Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

An Adventurous Life

The Boston Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the finds on Fridays (usually) and you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

I spent last week teaching and exploring in Boston, and even though it's not Friday, I wanted to share a few of my adventures while it's still fresh.

I am so grateful for…

The people who made my time lovely, inspiring, and well worth it:

  • The students in my Wednesday workshop. They were funny and honest and brave and helped me remember that we all feel like we haven't made it yet.
  • The entire staff of Gathere Here, especially Virginia – for making it happen -and Maggie for charging my phone and letting me feel like a normal knitter for an hour.
  • Ana, for dreaming up this trip and picking a topic so many people really did want and for taking a whole day to tour me around Salem.
  • Abby, for driving to meet me for coffee and having a fabulous conversation about money, reality, and her vision. Her blog is an awesome resource of big-issue-thinking for crafters – read it!
  • Guido, for taking me on a dog walking tour of Cambridge. There is nothing as inspiring as someone truly passionate and Guido is – about his neighborhood, the fiber community, and his adorable dog. Also, he gave the best food recommendation of my trip.
  • The staff of Veggie Galaxy, for the free milkshake, and for being an excellent example of how to use twitter for your business.
  • Jess, who kept everything running while I was away. I never could have taught three workshops the week after the largest Starship Boarding if it weren't for her flexibility, organization and encouragement!


What adventures did you have last week?


The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the finds on Fridays, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Forgot my notebook at home, so I mind mapped today's writing on a napkin. #makingdo

#foundwhilerunning: kitty cat!

Auditioning all-over pink for Boston trip. Will it last the whole week? (This after 3 washes). #hmm

Excellent (pink) mail day!

I am so grateful* for:

  • New Starship Captains! I've been surprised and delighted by every captain – getting to know them is a highlight of my week!
  • Old Starship Captains! Well, they're not all that old, but the Captains who have been on board for a while have been sharing their stories with me (you can find some of them here + here). Their words are confirmation of the amazingness we're building together, and I can't imagine anything better.
  • Ana. She's made my upcoming workshop in Boston a total delight to plan.
  • Jess! This week she's edited + created some much-needed improvements to the Starship and, well, my life. (I also understand that she's almost booked up. If you need a little more space in your world, she's your gal!)
  • Good news: I'll be teaching at TNNA in San Diego in January! Yay!  (details to come)


The finds:

  • Haley encourages us to rethink how you talk about your craft. I couldn't agree with her more!
  •  Flora Bowley’s Bloom True has reopened! I truly loved the class experience, and I have 4 paintings (my first ever!) to show for it, so I’m happy to recommend it. Class begins September 30th!
  • I finally decided on my plane knitting for Boston – another Color Affection! (My last one was started on my last trip to Boston, with yarn from my book launch at Gather Here…but I lost it just a month after finishing it!)
  • I'm trying all-over pink hair for the first time ever (picture above) and I love it! Since someone always asks, I use Manic Panic in Hot Hot Pink. It's vegan, and doesn't have all the icky chemicals of other hair dyes.
  • Speaking of icky chemicals, I've been on a major detoxing of the chemicals in my life. I couldn't do it without EWG's database for beauty products (I've switched shampoo, soap, mascara.)
  • And the week wouldn't be complete without marching bands and The Fox:

What did you explore this week?

Are you near Boston?

Enjoying very old buildings...


If so, I wanna meet you!

Boston is one of my favorite cities to visit (did you know my book launch party was in Boston?) and I'm so delighted to be returning. While I'm there, I plan to eat at Veggie Galaxy, drink lots of coffee, and meet some of the most creative creative businesses around!

I'll be in Boston from October 1-4 and I've got a handful of ways we could hang out:

  • Take a my class at Cabot Street Studio
  • Attend a my workshop at Gather Here
  • Have a cup of coffee with me

You can RSVP to any (or all of these) here. And if you've got a friend in the area, I'd love it if you shared it with them. Just send 'em here.

Are you near Boston? Think you can make it?

Leave a comment and let me know!




The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the finds on Fridays, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

Breakfast in bed with @spajonas's book. #perfectweekend
Cutting fabric for a new, secret-ish quilts.
Yay! My @alex_franzen print fits perfectly! #abovethecouch  (Frame still needed. Yes, I used washi tale to keep it up for now)
Charbroiled butternut + black bean rancheros. Yum. #whatveganseat #vegan



I am so grateful* for:

  • Butternut rancheros. Yum!
  • Random gchats with Ana.
  • Clarity around integrity (and the bravery to make changes).
  • The stories that current Starship Captains have sent  me! Inspiring and humbling, I'm so happy to be a part of their journey! (Stories are shared here.)
  • The editing power of Jess. She radically improved everything I sent this week!
  • Excellent questions from future Starship Captains. (You can find my answers here.) This is the most exciting time – when everyone's about to beam aboard!
  • My new star sweater.
  • That at home feeling.



The finds:


*My gratitude list is a new part of the Adventures. Join me in listing what you're grateful for!

Explorer Club of Book Lovers – September

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I’ll share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can share your list of books in the comments, or we can talk about any of the books that you want to read along with me.

Sharing my September reading list on the site today (link in profile)! What are you reading?


What I read in August

I was completely, unexpectedly delighted by Start. This book says all of the things that I tell people who want to craft their dream business: Just Start. Make a map. Experiment! If you're feeling stuck or just not sure what to do next in your business or dream, read this book

Another BIG winner this month was Diane’s Quilting Happiness. I'll have a full review later this week, but for now I'll just tell you – go buy this book! It's great!

Maya Angelou's Mom & Me & Mom was short and sweet and full of her inimitable prose. A lovely read.

I read Dad is Fat in a day. Hilarious (although I recognized quite a few of the “essays” from Gaffigan's stand-up routine…which I love.) If you don't know who this guy is, his two recent specials are on Netflix. (Jay thinks he must be a long-lost older brother. His sense of humor is just SO me…and we're both frighteningly pale.)


(And there were more, but not worth talking about. You can find all the books I read onGoodReads)



September's To Read List


  • The local book club picked Boy's Life. I have no idea if I'll like it, but I want to join the group, so I'm going to try it!
  • After watching (and loving) this video (and using it in Explore You), I've been meaning to read Shawn's book!
  • Heather wrote a book! With a knitter in it! (She shared it with the Starship, so I got an early copy.) You can pre-order yours here.


What are you reading this month?

What was your favorite book of August?


Disclaimer-y Disclaimer! I was given a free copy of Stephanie’s book. But I’m not in any way coerced into saying nice things. Or course I’m biased when my friends write a book, but I don’t mention things I don’t like.  (I bought Heather + Diane’s book.) Read the usual disclaimer here. 





The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the finds on Fridays, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.


The view

Hiked 4 miles to swim at the falls (& then 4 miles back. Oof).
Stargazer block #1 for #dogoodstitches!
My cupcake pan is a workhorse. Today = zucchini/banana muffins. (Recipe by @isachandra)
Beau's face when he realizes I've eaten the last bite of peanut butter toast. (I wish you could hear the deeply disappointed (& judgmental) sigh that accompanied this face.)
Ran longer than usual, thanks to @galadarling & @skooloflife on #blogcastfm. #foundwhilerunning
Finalizing the materials for the last week of #exploreyou (I'm gonna miss it!)

I am so grateful for:

  • The results of Explore You – epiphanies, clarity, experiments. This class lived inside of me for over a year before I was able to create it, and so it's effectiveness in shifting the perspective of the explorers is breaking my heart with love and gratitude.
  • The moments where I found + reacted in love, instead of fear
  • The cooler weather! Running feels good again!
  • Starship reopening anticipation (and the excited emails I get from new Cadets!)
  • This banana/zuchinni bread recipe (muffins pictured above). Everyone (vegans and non-vegans alike!) loves it.
  • Pumpkin Spice Soy Lattes! (to make your own, check out my recipe here)
  • Amazing solo-sessions. This week I had triple my usual number of sessions. It was exhausting and exhilarating. I am so grateful to be a part of the opening and flourishing of amazing women (and their businesses).
  • Steph's great book. Can't put it down!
  • Time spent quilting.


The finds

  • I had a great time on Pace + Kyeli's podcast. You can listen in here, as we discuss a lot of non-business stuff about being who you truly are – with yourself, your family, and the wider world.
  • Speaking of podcasts, I've become completely addicted to Blogcast FM and am afraid my tweets are bordering on fangirl squees. The episodes are illuminating, interesting and best of, applicable to my business. (On top of that, I ran an extra mile today so that I could finish the interview with Gala.)
  • Also delighted that the Good Life Project is now available as a podcast. I rarely watch online videos, but have plenty of dish-washing, spinning and quilting time to listen to podcasts!
  • CraftLit podcaster and Starship Captain Heather wrote a book! The lead is a KNITTER! Can't wait to start reading it!
  • Kim's posts on Homeward Bound are wonderful + have sparked the kind of conversations I want to be having more of in my online life.
  • Gotta love The Franz. She's inspiring us all to share our gratitude with World Gratitude Day.


Last minute warning (and my mission)

Elvis cupcakes for Jay's birthday! Banana cupcakes, filled with peanut buttercream, topped with ganache. #whatveganseat

It's much too late in the day to write a post, but I really must inform you:

The solo-sessions are going away. Today is the last day to snag one for the rest of 2013.

There area  few reasons:

  • My schedule is full until November (if you buy one now you can schedule it between November and February.)
  • I'm opening the Starship in just 2 weeks, and all new members get 2 sessions per year, so I must leave room for them!
  • I'm embarking on a big, new, exciting project and I need to give it room in my schedule (and brain!)

But the real, real reason is that I'm not a coach.

For a few years there I consulted on a regular basis for a few bigger businesses (bigger = bigger scope than the single-gal-operations that populate the Starship), but that wasn't my best, most thrilling work. Through the years, people have had epiphanies and crafted plans through 1:1 conversations about their businesses, so I started offering them to Starship members.  Having these personal conversations makes a lot of sense within the confines of the Starship – where I already know your business, your goal, your map, your progress.  Over time, it seemed to make sense to offer them more widely.

But all this time, they didn't really fit in my own business universe. Yeah, they work for the participants, and they are a lot of fun…but my bigger goal isn't to be a personal “coach.” My mission is to help as many women as possible value their work and their place in the world. It's to lead explorations into what you really want for yourself. It's to embolden you to have adventures and follow your own mission.

I can do this best through writing, group adventures, and introducing you to a community of fellow explorers.



So – it's time to retire the solo-sessions. You can snag one of the last ones here, or sign up to find out when the Starship opens (Starship members will still get 2 per year!)

The Adventures

Every week is an adventure. I share my adventures via images + notes, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

Love you too. #foundwhilerunning
Bound and washed and perfect. Beau approves.
What kind of flower is this? A droopy bush with long boughs. #foundwhilerunning
Video editing for #ExploreYou. (10 days left!) #selfie #sorta #augustbreak2013
Again, with the laying on what I need. #caturday


Explore You starts nowThis 3 week class gets to the very core of what makes a successful business: making the right decisions with ease and clarity. Instead of looking for a book, class or mentor to tell you what to do next, discover it from the actual facts of your own business, through exploring! This is the very most material I've ever shared at once, with over 20 individual lessons, as with videos, articles, and worksheets.  (As soon as you pay, you have access to the first five lessons, so you can start exploring right away!) Join us here.


The completely free Exploration Party starts Monday! We've already got a big handful of artists, crafters, and writers who will be sharing their own explorations. Post your story any time next week, and I'll share it with the entire community. Details here.


Hate your inbox? Alex has the solution – and it's a fundraiser for Women's Earth Alliance! I truly love email (because you send the best mail!), and I think you should too. Get all the details here.


I got in a new box of books to sign! Just in time for my upcoming workshops at Arts Councils (I'll be in Morgantown on 8/19. You can join me for Social Media for Artists if you're nearby!). You can grab a signed book here, or read more here.


 Today is the last day that 10% of all sales will go towards cancer research. If you were moved by Allison's story and have been considering joining the class or buying a book, do it today! 




The story of a dad, and a bike adventure

Today we've got something a little different….

If you've met me for longer than 15 minutes, you've heard me mention my college roommates. I lived with Carissa, Lindsay and Allison for 4 years, in the dorms, apartments and one very wonky old house. They've been my confidantes, my advisors, and my mirror. 


We got to know and love each other's parents, visited each other's homes and formed strong attachments (I helped C's mom build her first website! I still rave about L's mom's hashbrown casserole! A's dad explained “joint finances” in a marriage to me!) I love these girls and their families.
Allison's dad, Mark Van Sickle passed in 2008, surrounded by his family, after battling cancer since 1999. 

When I heard, I was 6 hours away from my friend. I spent the whole day at my office job with my door closed, crying.  We were just 20-something. We were far too young to lose our parents! The roomates all met up at the funeral and sat there stunned, wanting to help, knowing we couldn't, our hearts breaking for our friend and her family.


In case I had any doubt, cancer sucks. It is an unfair, ridiculous, heart-breaking disaster. One that has struck some of you, and your families. 
When Al emailed me that she was doing an Obliteride to raise money for cancer research, I wanted to do more than just donate. I wanted to take the opportunity to share her story and listen to yours. Our community is full of the chronically ill, the cancer survivors, and those that have lost their parents too young. I'm routinely amazed at your perseverance, at your grit, and at your vulnerability with sharing your stories. Allison's is just one story among many, but it's a place to start. Here's a bit of her story…

(images throughout are from Al's training rides)
My dad bought me my first bike. I was about 5  I had been sharing my older brother's bike because I didn't have one. After dinner one night my dad told my mom “Allison and I are going to the store to get milk”. Instead of going to the grocery store my dad drove across town to Toys R Us and when we walked in he just said “pick one” and I, as a 5 year old in footed pajamas, got to ride bikes around Toys R Us at 9 pm on a school night to pick out my very first bike.
I, of course, chose a bright pink one with purple wheels and a purple seat. No basket, no streamers just a hardcore bike that could do what all the boys bikes could but still look adorable.

When I decided to play softball (about 7 or 8) my dad was super excited because he didn't have to attend anymore dace recitals. The first year I went out I was right in the middle of the pack with everyone else, nothing special, kind of slow and confused. The next year they were watching me during try outs and I was killing it. She said they both looked at each other and were like “where did that come from!?” To which my dad replied “Well, she obviously gets that from me.”  😉

My dad was my biggest supporter and challenger in any competition I entered. He encouraged me to focus more on character than attention. Whether it was not crying or throwing a bat or glove after striking out, or missing a fly ball, or continuing to cheer for my teammates even if we are losing 15-0. I don't care how far behind you are –  you can still try.

As I became a CrossFit  athlete and coach, I take those lessons he taught me and use them when I'm working out and pass them on to my clients (or try). I decided to do Obliteride because I have arthritis in my knee and I can't run anymore (so 5K's and triathlon's are out). I have been looking for something to commit to for raising money for cancer research since he passed away 5 years ago and haven't found anything. When Obliteride popped up, I remembered that night when he took me to get my bike and how close I feel to him when I'm riding. I know a lot of people also loved my dad and wouldn't mind donating in his memory either. I just never imagined that this many people would give so much of their hard earned cash. Training has been a lot of fun and I know that he would be extremely touched by the commitment I've made and the donations made in his memory.

I'm excited to commit to something again and be in “training”. It is fun and helps me push myself.

I want to help raise money for cancer research, that's all. That's why I'm doing this. I know what I am doing is a tiny drop in the bucket but if even so, it will help. And if I can do something, anything, to help prevent a family from experiencing the pain and heartache mine did, then I will do it. No one, young or old, father or mother, wife, husband, child, friend should EVER have to lose someone to such an annoying and hateful disease.

You can donate to Allison's Obliteride here. You can follow her training and ride on Instagram. 10% of all sales (of the class, the guide, solo-sessions, book, everything!) for the past two weeks (and the rest of the week!) are going to cancer research in memory of Mark. 

Explorer Club of Book Lovers – August

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I’ll share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can share your list of books in the comments, or we can talk about any of the books that you want to read along with me.
A peek at this month's To Read list (more on blog). #reading


What I read in July

Ocean at the End of The Lane  – Beautiful and mysterious and exactly what I expected from Neil Gaiman. (If you haven't yet, go and read all of his books. Right now.)
I started The Woman Upstairs and decided not to finish it. I just didn't like the narrator at all, and when I found myself avoiding it, I remembered: I believe in quitting! Why spend more time with someone you don't like?

(And there were more, but not worth talking about. You can find all the books I read on GoodReads)

Still reading…

I love love Annie Dillard's The Writing Life and I'm taking it nice and slow (and occasionally posting quotes on Instagram).

I'm also taking the Declaration of You slowly. It's my feeling-stuck un-sticker during my workday!


August's To Read List

  • We were talking about money and our relationship with it in the Starship (and I was gushing over how much I like You Need a Budget) and a captain recommended Your Money Or Your Life. Even though I'm feeling pretty great (for the first time in my life!) with how I'm managing things, I'm reading this book as research, so I have something good to recommend when people ask (I usually recommend Ramit Sethi's book (automation!) and this Dave Ramsey book (debt reduction!)).


  • Jay and I used to send funny posts by Jon Acuff to each other all the time, so when I saw Start at the library I snatched it up. “Punch Fear in the Face?” Um, ok! Probably another book to recommend to explorers.


  • I also picked up Making Good on a whim. After deciding to donate 10% of sales to Al's Obliteride, I've been thinking more about integrating  philanthropy a part of my business. I've been giving $25 in Kiva loans (to help other tiny businesses!) for every Starship captain, and I'd like to be more comfortable talking about it. (I know I don't do a great job, because, well, I've been tithing my income my whole life and was taught not to talk about it…so I'm looking for a way to make doing good integral to what we're doing here, without feeling showy.)

And..there's a pile of books my friends wrote, that are filling up my Kindle:

  • Do Nothing, Get Rich – a parody of the “get rich” books, written by my uncle (his name is not Moneylicious)! He's funny + smart, so I'm looking forward to reading it.
  • Amy's novel! I've been feeling fiction-less and adrift since giving up The Woman Upstairs, so I'm looking forward to something fun!
  • Stephanie's not-quite-released yet novel. (I'm an early reader! Yay!) Watch her space for updates!
  • Diane's book comes out August 27th! If you like quilting and self-discovery (which are, like, my two most-favorite things ever), I think we're gonna love this book. I can't wait for my copy to arrive (pre-order yours here!)


What are you reading this month?

What was your favorite book of July?

Disclaimer-y Disclaimer! I was given a free copy of my uncle's book and Stephanie's. But I'm not in any way coerced into saying nice things, or even mentioning them. Or course I'm biased when my friends write a book, but I don't mention things I don't like.  (I bought Amy + Diane's book.) Read the usual disclaimer here. 



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