Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

Searching for "say no"


TaraSwiger teaching at CreativeLIVE

Wanna know where I'll be next? Check out my Live Events page!

Hi! I'm Tara.

I guide makers, artists and passionate people towards becoming their own best business expert. Instead of telling you what you “should” do, my workshops and keynotes lead you to finding the solution that will work for you, your life, and your business. Click here to read more about me.

Tara Swiger has this special thing about her which her right people recognize immediately: she’s got the ability to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with those she’s teaching, while at the same time, standing out as a leader and a go-to voice in the craft-your-own-business niche.
She’s kind, funny, smart, empathetic, resourceful, and masterful.
She knows her stuff and is invested in making sure you know yours, too.
She wants you to succeed on your own terms, not hers or anyone else’s.
– Abby Kerr

If you'd like a preview of my teaching styles, watch these videos:

If you like what you see, let's talk about having me come to your event! To inquire about booking a spot on my teaching calendar, click here to contact me.

 “The experience was a rewarding mixture of Tara’s own social media experience + a willingness to develop completely new ideas that were suited for our unique culture and community. She expanded the scope of what we had considered and opened my eyes to new possibilities.  What really surprised me was her solid business experience. Unlike a lot of “creatives” in the social media advice-giving space, she could chat Return on Investment and budgets and realistic expectations.”
 Garnet, Director of Finance & Strategy, Karina’s Dresses

In-Person Workshops + Classes

My workshops are practical, applicable, and action-orientated. During each workshop, students will receive a workbook that they fill out during the class, so that they can apply what they learn to their own business.

For every workshop …

  • length can be adapted to 2, 4, or 6-hour sessions
  • the maximum number of students for any class is 50
  • each student will receive a workbook which they will fill out during class + take home at the end of the session
  • workshop materials + information are intended for an audience of business owners at any stage
  • room requirements: each student needs a desk or table and a pen or pencil

Click here for a full list of the classes I currently offer.

If you'd like me to come give a talk or presentation, click here for my list of available speaking topics.

“I woke up on fire after yesterday's workshop. I am super critical of teachers and often leery of workshops, but I want to say – YOU ROCK AT TEACHING.”
– Linda Lackey, Cleveland, OH

Ready to do this?

Contact me for all the details and to book a spot on my calendar: click here.

Learn Online

I have several workshops available online, if you can’t make it in person!
Marketing for Crafters (a 3 part video course – 18 hours on CreativeLive)
Get More Done
Craft Your Marketing (a 5 week e-course)

Make Your Marketing Plan with a signed copy of my book, Market Yourself.

For More Information

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Classes + Workshops

camelid conference 2

I love to work with students in a live setting. It's a great opportunity for me to make connections with creative business owners of every type, + to work with them to take their business where they want it to go.

If you'd like me to come to your event or organization to teach a workshop, I'd love to know more! Click here to contact me.

Wanna know where I'll be next? Click here for a list of my upcoming teaching gigs!

In the meantime, here's some information for you on the classes + workshops that I offer.

For every workshop …

  • length can be adapted to 2, 4, or 6-hour sessions
  • the maximum number of students for any class is 20
  • each student will receive a workbook which they will fill out during class + take home at the end of the session
  • workshop materials + information are intended for an audience of business owners at any stage
  • room requirements: each student needs a desk or table and a pen or pencil

In-Person Workshops + Classes Available

From Hi to Buy: Craft Your Customer Path
How do your customers find you, fall in love, and buy? We'll cover each step of the process
– how people find you (online and in-person), how you build loyalty and make them comfortable buying, and how to keep them coming back. The workshop includes a workbook that you’ll fill out during class – so you leave with your own plan of improving your Customer Path, no matter what your business is.

Get More Done in your Business
Do you get distracted in your workday? Waste your time on stuff that doesn’t matter? This workshop is a step-by-step process that will help you create that system –
You will:

  • Learn when you work best.
  • Discover what you should be spending your time on.
  • Create a way to track all the many, many things you want to do in your business.
  • Develop a workday (no matter how small or big) that works for your real life.

Create a Marketing Plan
Not sure what to do first? Let's craft a plan that's do-able and effective. From blogging, to emailing, to social media, we'll craft a plan that makes it clear what you should focus on each day.

Social Media for Beginners
Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest … knowing what to spend your time on can be overwhelming. Defeat overwhelm by identifying the best tools for your goals and  develop an action plan based on your customers and your time. Learn how to make the best use of social media – no matter WHAT tool you use. We’ll also cover best practices for the most popular tools, like Instagram and Facebook pages. While this class doesn't cover the technical details of logging in, you will leave with a plan of action you can put in place as soon as you walk out of class.

Emailing for Fun + Profit
Learn how to use the BEST tool for connecting with your customers – an email newsletter. In this workshop, you’ll make a plan for exactly what you’ll send and when you’ll send it. You’ll learn how to make your emails effective at driving sales and building relationships with your best customers.

Fill  Your Classes (for  shop owners)
Want to connect with your customers and provide a service they can't get online? Tired of cancelling classes because no one registers? Teaching classes at your shop builds lasting relationships with loyal customers, but many owners struggle to bring in enough students to make it worthwhile.  In this workshop, we'll cover the entire process, from class creation (how to make sure you are offering classes your customers really want) to filling the class with eager students, and bringing them back class after class. Throughout the class you'll apply what you've learned to your own business, and you'll leave with a plan to share your very next class!

Market your Class: For Designers
Expand your skills, sell more patterns, and build a loyal fan base – by teaching classes! In this workshop, we'll cover the entire process, from class creation (how to make sure you are offering classes you can fill) to pitching it to a shop or space, to bringing in eager students. Throughout the class you'll apply what you've learned to your own business, and you'll leave with a plan to implement your very next class!

From Hi to Buy: Connecting with your customers (for brick + mortar shops)
How do customers find you? How do they decide to visit and then to buy? And how do you keep them coming back? These questions are all answered via your Customer Path – the path people walk as they discover you, fall in love, and buy from you. In this class you’ll identify your current customer path and then find the areas that need improvement. You’ll leave with a plan for working on  your path – whether you need to find more people or improve loyalty in your current customers.

What do my students have to say?

I was blown away– and kept very busy– by the amount of detail in the course, the nitty-gritty and the how, mixed in with the why (and the why we resist this stuff).  So not only do we feel great, but we've been able to improve and build upon our 15 years' experience to immediately reap the benefits of what we're learning.
-Erica (after Craft Your Marketing)


I feel as if in one fell swoop you changed the way I do business and solved many problems that had been plaguing my productivity for many, many years. I am so excited at the prospect of starting to rearrange the way I do things, to make it all not only more productive, but more fun.
– Nina Machlin Dayton


Just finished Pricing 101 and am currently riding the high you feel when you learn something new and apply it to your life. : ) I have diligently sat down and written my goals for the week/day and what time of day I need to focus on them. Going to bed at night knowing what I need to get done for the next day has helped me get better rest. I know now what I can fit into my schedule and what I can't.  – CaseyGirl

If you'd like me to come and teach a workshop for your event or organization, click here to contact me.

Click for a printable page of workshops + my bio!

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Why I Love Conferences



I'll let you in on a little secret.

I love the internet. I LOVE that I can help makers + artists in China, Europe and North America, all from my coffee shop in the mountains of East Tennessee.

As an introvert, I love that I can be talking to and serving thousands with my weekly emails, without worrying about what my hair looks like.

But, as much as I love talking to you each week, there is nothing comparable to live, person to person, interaction.

(This is why I built a live weekly chat into the Starship, even though all of my biz-friends think it's unsustainable and unscalable and frankly, a little nuts. (I remind them that I've been showing up to 50 chats/year for over 4 years, so it IS sustainable!) The LIVE interaction, even if we can't be face to face, provides a kind of encouragement and accountability that time-shifted communication (like this blog post) can't.

But even a live chat, or Periscope, lacks the connection that comes from looking in someone's eyes and knowing they see you, too.

This is why I love doing in-person events, like last weekend's conference. Even if I had learned nothing from the classes themselves, I learn so much from every conversation with another maker and small business owner. I learn what works for them, what their goals are, what hasn't worked. That informs my own work, and inspires me to be bolder and braver.

The science on confidence demonstrates that we are more likely to believe something is likely for ourselves (and thus, pursue it) when we see real-life examples (ie, “models”). There is nothing as encouraging as actually meeting other women who are doing it – who are building sustainable, profitable craft businesses. This isn't just “fun” – it's vital for your own confidence, which is vital for your own accomplishment.

I promise: Meet a creative business owner in person – it will build confidence and inspire you!

Yes, going to things in person takes time. It costs money. It takes extra time to figure out how to keep your house running while you're gone.

But you don't have to go across the country. You don't have to go to a weekend-long conference. You could take a 2 hour workshop, or go to a meet-up. You could meet another small business owner for coffee. You could invite me to teach in your town, and we'll bring 5-10 local makers together for a class!

(One of the unexpected bonuses of the Starship – meet-ups around the world with other members! This month alone 2 captains met in Germany, I had dinner with 3 Captains in Seattle, and another 2 had coffee in Michigan.)

So how about you? Do you ever meet up with other craft business owners?

If not, how can you start?

Who have you been thinking about reaching out to, but hesitating?

If you're not sure how to say hello,
share this post on Facebook and tag them
 and say “Hi! I'd like to have coffee with you!” I promise you, they want to meet other makers, too!


Grace Dobush on making the most of craft conferences


My guest today is freelance journalist and organizer of the Crafty Supermarket and Midwest Craft Con, a conference for crafty businesses, Grace Dobush.

We talk about: 
Grace's favorite part of organizing a craft show
How to talk to strangers at conferences (without feeling weird)
What she's enthusiastic about right now (and the similarity between geeky sub-cultures)



How to listen

Find all the podcast episodes here.

Join me for a live event in Seattle!


Super exciting news guys: over the last month, I have confirmed FOUR in-person events for the next 6 months. You can see the full list here, but today I want to tell you about the closest one. (Want reminders about all upcoming events, both online and off? Sign up here!)

On October 16-17, I'll be at the School House Craft Conference in  Seattle, WA! You can grab your tickets here.


I'll be teaching:

Pay Yourself – find the profit and sustainability in your business

Craft your Customer Path – how strangers find you, fall in love with you, and become raving fans

Get More Done – how to get what matters done, no matter how much time you have.


I am SUPER excited! Not only to teach on my favorite topics, in one of my favorite cities, but to get to hang out with the fabulous people who will be there! Y'all know I love Kim Werker and Marlo Miyashiro (Marlo hired me to teach my first-ever live class, for EtsyRAIN, 3 years ago. I was, uh, in need of improvement), and I'm delighted to have the opportunity to get to know the other teachers better.

And more than THAT, I'm THRILLED at the chance to see YOU! So if you're in the Seattle area, I'd love it if we can meet and hang out at the conference!

Join us here.

If you're going, be sure to say hello and tell me you're a reader!

Are you afraid of being “big”?


The past couple weeks on the podcast I've been talking about issues that come up when you've been in business for a while and you've started to grow: boundaries and scaling challenges. This is stuff that my students are dealing with, as they grow beyond the “how to get any sales” questions. But I hesitate to talk about these  “advanced” business issues, because I don't want to scare you off, if you're not there yet.

I hear from younger businesses all the time, who get tangled up  trying to solve these issues before they need to. They're worried about boundaries and how many people they'll have to deal with when they “get big.” They worry about scaling up their production, before they sell one thing. They're worried about getting help before they need it.

Do you do this?

Are you afraid of what will happen when you get bigger? Do you stop yourself from taking opportunities or pursuing possibilities because you're not sure how it'll all work? Do you hesitate to dive deeper into marketing, because you worry it'll work TOO well?

If so, I've got one thing to say to you:

Stop it.

Really. Stop it. *

Don't borrow problems you don't have.

Don't worry about what will happen if you “someday” get big.

It's not preparing you. It's not making you ready.

It's getting in your way.

When you start to worry about all that could go wrong if your business grew, you're going to hesitate to put in the hard work on growth activities. You're going to step back from challenging yourself with new goals.

And then you're going to wonder why it never worked out, why you never grew.

I get it.

I really really really do. I worried a lot (I still do!) about what would happen when my business grew. I worried that I was going to owe way too much in taxes. I worried that my thing could grow so big that people would have weird expectations of who I am and what I do.  I worried that I would get mean comments or emails. I worried that I would have to set boundaries and tell people no. I worried that I would make bad decisions, let people down, or totally ruin my life.

But guess what?

This can happen at ANY level of business! It can happen even if you don't have a business! (I have some traditionally-employed friends that could certainly use some stronger boundaries.)

And sure enough, I have experienced all of the above (except the ruined life bit. Haven’t done that). And I survived. In fact, it wasn’t nearly as bad once I got there.

But why bother?

Because you really really want a business, more than you want to live in fear.

You want to create something from your passion + smarts + hard work. You want to build something that is your own. You want freedom, creativity, or fun.

Whatever your reasons are, they are driving you to do this (sometimes scary) thing.

And this is what's cool:

Your business makes you stronger.

In order to keep building and growing, you'll have to face your fears. You'll have to grow past them. You'll have to dig deep and learn that you are more powerful than you thought.

All this growth and fear-wrangling, it makes you stronger everywhere – in business, in life, in relationships. You'll learn skills (like time management and boundary-setting) that you can apply to anything you do.

So don't worry about the challenges your business is going to bring. You don't have to solve all future possibilities right now.

Just solve the problem in front of you. Deal with the issues your business is having right now. (Too few sales? Fix your marketing! Never get enough done? Fix your time management!)

Don't be afraid of growing. Don't hold yourself back.

*If you can't seem to stop worrying about future challenges, look at what you're afraid of and acknowledge it. Don't run from the fears, look at them and work through them.

I'm not a therapist, but here's how I work with fears in my life:

List them.

Look at each one and ask: where did it come from?

Forgive this situation and send it (or the past you that experienced it) lots of love.

Look for ways to make yourself feel safe (without crushing your ambition).

This is an ongoing process, but the more you make it part of the work of growing your business, the less the fears will be able to sneakily sideline you.


How to learn from your own business


Last week we took a look back at the year so far and I shared my Quarterly Review worksheet.

Now it's time to look forward: What do you want to do in the third quarter of the year? What do you want with the last half of 2015?

In the Starship and Lift Off, we're Map Making this week – picking a destination, mapping out the steps, and distilling it all down to the actual actions we need to take.

I don't just lead others in Quarterly Reviewing and Map Making, I do it myself!

In fact, today I added something new to my quarterly review after reading this: I wrote a Quarterly Report and shared it with my team!*

It took me just about an hour, in a day full of other things. So why'd I spend the time? Because you can't learn from your business unless you pay attention to it. And you can't keep going, without stopping to celebrate what you've got done and the goals you met (more about the importance of celebration in my conversations with Claudine + Sasha).

Learning from your business.

There are a million decisions you have to (get to!) make in your business every day. From how you'll spend your time, to what social network you'll use, to how you'll reply to the customer making an unreasonable request.

And then there are thousands examples of what others have done. There are hundreds of classes and books (I even sell a few!). There are dozens of people who are willing to tell you EXACTLY what you SHOULD do.

But none of it works. Not unless it fits you, your business, your goals, and your personality. Not unless it helps you make a business you're going to love.

So how do you know what to do? How do you make those decisions?

You experiment. You try things.
And then you pay attention to what works. What worked for YOU.
You learn from your own business.

You do something. And then you review: Did that work? Is that getting me closer to my business? or not?

(This is why my classes and book are question-heavy – I'm all about helping you find your own answers)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to build exactly the business you want AND to become an expert in you and your business.

Because, sure, you can learn a lot about what worked for other people, but you won't be able to answer your own questions and lead a life you love, until you become an expert in what works for you, your customers, and your products.

So that’s why I took an hour to write up a report on what went well, what I learned, and what I’m aiming to do in the next quarter. Why don’t you try it?


*In case you don't know, my team = Jess, my Number One + Jay, my husband and producer. Jess edited this email so it's free of typos and Tara-isms (where I write/say one word, but mean an entirely different word). She's the one you get when you fill out the Contact form (however, if you hit reply to this email, you talk directly to me!). Jay makes the podcast transcripts all pretty  (and is re-designing every worksheet for every class) and edits every audio and video lesson and interview, so it's not as rambly as I actually am.

Also on my team: Beauregard, Head of Security (that bark!) and Raylan, Vice President of Snackage.

Oh, and me, CCEO – Chief Creatrix + Exploring Obsessive.

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