Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

Stop Creating (Marketing) Distractions – a free worksheet to help you focus your marketing

You can make your marketing more effective with making one easy switch: Chose one thing, and plan all your marketing around it, for 2-4 weeks. It sounds easy, but it's also easy to get distracted! So how do you pick your focus and avoid distractions? And how does this make your marketing more effective? Listen in to learn more, and get the FREE worksheet, at TaraSwiger.com/podcast102/.

You can make your marketing more effective with making one easy switch: Chose one thing, and plan all your marketing around it, for 2-4 weeks.

It sounds easy, but it's also easy to get distracted! So how do you pick your focus and avoid distractions? And how does this make your marketing more effective?

Listen in to learn more, and click here for your free worksheet: How To Avoid Marketing Distraction (You'll also get the podcast transcript!)

How to listen

  • You can subscribe to it on iTunes (If you do, leave a review!)
  • You can listen to it using the player above or download it.
  • Subscribe or listen via Stitcher (or subscribe in whatever you use for podcasts – just search “Explore Your Enthusiasm” and it should pop up!).

Find all the podcast episodes here.

Interview with Starship Captain + Graphic Designer Linda Tieu

Today I'm chatting with full time graphic designer Linda Tieu about how she balances her work with two small kiddos, on TaraSwiger.com.

Today I'm happy to be sharing an interview with Starship Captain and graphic designer Linda Tieu. Linda is the creator of HappyPrintClub.com – a library of digital printables for paper lovers, snail mailers and crafters. You can follow her creative adventures on tortagialla.com where she shares printable downloads and fun crafty tutorials.

People have this fantasy of what it's like to be a full-time maker. But what's a normal day for you really like?

A normal day starts with getting my kids up and ready for the morning and getting my toddler to nursery school while my younger baby stays with me. The work day is a lot of back and forth, juggling time between mom duties, household duties and work duties. If you compare to a regular 9-5 job, it's like having a whole of meetings throughout the day, cutting your time into little chunks. I have to prioritize my tasks and try to utilize every small chunk of time I get. Often, I do catch up at the end of the day, late at night. It's not really glamorous at all – it's just real life!


There are so many ways to make a living as a maker – how are you doing it? What have you combined and how has that changed through the years?

I used to work in tech startup environments so it was very fast paced with long hours. Now that I'm on my own, it's still hard work but it's on my own terms for my own ventures. I've taken my experience in business, project management and design and turned it all into a freelance lifestyle that matches up with the season of my life, being a mom of young kids right now. I used to work more hours before I had responsibility of kids. Now, I've had to cut back on my hours and build passive streams of income to make ends meet. Ultimately, it's about creating a lifestyle that I want and having the freedom and control to change with the times.

What new thing are you exploring now?

I'm working on building up HappyPrintClub.com which is a library of digital printables for paper lovers. Members sign up to get access to the entire library of printables that I continually post to every week. Instead of selling each item separately, I'm putting it all together and letting it grow to offer my members the best value. This is one of my projects that brings me income while doing something I love – which is creating printable designs. In my mind, it's a win-win because I get to create continually and members get a HUGE deal. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing my work out there in the world, giving people enjoyment and satisfaction.


What's your definition of success in your business?

I used to think success meant an income number or certain recognition, but over the years I've realized that success is actually how I feel at the end of the day. What's most important to me is feeling fulfilled, productive and good about what I do. If I feel good about what I've done when heading off to bed, it means I'm doing it right and all the other pieces are fitting together properly. Sure, we might all have off days, but the core feeling is what I'm getting at. When you are happy, it means success!


What's the next destination you're working towards?

I'm hoping to build up the membership on HappyPrintClub.com even more and will continue to add more projects to my design portfolio because ultimately, I love creating and sharing my work with others. I have a huge list of ideas, so it's just a matter of taking one step at a time. The next project on deck has to do with sheep – for all my fiber lovers out there!

Want to hear from more Starship Captains like Linda and learn how they balance life + work as creative entrepreneurs? Sign up below to get the inside track on their stories!

Why your goal failed (and a free worksheet for setting better goals!)

What do you do when you don't reach your goal? How do you identify what went wrong (if anything) and set a better goal next time? This week we'll cover the 6 reasons your goal might have failed, and how to set a better goal next time. I created a free worksheet so that you can set reachable, do-able goals every time! Just click on the image, put in your email address and you'll get it in your inbox (along with the full transcript of this episode!).

What do you do when you don't reach your goal? How do you identify what went wrong (if anything) and set a better goal next time? 

This week we'll cover the 6 reasons your goal might have failed, and how to set a better goal next time.

I created a free worksheet so that you can set reachable, do-able goals every time!

Just scroll down, put in your email address and you'll get it in your inbox (along with the full transcript of this episode!).

Links mentioned:

How to listen

  • You can subscribe to it on iTunes (If you do, leave a review!)
  • You can listen to it using the player above or download it.
  • Subscribe or listen via Stitcher (or subscribe in whatever you use for podcasts – just search “Explore Your Enthusiasm” and it should pop up!).

Find all the podcast episodes here.

What I’m Reading: April 2016

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can join the informal book club by sharing your own list in the comments and find all the posts here.

What are YOU reading this month? I'm sharing my list of April reads on the blog, at TaraSwiger.com. Come and read my mini-reviews and leave recommendations of YOUR favorite books!


What I read

  • Presence, by Amy Cuddy – I really liked this! I recommend it for everyone who gets nervous and feels frozen or awkward in… any situation! If you don't read the book (which you totally should!), you can watch her TED talk.
  • The Secret History, by Donna Tartt – I'm like a decade after everyone else, but this book was great – I love the way the mystery unfolded. You know who did it, but you don't get why until the very end.
  • Year of Cozy, by Adrianna Adarme – so pretty! Totally inspired me to make my own candles.

What I’m reading

What I read last March.
And in April 2014.

What are you reading?

I could use some recommendations! What are you reading and loving right now?




YAY! It’s episode 100! It’s a call-in show!

YOU GUYS! It's episode 100! I can't believe that we have been hanging out for 100 episodes (I can't believe I stuck with it! I can't believe YOU stuck with me!). To celebrate, I did something all new - a call-in show! I invited you, in episode 98, to call me with your questions. And you did - yay! And boy, your questions were awesome! The first question got me so fired up that I created a totally new worksheet for you, to help you figure out your own best email opt-in! To listen in and get the FREE worksheet visit TaraSwiger.com/podcast100

YOU GUYS! It's episode 100!

I can't believe that we have been hanging out for 100 episodes (I can't believe I stuck with it! I can't believe YOU stuck with me!). To celebrate, I did something all new – a call-in show! I invited you, in episode 98, to call me with your questions. And you did – yay!

And boy, your questions were awesome! The first question got me so fired up that I created a totally new worksheet for you, to help you figure out your own best email opt-in! Click here to get it in your inbox!

In this episode, I answer questions about:  

  • What to send email subscribers
  • How to use your opt-in to get MORE email sign-ups
  • Where to start creating a new blog (I mention this workbook)
  • How to decide where to spend your time
  • Getting started making videos (you can see all of my videos here)


How to listen

Find all the podcast episodes here.

Retreat organizer and knitwear designer Varian Brandon

Today I'm delighted to be talking to retreat organizer and knitwear designer Varian Brandon. She shares how she got started designing, what a normal workday is like, and how she deals with the Comparison Trap. Varian's a member of the Starship (which is open now!) and we discuss how it's shaped how she thinks about her business. Listen in at TaraSwiger.com/podcast99/

Today I'm delighted to be talking to retreat organizer and knitwear designer Varian Brandon. She shares  how she got started designing, what a normal workday is like, and how she deals with the Comparison Trap. Varian's a member of the Starship (which is open now!) and we discuss how it's shaped how she thinks about her business. If you loved this episode, hang out with Varian on Periscope!

How to listen

  • You can subscribe to it on iTunes (If you do, leave a review!)
  • You can listen to it using the player above or download it.
  • Subscribe or listen via Stitcher (or subscribe in whatever you use for podcasts – just search “Explore Your Enthusiasm” and it should pop up!).

Find all the podcast episodes here.

There's no transcript for this episode since it's an interview, but you can sign up below to get transcripts of all the other podcasts!

How do YOU get stuff done? Find a way that works for you.

How do you actually get done the things you need to do for your business? Are you more likely to do something if you "owe" it to someone else, or if it's something you personally want to do? Or, maybe, do you rebel against the idea of a To Do list altogether? Learn more about your own tendency and how you can use it to get more done - including a FREE resource guide! More on TaraSwiger.com


How do you actually DO what you want to do in your business?

Do you need to understand WHY you're doing it?

Do you need to be held accountable?

Or do you rebel against anyone telling you to do anything (even when you really want to do it)?

This question fascinates me, because it's at the heart of why some people build their business quickly and others struggle along without ever taking much action.

When I talk to makers and artists who are frustrated that their business hasn't grown, it's very rare that they have NO idea what they should do. Instead, it's that they aren't taking the actions they feel they need to take, they aren't doing what they want to do.

The best explanation I've ever found for WHY some people struggle to get stuff done, is in Gretchen Rubin's book Better Than Before (it's all about habit change, and working on your business really is about habits). She defines the Four Tendencies, as a reason for why some people get stuff done (or change their habits, or work on their biz) and others don't.

I've talked about this more on the podcast (listen in here), but this comes up so often, I wanted to revisit it.

According to Gretchen (and backed up by my own experience working with hundreds of makers and artists), we react to expectations (ie, people telling us to do something), in one of four ways. The way you react to expectations tends to be consistent across your life.


These people do everything that's expected of them, easily. They both meet external expectations (other people telling you what you should do) and internal expectations (things YOU want to do). I have met very few Upholders, and I think it's because they don't seek out biz support – once they know what to do, they just do it.


These people (uh, myself included) don't care to meet external expectations unless they understand WHY. But they have an easy time meeting internal expectations… if those expectations are built on understanding the rationale behind them. In other words, we questioners can do anything if we can turn it from external expectation (you telling me to do something) into an internal expectation (I understand why, and now WANT to do it, because it makes logical sense to me).
These people need to know WHY they are doing anything in their business (“because experts say so” isn't enough). Because I'm a Questioner, I create all of my classes and books for Questioners – I don't tell you what to do, I tell you why something will benefit your biz, then I give you a bunch of questions related to your business, so you can see how to do it in your OWN way. This is why I've built the Starship experience to start with you getting clear on your goals and your path – so that you decide what you want to learn and what you want to do next, and feel motivated to do the work because you can see how it fits into the bigger picture.(According my unscientific study, about 1/3 of the Starship members are Questioners)


These people (maybe you?) have a pretty easy time fulfilling external expectations (if someone asks you to do something, you will), but have a tough time fulfilling internal expectations (say, working on your business, just because you want to). In fact you may fill your days doing things others care about more. So you feel frustrated that you never seem to make the time to work on what matters to YOU. Ugh, this is frustrating.

The solution?
Get someone to ask you about what you really care about.
In other words, externalize those internal expectations.
You can do this with a group (like the Starship), where you tell us your goal and then check in as you work through it (this is why we have the weekly live check-in and forums) or with a single person (an accountability partner). After learning that about 2/3 of the Starship members were Obligers, I upped our accountability-providing, by creating the Accountability Partner Program – you just fill out a short form, and I match you with a partner. The two of you work together to decide when to check-in and then you simply tell the person: This is what I'm working on, I'm going to be done with it by X date. That, alone, can suddenly make you feel like you “owe” someone and so you work harder on your business!


These people tend to feel constrained by any kind of expectation. They tell me (we have a handful in the Starship) that “As soon as I write something down, like a goal or to do list, I suddenly do NOT want to do it.” In fact, creating a schedule or a must-do list is going to ensure that a Rebel never does anything.

The solution?
I'll be honest, I have been thinking about this for over a year and quizzing any rebels I meet. Gretchen doesn't offer any solution in her book, and I had a hard time coming up with one. Joeli is a self-described Rebel who has made MASSIVE momentum in the last year of her Starship membership (you can get her full story if you sign up here) and she says what works best is making a big list and then picking, each day, what feels fun (instead of telling yourself you HAVE to do something that day), and setting goals that are more about paying attention and learning, than about measuring. (For example, set a goal of “noticing what already works in my business.”) In other words, for Rebels, taking the pressure OFF is often a good motivator for working harder (but if you already feel bad about how little you get done, this might feel REALLY scary). This is why we focus, in the Starship, on finding what works for YOU and giving yourself permission to not do what other people tell you “have” to do.

So how do you get stuff done?

I hope you see that the answer lies not in forcing yourself to work in ONE way, but in finding what works best for you. No one of the above is better than the others (although I think we all secretly wish we could be Upholders!) – the key to productivity is acknowledging your tendency and then setting up your work day and expectations in a way that works for you.

If you think that more accountability, question-answering and a community of encouragers would help you in your business, check out the Starship – it's open now! The Starship opens only a few times a year and will close again on 3/25, so head here now to learn more about it!


Be the Captain of your ship

When you own a business, it's on you to be the captain of your own ship. But what does that mean? It means you choose the course, you plan the action, you take responsibility. If you'd like to join a community of other biz owners who are captain-ing their own ships, The Starship is now open! Learn more at TaraSwiger.com/starshipbiz.

The Starship is now boarding!

The Starship is called the Starship because it a space full of people who are interested in being the Captain of their own ship. But what does that mean?

To be the Captain of your business and life: 

  • Take ownership
  • Set a course
  • Choose the tools
  • Sail your own ship

We discuss exactly how to do that in this episode!

Got a question you want to ask me about my business, podcast, life, or do you want to get my answers to your business questions? Call and ask me! Your question may make it into episode 100! Just call  (567) 393-8272 THIS week! 

How to listen

Find all the podcast episodes here.

Why you sell your art


A few weeks ago, when I taught at Midwest Craft Con, I spent the day in handmade clothes and accessories. From the beautiful dress Karen + Kelly, of Gentle Clothing made me, to the viola-wood necklace given to me by the Hang Ups in KC. As you might guess, I felt absolutely amazing all day. Beautiful. Loved.

And that's WHY we make, isn't it?
Of course we make stuff because it feels good, but that expands when we give it away, when we sell it, when we allow someone else express themselves through our art.

We make more dresses, necklaces, yarn, patterns, paintings, sculptures that we will ever need. We, as artists and makers in business, make more because we want our work to go OUT to be in the world, to adorn someone's body or walls and to become someone else's expression, someone else's joy. We want to know our work is bringing color into more lives.

The necklace, the dress, the art in my house – it  has become a part of my life, a part of what I'm doing in the world.

So when you feel shy about marketing (ie, telling other people about the awesomeness of your work), remember this. Remember that it's not about selling YOUR thing, it's about giving your buyers the opportunity to be part of what you're doing, to take what you're doing and make it part of THEIR lives.

Not every maker and artist chooses to sell their work (or make more than they want for their own home). But you do. You want to not just make your art, but share it with others. You want someone to take your work and build their own meaning, their own message with it.

In order to do this, you need to continue to work on your business, to grow your own skills, to refine your message, and to do the work of building the business you want.

If you'd like support, encouragement and accountability during this journey, The Starship may be the community you need. It only opens once a quarter and it's opening again TODAY. If you're not sure if it's for you, or you'd like to ask questions about it (or just chat with me more), you are cordially invited to a Q+A today, March 15th.

Sign up here to learn more, get access to the Q+A (and the recording!) and meet a few of the Captains who already aboard.

(No idea what I’m talking about? Read more about the Starship here.)

If The Starship isn't for you right now – that's totally fine! Stick around and I'll keep posting weekly lessons to help you build your creative business.


Singer, designer, intentional living guide Lynn Hershberger

Today I'm thrilled to be talking to singer, Intentional Living Coach for creatives and Starship Captain Lynn Hershberger. Please note that the Starship isn't open now..but it will be in just a few days! Find out more at TaraSwiger.com/starshipbiz

Today I'm thrilled to be talking to singer, Intentional Living Guide for creatives and Starship Captain Lynn Hershberger. Please note that the Starship isn't open now..but it will be in just a  few days! Sign up here to learn more!

We discuss: 

  • How she combines multiple creative income streams 
  • How she manages to work on all the different areas of her business
  • Makers have a LOT of supplies – how to deal with the clutter

How to listen

Find all the podcast episodes here.

There's no transcript for this episode since it's an interview, but you can sign up below to get the transcripts for all the other podcasts!

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