be doing, and to start to form a plan to get my business to be what I want it to be and to do only the things that work for me. And it is working!”

-Karen Whooley


If you try to do everything and follow all of the advice, you’ll wear yourself out, without seeing any real change. And you’re not alone: there are so many makers and artists doing exactly this – running in circles, trying everything, getting nowhere.

The solution?

Focus in on what matters. 

  • Your own definition of success
  • Profitability
  • A marketing plan you’ll stick with
  • Effectively using your time

These are the four foundations of a thriving business. Without one of them, the others don’t matter. Everything you could be doing either fits into one of these, or you don’t need to worry about it.


 I was so discouraged. I was crushed. I thought more than once about closing Yarn Love just so I wouldn’t have to deal with disappointing myself and my husband.Katie of Yarn Love

But I didn’t. I found you.

I dug your book off my shelf and got started. I gave myself 6 months to turn things around. Along the way I purchased your Map Making guide to help me with a tidy, executable plan, because I can work a plan like nobody’s business.

I’m 6 weeks into my first quarterly map.


In 6 weeks, I have made more than $5000 of profit. I have streamlined my business processes. I have spent half of every other day at the pool with my kids. (In other words, I’m rocking family life and having fun, too.)

So thank you, Tara. You were just what I needed. There aren’t enough words in the English language to express my gratitude for your help and insights.”

-Katie, of YarnLove


Ready to defeat overwhelm by focusing on what matters?

Want to feel clear about where you're going?
Want to KNOW that your handmade biz is profitable?
Want to know how to talk about your work?

It's time to stop going in circles, and Lift Off.

In Lift Off, you'll get clear on where you want to go (what are your bigger dreams and plans?).
Then, we’ll make it do-able by breaking it down to specific to-dos (and you’ll stay flexible by revisiting these plans regularly).
Finally, you’ll reinforce (or build) the very foundations of your business:

Pricing + Profitability (How does your business make money? How could it make even more, easily?)
Marketing (Who are you talking to and how can you reach them?)
Effectiveness (What do you need to get done and when will you do it?)

Defeat Overwhelm. Focus ONLY on what matters.

In this 6 month program, you will create the foundations that prepare your business for sustainability, longevity, and ease. You’ll do the math for your Right Price, discover your profitability points, learn how to talk about your work, create a marketing plan, and explore the systems that work best for the business you have.

Lift Off is $499, or you can join with a payment plan of $85/mo for 6 months. 


Or join with a one-time payment of $499. 

Lift Off is delivered via email, every week, for 26 weeks.
Each email will contain a new lesson that builds on the previous week, along with worksheets, audio or video lessons, and written transcripts – so that you don’t just learn, you apply it to YOUR business.
These lessons will guide you through the process of turning your shop into a thriving business. You will receive:

  1. Chart Your Stars – In this business-orienting, week-long course, you'll get clear about where you are now, and where you wanna go. Identify your big vision for your business and the North Stars that will guide your adventure.
  2. Map Making – Set a goal for the next three months and then make a map to get you there. (You’ll do this twice!)
  3. Pay Yourself – In this 4-week course, get clear about the entire money picture of your business. Discover your own Break-Even Point, where you’re most profitable, and exactly what you’ll need to do to reach your own profit goals.
  4. Pricing 101 – In this 2-day course, do the math on your actual products and make sure your price is in alignment with what you need.cymwpagesbg
  5. Craft Your Marketing – You will get a signed, printed copy of my book, mailed right to your house. The accompanying email lessons will help you communicate:
  1. Your message
  2. Your people
  3. The tools you'll use to reach your people
  4. At the end of this course, you’ll create your own marketing plan, to start using right away.
  • Wrangle Your Time – Learn when you work best, and develop your own system for being as productive (and creative) as you can be.
  • Holiday Sanity – 4 weeks of planning for your holidays in a no-stress, no-should way. Expect a Cookie Party. Yes.

At the end of every month, you’ll pause from new lessons for an Energize Week: you’ll review the last month in your business and reflect on the lessons you’ve learned. You’ll also pause at the halfway mark (April) to make another map that encompasses what you’ve learned, your new goals, and where you wanna go next. And you can ask me any of your questions during monthly group coaching calls (this is new for 2016!).

Lift Off is $499, or you can join with a payment plan of $85/mo for 6 months. 


Or join with a one-time payment of $499.


What, exactly, you’re getting:

market Yourself

  • 26 weeks of emailed lessons, which will include written lessons, PDF worksheets, audio and video instruction. (Because several weeks have daily emails, you get over 59 individual emailed lessons.) This includes classes that aren’t available anywhere else.
  • A signed, printed copy of my book, sent directly to your house.
  • Access to monthly group coaching calls, where you can ask me any of your questions. (You'll also get recordings of these calls!)
  • $100 off the Starship, if you choose to join after Lift Off.





The Schedule (click to expand)

Week 1: Lift Off! Begin the Chart Your Stars Guide, and over the next week work through learning from the last year in your business and preparing for the future.

Week 2: Map Making

Week 3: Pay Yourself Lesson 1

Week 4: Energize! With the Monthly Reassessment worksheet, look back at the previous month, take note of your numbers + lessons and get ready to move on!

Week 5: Pay Yourself Lesson 2

Week 6: Pay Yourself Lesson 3

Week 7: Pay Yourself  Lesson 4

Week 8: Energize! With the Monthly Reassessment worksheet, look back at the previous month, take note of your numbers + lessons and get ready to move on!

Week 9: Pay Yourself Lesson 5 + 6

Week 10: Pricing 101 #1

Week 11: Pricing 101 #2

Week 12: Energize! With the Monthly Reassessment worksheet, look back at the previous month, take note of your numbers + lessons and get ready to move on!

Week 13: Craft Your Marketing: Your Sparkle

Week 14: Craft Your Marketing: Your People

Week 15: Craft Your Marketing: Tools

Week 16: Energize! With the Monthly Reassessment worksheet, look back at the previous month, take note of your numbers + lessons and get ready to move on!

Week 17: Map Making 

Week 18: Craft Your Marketing:Your Marketing Plan

Week 19:  Craft Your Marketing: Using email newsletters to soar.

Week 20: Energize!

Week 21: Wrangle Your Time: Lesson 1

Week 22: Wrangle Your Time: Lesson 2

Week 23: Wrangle Your Time: Lesson 3

Week 24: Energize!

Week 25: Wrangle Your Time: Final Lesson

Week 26: Holiday Sanity: Lessons 1&2

Week 27: Energize! and Holiday Sanity Lesson 3

Week 28: Holiday Sanity: Lesson 4

Week 29: Holiday Sanity: Lesson 5 & Final Wrap-Up

“I was blown away– and kept very busy– by the amount of detail in the course, the nitty-gritty and the how, mixed in with the why and the why we resist this stuff.  So not only do we feel great, but we've been able to improve and build upon our 15 years' experience to immediately reap the benefits of what we're learning.”
Erica B.

Who this is for:

  • You know what you sell, and you’ve opened your shop (or very nearly)… but you don’t know what to do next. How do you turn a collection of items into a real, thriving business?
  • You’re not sure how to talk about your work, where you should share it, or what you should say. The whole “marketing” thing feels overwhelming.
  • You’re not entirely sure this is all “going to work out.” You need to know some specifics about your money, your marketing, your path.

This is not for you if:

  • You are still in the “planning” stage of business. There is a big difference between “thinking” and “doing” and these lessons are for business owners who are taking action, trying things, and learning from experience. (More on the difference here.) You won’t be able to fill in many of these worksheets if you haven’t determined what you sell, where you sell it, and what you charge for it.
  • You want personalized help with your business. Join the Starship to get everything listed here + a weekly group chat with me + 2 one-on-one sessions with me per year. (If you just want the one-on-one help, as a Lift Off-er, you’ll save $50 on a session.)

Lift Off is $499, or you can join with a payment plan of $85/mo for 6 months. 


Or join with a one-time payment of $499

What happens next…

When you click the buy link, you'll see a pop-up where you enter your information. After you complete payment, you'll be whisked to a Thank You page with my gratitude. You'll also immediately receive a  welcome email, followed by the course e-mails which will come automatically after that point.


 lisacheck“When I found Tara, my business was about 6 years old. It was growing steadily, but slowly. I had an idea of what I thought I needed to do and I tried to do those things. But in my efforts to follow what I thought others in my creative area were doing, I didn't get very good results. I was starting to doubt my business, my skills and my vision.

Tara totally gets my business and me.  By the end of class, I had a map of what I needed to do.  No longer was I flailing about, trying to figure it all out on my own.  Now I had steps and direction.  It's been a couple of months since I've been working on my to-do list. My website and Etsy store are in sync with each other. My newsletters are more focused and my website traffic is busy every day!

Thank you, Tara,  for helping me feel in control of my business and less overwhelmed about it!

I look forward to big things this year as I let my sparkle out to meet my customers.”

-Lisa Check, Flying Goat Farms

Because everyone deserves a strong foundation…

For every new member of Lift Off, I'm adding $5 to my monthly donation to Feeding America, an organization that provides food for hungry families. A single dollar feeds ten families, so your Lift Off Membership will feed 50 families, every MONTH. That's 300 families fed by you, during your six month program.

Got a question? Click to expand!

What if I change my mind? 

Lift Off is a resource for those who are ready to work on their business. Before you buy, please read the above page carefully and thoroughly. If you have questions, email me. Don’t buy until you’re ready to commit.

By joining with a payment plan, you are committing to pay for the entire course. If you stop your payment plan before  it completes (all 6 payments), you will immediately lose access to all of the lessons.

Refund policy: 
Lift Off only works if you do.You may request a refund within 90 days of joining – if you've listened to the lessons, filled out the workbooks, and worked on your business (send us the proof!) and still aren't happy with your results, I will gladly refund you 100% of what you've paid so far.

How long do I have to make a decision if I want to join Lift Off? 

Lift Off only runs twice a year (Jan-June, July-December). The open enrollment period closes on June 24th. The next enrollment period will be December 2016.

How will materials be delivered? 

These courses are all delivered digitally. You'll receive an email each week with that week's lesson, which will include a link to a page with the full lesson, worksheets, audio and video materials.

When does it start?

As soon as you buy!

How much time will this take? 

It depends on you and how much you already know about your business! The earlier weeks will take more time (around 30 minutes per day), as you get clear about the direction you want your business to go. After Chart Your Stars and Map Making, most lessons will take about 1 hour per week.

I'm not a maker or designer, will Lift Off still work for me? 

Absolutely! If you are building a business based on your own passion and skills (writer, maker, fine artist, yarn or comic book shop owner, farmer), Lift Off will help you define your goals, create a do-able plan, get profitable and share it (marketing!) in a way that fits with your life. If you sell services (coach or consultant), everything but two lessons of Pay Yourself will still apply. (Pay Yourself is specifically written for finding the profitability of a product, but most lessons still apply to any type of business.)

Past students said:

Want all of the above, plus accountability and support? 


Beam aboard the Starship, at TaraSwiger.com

When you don't know what to do next.

When you've done everything you can think of in your creative business and it still isn't quite what you want. When you've read the books, taken the classes, opened the shop, taken the pictures, written the descriptions.

But you're not there yet. Not where you want to be and not certain how to get there. That not-knowing is a cold + lonely space.
The solution is not simply another class, another book, another pro/con list.

The answer is in an adventure. An adventure in defining where you really want to go. An exploration into finding the path to your (dream) destination. A map built for you. You, with your own particular sparkle, skills and style.

And a friendly crew to help you get there. A crew that has done it before (crafted their ideal business, approached a shop, sold at a craft show, written a book – wherever your journey leads you, there's someone on our crew who has adventured into that space) and that will hold you (gently) accountable on the tiny things that fly you towards your dream destination.

I've been on that planet. I've adventured through the space of a sustainable business.

For over 10 years, I've crafted a business (and life) that supports me – and it all started with yarn.

First, I built my handmade yarn business, so I could quit my day job. But 2 months after quitting my day job (yay!) my husband lost his job (boo!). And our car exploded. And our house got broken into and everything of value was stolen. So: I built a business that supports my entire family. I read the books, the blogs, the experts. I experimented and tested and kept track of everything that worked (and didn't). I found a community to support me. To hold me accountable. To ask those late-night-panic questions.

It took the combination of the learning + the community to make my business fly. I want you to have the same adventure, without those scary lost-in-the-darkness-of-space moments.

To support your adventure, I've combined everything you need: Regular map-making, a crew of smart captains, weekly accountability and a space to ask your questions, 24/7.

What is The Starship?

• Weekly, gentle accountability check-ins where you get to ask me anything you like, in the text-based chatroom Holodeck

• Quarterly Map-Making sessions. Four times a year we set new, reachable goals and boil it down to Next Steps (that actually get done). You make a map to guide your next three months.

• Over 15 classes + guides aimed at exploring different aspects of growth, each with apply-it-to-your-own business worksheets. They are ready for you to download and work through as soon as you like, along with Lift Off, which will walk you through the foundational classes, via weekly emails.

• A private, online space to ask me (and all the other Captains on board) your questions + get specific Do This Next steps or encouragement

Not just for a month, but for an entire year.

Beam up now, to get the forums, chats, classes and a community of supportive Captains for 12 months, for 12 monthly payments of $86 or a one-time payment plan of $999.


Or pay with a one time payment of $999.

There are 25 15 spots left.



HEADSHOTThis doesn't come with a magic powder that makes everything instantly “better”. But what it did do is make me sit down and look at my business from top to bottom, in all the little nooks and crannies that were neglected and full of dust bunnies, and clean it up. It made me examine why I'm charging the prices I am, what my goals are, what I am spending my work time doing and why. It made me see the systems that I *do* have in place and helped me put in new ones.
Each section of this course, as with all of Tara's classes, has been full of lightbulb moments whether I completed that section or not. I wouldn't want anyone but Tara holding my hand as I work through all of this stuff. It's been brilliant (and overwhelming, and tough, and totally worth it.)

– Joeli Kelley


What the Starship really does for you:

  • Answers your 3 am questions, so you're not up all night trying to figure out what to do. Your answers may come in the form of a class, a forum post by someone else, or the opportunity to ask in the forums and someone will be by to help you with it.
  • Gently holds you accountable. When you share your goals, your intentions and just your weekly plan, you give it power. When we know what you're doing, and ask you (sweetly, gently) how it's going, you rise to the occasion, and actually get stuff done.
  • Envelops you in the friendly warmth of coworkers without ever actually getting out of your pjs. Yep, everyone in this space is working on the same goal (a creative biz!) but in our own ways. So whenever you're feeling lonely or confuzzled, walk out to the water cooler and get some feedback or a cup of tea.
  • Connects you with resources. Whether it's the answer to a question or just the person who can help you spread the word, the Starship will be gently hooking you up into a support system that will biggify you in a million ways.

More than anything, the Starship takes you where you want to go.

With the Map-Making, you define your destination. With the check-ins, you stay on the course. And with Laserbeams of Clarity (our live Q+A sessions), we zap anything in the way.


The heart of the Starship is our weekly Holodeck Parties.

This is where we all get together for a weekly check-in  (in our chatroom/Holodeck) and you answer the questions:  Whatcha workin' on? What's going well? How can we help? I'm there for help, encouragement, and my undivided attention… and so are lots of other small-biz smarties.

The chat takes place every Wednesday at 2pm EDT, every single week. If you can't make it, there's an active check-in thread where the community will support you!


I try to make it to the Starship chats every week. I find that Tara's questions help me look back at my whole week (instead of just the past day or two) and see what I've accomplished, where there were challenges, and marvel at how much really got done. Plus, Tara and my fellow Starshippers are great at brainstorming ideas and finding a way past the maze of “shoulds” and “buts” to some great solutions to seemingly difficult problems.Even if I don't put the advice to work right away, the Starship chats always help me check my course and make sure I'm not about to sail myself off a cliff.

-Amy Crook, artist


Got something specific to work on?
Check out the classes in the library (immediately + continuously accessible):

  • Chart Your Stars – Plan, dream, get real + get ideal on your next year in business. And then it bring it to the Starship + get use-it-now advice.
  • Map-Making Guide – Step by step plan to take you from where you ARE to where you WANT TO BE. Includes 6 worksheets and 3 colorful maps.
  • Wrangle Your Time – Learn when you work best, and develop your own system for being as productive (and creative) as you can be.
  • Explore You – This three week course helps you improve one area of your business through attention and exploration.
  • Pay Yourself – 6 video lessons + apply-it-now worksheets on finding the profit in your current business and paying yourself (finally).
  • From Hi to Buy: Craft your Customer Path – 4 audio lessons, 12 written lessons, and 7 worksheets to identify + improve the path your customers take to you – including what and how to write your blog, email newsletter, and social media.
  • Automagical Email Series – Connect with your people in a regular, easy way. This e-course walks you through your options as you plan your first series, with 4 videos and a workbook.
  • How to Talk About Your Work – In this three-part class you'll find the right words to describe your work and who it's for.
  • Busting the Blog Myth: Creating a blog that gets you want you want – My collaboration with Diane of Craftypod.com, this workbook has 4 lessons and 6 worksheets to move your blog from eh to oh yeah!
  • Finding + Wooing your Right People – Your guide to finding buyers, keeping them happy, all while staying true to the you-ness that keeps them smitten.
  • Right People 201: Dig deep into who your Right People are and where you'll find them.
  • Pricing your Handmade Awesomeness – Stop stressing if the price is right. This class includes 3 mathematical equations to find your price AND talks about the harder, emotional stuff that goes into pricing.
  • Rock the Shop – Wanna sell to local boutiques? Two hours, 2 checklists and 3 worksheets until you can do it with ease.
  • Rock the Show – Stop stressing over the craft show and get your goodness on the road (fun + profitably!).
  • How to Make Money – The inside look at everything I do to make money, with tips on branching into more income streams.
  • Delightful Newsletter – Don't know what to say? or how to get people to sign up? We cover it all in this hour.
  • Holiday Sanity – 4 weeks of planning for your holidays in a no-stress, no-should way. Expect a Cookie Party. Yes.




Or pay with a one time payment of $999.

There are 25 15 spots left.






“This experience has solidified some things I already knew about myself- that I work better WITH other people, I need encouragement and support to move forward in my business, and the accountability really helps keep me on track. The people in this group are AWESOME, I have new friends AND new collaborators, and it's really a SMART group of women.”
-Lisa Barnes, knitwear designer



Or pay with a one time payment of $999.


There are 25 15 spots left.

How does this work?

Click the button, fill out the form and complete your payment. You are IN. You'll receive a Welcome email immediately, with instructions on signing into the online community, where you'll get immediate access to over $1400 in digital classes and the discussion board where you can ask questions 24/7.  Your orientation will start the following morning, and you'll get weekly lessons the very next Wednesday.

If the Starship isn't a good fit for your stated goals, I'll give you a list of suggestions of what will help you more! (I want you to get the tool that will help you with your goals, and that's the right fit for where your business is right now!)

What if I change my mind? 

The Starship is a place of safety and commitment, where you can be sure your fellow members are as equally invested as you are. Before you buy, please read the above page carefully. If you have questions, email me. Don't buy until you're ready to commit.

I begin to invest in your business from the moment you beam up and you have immediate access to all of the classes (over $1400 worth). My team and I will welcome you in with a personal message and answer all of your questions. If you decide that it's not for you after you've purchased, let us know within 24 hours of logging in. We'll refund 50% of the price you paid (if you paid the total amount) or we'll cancel your payment plan (if that's how you joined). After 24 hours (of your first log-in), there will be no refunds. Even if you decide you don't want to participate in the forums or chat room, you will have access to download the classes and take them again and again, and you'll receive and learn from the exclusive weekly lessons.

By joining with the payment plan, you are agreeing to complete the entire payment plan. If you cancel the payment plan before you've paid in full, you will immediately lose access to the Starship. 

Got a question? Click to expand!

How will materials be delivered? 

All of the Starship materials are all delivered digitally. You’ll receive an email each Wednesday with links to the recent discussions, information about new classes, and information about the chat. You have immediate and continuous access to the Library, which contains downloadable lessons for over a dozen classes. The classes include written, audio and video lessons, worksheets, and discussion forums. You will also have access to the discussion forums and the live chat room.

How much time will this take? 

It depends on you and how much you already know about your business! The earlier weeks will take more time (around 30 minutes per day), as you get clear about the direction you want your business to go. After Chart Your Stars and Map Making, most lessons will take about 1 hour per week. You can spend as much time as you like on the forums, but there's no requirement (and I encourage everyone to spend more time working on their biz than they do in the community!)

What's the difference between the Starship and Lift Off?

Lift Off is 6 months of classes, delivered via email plus monthly group calls.

The Starship includes access to Lift Off (you can start whenever you like!) PLUS anytime access to all of the classes PLUS a community of your fellow makers. There's a 24/7 forum, weekly live chats, and the Accountability Partner Program. Your Starship membership lasts for a full year, and can be renewed if you like!


Got another question?

Watch this Q+A, where I might have answered it!

If you just want to chat about it first, email me: vulcan@taraswiger.com


Posted in |

Adventures in Business, with artist Violette Clark

Violette Clark headshotToday I'm sharing an adventure with Starship Captain Violette Clark. Violette is a mixed media artist, art journaler, cartoonist, author and Idea factory.  She lives in a magic cottage with Mr. G in White Rock B.C.  you can find her on herblog or on Facebook.



People have this fantasy of what it's like to be a full-time artist. But what's a normal day for you really like?

My day tends to vary depending on what's up.  I usually get up and check my e-mail around 7:30ish. Then I respond to Facebook mentions and comments.  On Monday, Wednesday and Friday I blog in the morning usually and then share the post on FB.  Also I post photos of my art or funky home and garden on FB since that's a big part of who I am.  I probably spend waaayyyyy too much time on Facebook but then that's the place I have the most interaction on.  I'm also on Pinterest but don't like to go there too often as you can spend a whack of time there.  Afterwards depending on what I'm working on I may create a Journal Page or a cartoon like my 60 in 60 cartoons I made.  Since I'm an illustrator/cartoonist/art journaler my time is often spent drawing … but more time is spent connecting with other artists, working on interview questions, responding to social media and marketing etc. I think it's a fallacy to think that artists spend the majority of their time creating. They don't…..and quite frankly “I just want to draw!”.  Drawing makes me happy.  You might also find me working on a video – sometimes I post how to videos on Youtube or videos showing what I've done in my home I call the Magic Cottage. Because I'm a grandmother and daughter – I sometimes spend time with my grandchildren (often teaching them crafts) or with my elderly parents. Thankfully what I do is pretty flexible so if I'm needed I can take time off to help out.  If I'm teaching a live workshop much of the day is spent preparing for it and teaching it.

Violette Clark's Art, on TaraSwiger.com

There are so many ways to make a living as a maker – how are you doing it? What have you combined and how has that changed through the years?

Well I teach art journaling online and live classes. I've been blogging for 9 years, that led to a book deal 5 years ago and a book published on Art Journaling. My book, Journal Bliss, led to online classes as well as live classes. Right now I'm creating cartoons – 60 cartoons which are being made into a book, postcards, and tarot cards.  I'm not sure what that might all lead to but I'm open to what happens. I'm hoping to do some public speaking using my cartoons and art journal pages in inspiring PowerPoint presentations.  Also I have been asked to be a part of some online creative workshops so I'll be working on that soon.  For the last several months I've offered “mojo sessions” to help women in small businesses get their mojo going again – helping them with promotional ideas and inspiration.  I'd like to do more sessions in the future which can be done live or in person. I have a ton of ideas and love to share them with creative women.

I am moving away from doing live classes on techniques – I don't really enjoy that anymore and want to focus on creative activities that are meaningful and inspirational. So to sum up your question:  I teach, draw/journal, do 1 -1 consulting sessions and soon I'll be selling my cartoon creations on etsy and on my blog.


What new thing are you exploring now?

I guess you could say what I'm exploring now is “What gives me juice?”.  What that is is drawing.  Drawing makes me happy. Right now I'm assembling my 60 cartoons to fit into a book format as well as into a tarot deck.  Because I have never made my own book before (self-published) I'm freaking out a bit about doing it – change is always scary for me. I'm sure once I figure it all out I'll laugh at why I was so nervous about the entire venture. Also the wheels are turning on a possible online class that would embrace creativity and spirituality. I'm thinking in this might happen later

What's your definition of success in your business?

Doing what I love, inspiring people and making a decent income from following my bliss is my definition of success. Also success for me would be to have my business in my home in a quiet place near the ocean away from the big cities.  In my world I don't need a ton of money however that would be fine too!


What's the next destination you're working towards?

My next destination is completing the inspiring book of cartoons, tarot deck, postcards to be available in the fall – just in time for the Christmas buying season.  Since it's the summer now things are a bit quiet so I can focus on getting the cartoons into a marketable format.  Also I'm working towards having a landing page for my two websites – my business site (http://www.purplejuice.ca) and my blog (http://www.violette.ca) are too confusing for me and everyone else. I want to blend the two into one place but for now I want to create a landing page where you can click on the services and it will take you there immediately.


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