Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

Searching for "say no"

6 thoughts on the New Domesticity


6 thoughts on the new domesticity

This weekend I read Homeward Bound: Why Women are Embracing the New Domesticity, and the short version is: I liked it! It knits together some threads of our current culture that I hadn't really put together – the rise of: “handmade”, lifestyle blogs, Etsy, foodie culture (organic, homemade, free range), and attachment parenting and contextualizes them in the economic reality my generation of college-educated, woefully underemployeed peers experience.
Here are some of my thoughts as I read:

1. This book is not about an individual lifestyle, but about a cultural phenomenon.  I had to remind myself of this a few times because it's odd to read the very first book about my generation and the movement I've been a part my entire adulthood. It's odd to find that it's not just my little underground society of makers – but it's a huge sociological shift. Not everyone interviewed is representative of myself or the makers I work with…but it's not about me. It's about the bigger picture, and the author really does a great job of painting the bigger picture, covering massively successful bloggers and I've-never-sold-a-thing Etsyians, homesteaders and attachment moms.


2. Lifestyle blogs featuring domestic pursuits + the success of some Etsyians set wildly unrealistic expectations. From the jewelry artist who lists a few things on Etsy and is disappointed when nothing sells, to the blogger who thinks she can run a profitable business while “staying home” with the kids, to all of us who look at the perfectly appointed (and clean!) homes and the massively prolific quilters, knitters and writers and think “I'm just not doing enough!” – the internet is warping idea of what real people DO and what we SHOULD be doing.

This bums me out because it takes something that some people are genuinely passionate about and turns it into a measuring stick for other women, who have no interest in it. I want to hug you all and encourage you to follow the thing the makes YOU happiest – if that's Thai takeout + marathon quilting sessions – go for it! If it's home-crafted meals (and no time to craft) – go for it! The bloggers you love, and small business you admire are NOT doing it all (trust me, I've seen their houses) – so you don't need to either.

(I've written more about this here and here.)

3. “The importance of financial independence often seems to get lost in our eagerness to ditch our boring jobs or pursue our passions.”

I was thinking this over and over as I read stories of women who left the workforce to pursue homesteading or housewifery (their word!), so I was delighted to read the author state it plainly in the last chapter. Being raised by a single mom and spending years as the unintentional “breadwinner” in the family (yes, even after quitting my boring job), I can not stress how important financial independence is for everyone (men and women!). Your spouse is an absolute gem, but what will happen if they (or you, if you're the bigger earner) get hit by a truck tomorrow? What if he gets downsized? Do you have the skills to care for yourself and your family for the next 4 decades?

I am deeply devoted to helping artists, makers and writers create financial independence for themselves. This is why I focus on defining success, creating plans, and building a sustainable business (one that you can keep doing for years). It's not enough for you to quit your day job or do what you love, you have to be able to keep doing it, no matter what life throws at you. (And having a traditional job is a fantastic way to keep that kind of security, while you build something else.)

4. “Opting out” of having a career is NOT the same as opting out of the traditional workplace. I was disappointed that the author seemed (especially in the blogging and Etsy chapters) to conflate the two. Just because you leave an office job doesn't mean you can't build a career for yourself. In fact, it's what I've spent the last four years doing – building a career as a teacher and a writer. This would be impossible in a traditional job given my French degree and the options available in my small Southern town.

5. Thus, being a “stay at home mom” is vastly different than being a “work at home mom.” Some mommy bloggers and certainly Etsy's messaging pretends that it's all the same thing, and that building a bill-paying blog or business can be done easily during nap times. This is another one of those unrealistic expectations. I'm not saying you can't build a business that allows you to spend more time with your kids, only that the two require prioritizing two different sets of tasks. And depending on the age + needs of your kids, the age + needs of your business, you'll choose one over the other at different times. (In other words, you may get childcare help, or choose to build your business slower).
You're not a failure for doing so. In fact, all of the successful bloggers and business you admire are doing the same thing. The book refers to Dooce as a “stay at home mom”, but she's quite clear that she works full-time, in an office in her own home. I love this post, from a mommy blogger who comes clean about the help she has in order to work full-time.

This issue comes up a lot when I lead Pay Yourself  – women take a good look at their profitability and their scale and then they spot what needs to change, or what they prefer to prioritize (sometimes it means they stop building their craft business, and they find something else that suits their family situation better).

6. The food you cook, the home you decorate, the way you parent, the job you do, the passion you follow – it is not a measure of your moral worth. {Click to tweet this!}

I want to tattoo that on your forehead. Don't let society, even a DIY-celebrating society, tell you have to do something to conform – whether it's shopping at Wal-Mart + eating meat or it's shopping at the farmer's market + being vegan. Choose your own definition for success for your family and focus on that. Let yourself obsess (in the fun way!) over what you care most about and give yourself a free pass on doing everything else.


In case you're curious, my own brand of New Domesticity looks something like the picture above: I knit + watch TV or read while my husband prepares massively fancy vegan dinners (check 'em out on Instagram)…on the weekends.  I quilt while he watches baseball. Jay does all the grocery shopping, and I do most of the dish-washing. We split all other domestic chores, usually on Friday nights (literally: I make a list of everything that has to be done and we each pick half of the things on the list). If it's not Friday, the house is as messy as it is. I bake when the urge strikes.

We both work full-time, Monday – Friday, 8:30-4:30. (I could work whenever, but this is when I work best and it gives us weekends and evenings together.) We eat a lot of weeknight dinners of bean dip or spaghetti (store-bought sauce + noodles, maybe with homemade vegan “meatballs”) or homemade veggie burgers.

If I were defining our Ideal Domestiticity it would value equality – in housework and in passion-following and in financial decision-making. We value small and local over big and corporate, but we get nearly all of our clothes from Target. We value homemade but we equally value rest and time to pursue hobbies…so if “homemade” means hours of unpleasant work, forget it. (This shifts on a daily basis. Sometimes homemade pie crust sounds like fun, and sometimes it sounds like torture.) And above all, we remind ourselves (ok, I ask Jay to remind me) that our choices in the domestic sphere do not indicate our worth as humans. 



3 Things I’ve learned from teaching 5 workshops in 2 weeks

Over the last 2 weeks, I have taught 5 live workshops to over 75 students in two different states.3 workshops were in partnership with Handmade In America, at North Carolina community colleges. The other two were in partnership with friends + students in Boston, MA.

It wasn't planned, it just happened through a fluke of scheduling, but this packed schedule was the best thing for me. You see, just a few months ago, I was nervous about teaching live, to an audience that didn't already know me. But this total immersion in live teaching, new students, and  unknown venues has cured me of any stage fright I ever had. (Have I told you that the entire reason I didn't go to grad school and become a French Professor as planned was because I couldn't stand up in front of the class without puking? Yeah, it's ironic.)


Creating "market your class" workshop for Cabot St Studios in BOSTON! #cantwait #mapmaking (details on site)

Along with becoming a braver, more adventurous teacher, I've learned three big lessons that I don't want to forget.

  1. It's not about me, Part 1.

    I've created a lot of content in the last 3 years of writing about business and I've systematized how I think about businesses. (I have a system for turning your ideas into action, a system for creating a sane holiday, a system for improving your profitability, a system for your overall marketing).

    But the most valuable thing I can offer is the experience of everyone else. You see, I'm in this unique (and delightful) position of having talked to, worked with, or worked in hundreds of small businesses. My own experience running a handmade business pales in comparison with all I've learned from working with a copywriter, a retailer, a tech start-up in addition to what I've learned in hundreds of solo-sessions with smart and successful artists, authors and makers, mixed with the deep conversations I've had over coffee with friends and strangers about what works for them. This massive database in my head (and my connection-spotting superpowers) allow me to answer student questions with real-life examples of what's worked for someone in a similar situation. (From knitting-book launches, to magazine submissions, to press releases, to finding more profit, to changing your business model drastically – my students, clients and friends have done it all.) It's not about me, it's about what works for individual situations. The longer I do this, the more individual examples of success I amass + the quicker I can give you examples of what worked for someone else (and brainstorm ways to morph it into something specific that will work for you.)

  2.  It's not about me, Part 2.

    Two years ago someone told me that their favorite part of my classes were the massive amounts of worksheets that I make you ask you to fill out. Hearing that shifted everything – it completely changed the way I was writing the book (it's more of a work-book than a reading-book). When I teach a live class, I'm actually doing very little teaching. Instead, I'm presented some ideas and then forcing asking you to work with them by applying it to your own business. Instead of using live events as an opportunity to spread my own ideas, I think of workshops as giving you the time and space to work though an aspect of your business. Because let's face it, most of us do not put into practice what we learn. We just file it away for “when I'm not busy” and then never get to it.

    It's not enough for me to talk at you about business (or life) principles, I want you to start putting it into practice and shape it to fit your situation, right now. So I regularly stop and say, ok, fill out your own answer to that question on page 5. And this is by far the biggest aspect I get feedback on. People love the worksheets. And they love that I gave them two hours to think deeply about their business.

  3. Everyone has the same questions.

    You really, truly are not alone. The  HIA workshops have included a huge range of students – from party planners, to new bakery owners, to massage therapists to personal stylists.

    And everyone of them has the same questions:
    What do I do next? (This is usually answered by breaking down your big goals into actionable steps)
    How do I find more customers? (The answer is usually somewhere in the message-creating process – either by clarifying who you you serve or what the benefits are.)
    Am I doing the right thing? Should I even be trying this? How do I know if it's going to work? Is it my fault it's not growing faster?

After every new adventure, I like to take a few moments to reflect back on what I've learned (I remind Starship Captains to do this every month!).

What about you? What have you learned from your last adventure?


cross_stitchesWant to attend one of my live workshops? 
I'm now planning my 2014 tour. Find out how you can help here. (First stop: TNNA in San Diego in January!)


Explorer Club of Book Lovers – October

I follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. I'd love to hear about your books – please share your own list in the comments!

Writing about this month's reads today. Stack # 1!

What I read in September


Stephanie’s new novel, Removed, is so so good. I can't believe I have to wait for book #2! Totally addictive!
Use What You’ve Got is a funny mix of personal stories-turned-into-business advice. Hilarious and encouraging, even if you're not a real estate mogul!

After watching (and loving) Shawn Achor's TED talk, I put the Happiness Advantage on my list..and I was not disappointed. I've got a whole post on why you're going to love this book (coming soon!), but if you can't wait, listen to Shawn's great BlogcastFM interview!

Writing about reading while working at the library. #meta (Full list on the blog - link in profile!)

October's To Read List

Since the first part of the month required a lot of airplane-time and thinky-thinking (4 live workshops in 8 days!), I've got more novels than usual on my list (and am so happy about that!)

  • Where'd You Go, Bernadette? Recommended by just about everyone, this was the perfect airplane read!
  • Someday, Someday Maybe. Lorelai wrote a book! Ok, so her name is really Lauren Graham, but she'll always be Lorelai of Gilmore Girls to me! (If you haven't watched Parenthood yet, you totally should. It is so much better than I expected!)
  • Grounded, by friend and Starship Captain Heather Ordover. I started this back in September and can't wait to finish it. You can order yours here + get your kit (yarn + pattern) here. (Riin + Heather met + collaborated thanks to the Starship. YAY!)
  • I liked the Happiness Advantage so much, I added Shawn's second book to my list!
  • The Culture Code
  • Turning Pro was a thank you gift from Srini + it's perfectly purse-sized. I've been reading it in little blips of time (the chapters are tiny + perfect for bite-size reading) and I already love it!
  • Steve Jobs has been on my list forever and it finally came in for me at the library.
  • The Art of Being Unmistakable, by Srinivas Rao.

What are you reading this month?

What was your favorite book of September?


Disclaimer-y Disclaimer! I was given a free copy of Stephanie’s book + Srini sent me Turning Pro. But I’m not in any way coerced into saying nice things. Or course I’m biased when my friends write a book, but I don’t mention things I don’t like. (I bought Heather’s book.) Read the usual disclaimer here.



Sounding the warning trumpets

The Starship closes to new members tonight (Monday). If this is the warning you've been waiting for, beam up here.

Although it's always bittersweet to close the doors, the real magic begins as soon I shut down the transporter beams, because I get to turn my attention the Captains inside the Starship…and I have some very exciting plans for them (and you?):


  • Live Map Making starts next Monday. We do one piece of the  Map Making Guide each day, and at the end of the week, we have a plan for one goal to work towards in the next three months. Even if you feel totally unsure what your goal might be now, you're sure to have a plan you'll love by the end of the week. I can promise that, because it's always the people who are totally new to this kind of planning that end up exclaiming: “This has totally changed the way I think about my business” (Beverly said that last quarter)


  • Solo-sessions! I sit down (well, on the phone, Skype or video chat!) with each and every captain who wants to, and we strategize their next steps together. Sometimes we're planning your next launch, sometimes we're brainstorming solutions to that pesky I-have-no-time problem. Sometimes you get on the phone with something that has dragged you down for months…and we've solved it in 15 minutes (This happened with Holly last month. I kept saying, “Are you sure you don't need to talk more about it? Or..something?” “Nope! All solved! Ready to get to work now!”)(Extra special – I no longer offer Solo-session to anyone outside the Starship. Becoming a Starship captain is the only way to work one-on-one with me.)
  • Holiday Sanity! This four week party leads you into a sane, relaxed holiday season. We create a plan, and keep each other gently accountable to do everything from making gifts, to filling holiday orders. This is the fourth year that I've held Holiday Sanity and it's always a favorite!

Whether you're frustrated because you don't have a clear path, or you're dreading the holidays because they overwhelm you – we're going to laser in on the problem and zap it, by finding what works best for you.
So if you'd like to get that (which is only happening live this quarter) beam up heretoday. 

yes to adventure

And if now isn't the right time…I'll see you next quarter!

PS. A few explorers have written that they can't afford to pay the entire registration at once. Of course, not! MOST captains come aboard with the payment plan, so don't be shy about using it, sugar.





Explorer Club of Book Lovers – September

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I’ll share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can share your list of books in the comments, or we can talk about any of the books that you want to read along with me.

Sharing my September reading list on the site today (link in profile)! What are you reading?


What I read in August

I was completely, unexpectedly delighted by Start. This book says all of the things that I tell people who want to craft their dream business: Just Start. Make a map. Experiment! If you're feeling stuck or just not sure what to do next in your business or dream, read this book

Another BIG winner this month was Diane’s Quilting Happiness. I'll have a full review later this week, but for now I'll just tell you – go buy this book! It's great!

Maya Angelou's Mom & Me & Mom was short and sweet and full of her inimitable prose. A lovely read.

I read Dad is Fat in a day. Hilarious (although I recognized quite a few of the “essays” from Gaffigan's stand-up routine…which I love.) If you don't know who this guy is, his two recent specials are on Netflix. (Jay thinks he must be a long-lost older brother. His sense of humor is just SO me…and we're both frighteningly pale.)


(And there were more, but not worth talking about. You can find all the books I read onGoodReads)



September's To Read List


  • The local book club picked Boy's Life. I have no idea if I'll like it, but I want to join the group, so I'm going to try it!
  • After watching (and loving) this video (and using it in Explore You), I've been meaning to read Shawn's book!
  • Heather wrote a book! With a knitter in it! (She shared it with the Starship, so I got an early copy.) You can pre-order yours here.


What are you reading this month?

What was your favorite book of August?


Disclaimer-y Disclaimer! I was given a free copy of Stephanie’s book. But I’m not in any way coerced into saying nice things. Or course I’m biased when my friends write a book, but I don’t mention things I don’t like.  (I bought Heather + Diane’s book.) Read the usual disclaimer here. 





A sneak peek at Explore You: You have permission

What kind of flower is this? A droopy bush with long boughs. #foundwhilerunning

For the last two weeks I've been answering your questions about the new class one by one, but today I want to share those answers and tell you a little more about how it came to be. If you have a question about the class, please ask in the comments, or send me a note.

First, I want to say: I love this class so much. It is so different from anything else I've done, but it's the kind of work I've been wanting to do all along. This is the very foundation of what we talk about here. Exploring is the heart of how you build a sustainable business, share your work with the world, and connect with customers in meaningful, profitable ways. And the heart of exploring is something I find missing in our online world – the reassurance that you don't have to get it “right” the first time. You don't have to know what you're doing to start doing something. You don't have to be the best, biggest, brightest star in your field. You can build something that reflects who you are, in every aspect (product, people, communication, all of it!)


Now, in order to actually facilitate your personal exploration, I had to do my own experimenting about what works. 
Students tell me that their favorite part of a class or book is the worksheets, where you apply what you've learned to your own business.  The best thing about a class or session is the time you invest in looking closely and being open to new ways. It's never the individual lessons, it's always the thinking and experimenting that results. I don't hold the magic answers, but you do. And you only find them by spending organized time looking and thinking about them…which is hard to get in your day to day business life. A class gives you the kind of structure you need to prioritize fixing something.

In Explore You, I'm taking all that to its logical conclusion. Instead of teaching lessons on how to do something specific, I'm guiding you to find your own answers, within your own experiences, for any situation. I'm sharing tools, for you to use in your life. I've built a space for you to take the time and apply your thoughtfulness to the area of your business that needs it most. And I've filled the space with other clever, helpful explorers.

In order to create that kind of environment, I've transformed the way I lead the course. We have a totally new class space and many many more lessons than every before. Pay Yourself had 6 lessons over one week. How to Talk about Your Work had three lessons over three days. Explore you has 15 lessons over three weeks + 6 lessons in the welcome week, that are available as soon as you join.  But, because this about leading you into an exploration (and not teaching you facts) – each lesson is different. There are videos, worksheets, discussion questions, and creative assignments (no special equipment needed). You won't just read or watch, you'll also write and think and do. You'll capture photographs or sketch or collage.

Because this course is a completely different kind of experience, I've had a few people ask for an example of what it's like. So I'm going to share a video from the “welcome” week  of materials. This is one of the extra lessons, about one of the first Exploration Tools you're going to need for this journey:

(included with every video is a copy of my notes, so if you don't want to watch the videos, you can read it all!)


Explore You starts on Monday.

I'm deliriously enthusiastic and can't wait! Monday's the very last day you can join us, so invite you to read more about and sign up here.


The story of a dad, and a bike adventure

Today we've got something a little different….

If you've met me for longer than 15 minutes, you've heard me mention my college roommates. I lived with Carissa, Lindsay and Allison for 4 years, in the dorms, apartments and one very wonky old house. They've been my confidantes, my advisors, and my mirror. 


We got to know and love each other's parents, visited each other's homes and formed strong attachments (I helped C's mom build her first website! I still rave about L's mom's hashbrown casserole! A's dad explained “joint finances” in a marriage to me!) I love these girls and their families.
Allison's dad, Mark Van Sickle passed in 2008, surrounded by his family, after battling cancer since 1999. 

When I heard, I was 6 hours away from my friend. I spent the whole day at my office job with my door closed, crying.  We were just 20-something. We were far too young to lose our parents! The roomates all met up at the funeral and sat there stunned, wanting to help, knowing we couldn't, our hearts breaking for our friend and her family.


In case I had any doubt, cancer sucks. It is an unfair, ridiculous, heart-breaking disaster. One that has struck some of you, and your families. 
When Al emailed me that she was doing an Obliteride to raise money for cancer research, I wanted to do more than just donate. I wanted to take the opportunity to share her story and listen to yours. Our community is full of the chronically ill, the cancer survivors, and those that have lost their parents too young. I'm routinely amazed at your perseverance, at your grit, and at your vulnerability with sharing your stories. Allison's is just one story among many, but it's a place to start. Here's a bit of her story…

(images throughout are from Al's training rides)
My dad bought me my first bike. I was about 5  I had been sharing my older brother's bike because I didn't have one. After dinner one night my dad told my mom “Allison and I are going to the store to get milk”. Instead of going to the grocery store my dad drove across town to Toys R Us and when we walked in he just said “pick one” and I, as a 5 year old in footed pajamas, got to ride bikes around Toys R Us at 9 pm on a school night to pick out my very first bike.
I, of course, chose a bright pink one with purple wheels and a purple seat. No basket, no streamers just a hardcore bike that could do what all the boys bikes could but still look adorable.

When I decided to play softball (about 7 or 8) my dad was super excited because he didn't have to attend anymore dace recitals. The first year I went out I was right in the middle of the pack with everyone else, nothing special, kind of slow and confused. The next year they were watching me during try outs and I was killing it. She said they both looked at each other and were like “where did that come from!?” To which my dad replied “Well, she obviously gets that from me.”  😉

My dad was my biggest supporter and challenger in any competition I entered. He encouraged me to focus more on character than attention. Whether it was not crying or throwing a bat or glove after striking out, or missing a fly ball, or continuing to cheer for my teammates even if we are losing 15-0. I don't care how far behind you are –  you can still try.

As I became a CrossFit  athlete and coach, I take those lessons he taught me and use them when I'm working out and pass them on to my clients (or try). I decided to do Obliteride because I have arthritis in my knee and I can't run anymore (so 5K's and triathlon's are out). I have been looking for something to commit to for raising money for cancer research since he passed away 5 years ago and haven't found anything. When Obliteride popped up, I remembered that night when he took me to get my bike and how close I feel to him when I'm riding. I know a lot of people also loved my dad and wouldn't mind donating in his memory either. I just never imagined that this many people would give so much of their hard earned cash. Training has been a lot of fun and I know that he would be extremely touched by the commitment I've made and the donations made in his memory.

I'm excited to commit to something again and be in “training”. It is fun and helps me push myself.

I want to help raise money for cancer research, that's all. That's why I'm doing this. I know what I am doing is a tiny drop in the bucket but if even so, it will help. And if I can do something, anything, to help prevent a family from experiencing the pain and heartache mine did, then I will do it. No one, young or old, father or mother, wife, husband, child, friend should EVER have to lose someone to such an annoying and hateful disease.

You can donate to Allison's Obliteride here. You can follow her training and ride on Instagram. 10% of all sales (of the class, the guide, solo-sessions, book, everything!) for the past two weeks (and the rest of the week!) are going to cancer research in memory of Mark. 

Explorer Club of Book Lovers – August

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I’ll share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can share your list of books in the comments, or we can talk about any of the books that you want to read along with me.
A peek at this month's To Read list (more on blog). #reading


What I read in July

Ocean at the End of The Lane  – Beautiful and mysterious and exactly what I expected from Neil Gaiman. (If you haven't yet, go and read all of his books. Right now.)
I started The Woman Upstairs and decided not to finish it. I just didn't like the narrator at all, and when I found myself avoiding it, I remembered: I believe in quitting! Why spend more time with someone you don't like?

(And there were more, but not worth talking about. You can find all the books I read on GoodReads)

Still reading…

I love love Annie Dillard's The Writing Life and I'm taking it nice and slow (and occasionally posting quotes on Instagram).

I'm also taking the Declaration of You slowly. It's my feeling-stuck un-sticker during my workday!


August's To Read List

  • We were talking about money and our relationship with it in the Starship (and I was gushing over how much I like You Need a Budget) and a captain recommended Your Money Or Your Life. Even though I'm feeling pretty great (for the first time in my life!) with how I'm managing things, I'm reading this book as research, so I have something good to recommend when people ask (I usually recommend Ramit Sethi's book (automation!) and this Dave Ramsey book (debt reduction!)).


  • Jay and I used to send funny posts by Jon Acuff to each other all the time, so when I saw Start at the library I snatched it up. “Punch Fear in the Face?” Um, ok! Probably another book to recommend to explorers.


  • I also picked up Making Good on a whim. After deciding to donate 10% of sales to Al's Obliteride, I've been thinking more about integrating  philanthropy a part of my business. I've been giving $25 in Kiva loans (to help other tiny businesses!) for every Starship captain, and I'd like to be more comfortable talking about it. (I know I don't do a great job, because, well, I've been tithing my income my whole life and was taught not to talk about it…so I'm looking for a way to make doing good integral to what we're doing here, without feeling showy.)

And..there's a pile of books my friends wrote, that are filling up my Kindle:

  • Do Nothing, Get Rich – a parody of the “get rich” books, written by my uncle (his name is not Moneylicious)! He's funny + smart, so I'm looking forward to reading it.
  • Amy's novel! I've been feeling fiction-less and adrift since giving up The Woman Upstairs, so I'm looking forward to something fun!
  • Stephanie's not-quite-released yet novel. (I'm an early reader! Yay!) Watch her space for updates!
  • Diane's book comes out August 27th! If you like quilting and self-discovery (which are, like, my two most-favorite things ever), I think we're gonna love this book. I can't wait for my copy to arrive (pre-order yours here!)


What are you reading this month?

What was your favorite book of July?

Disclaimer-y Disclaimer! I was given a free copy of my uncle's book and Stephanie's. But I'm not in any way coerced into saying nice things, or even mentioning them. Or course I'm biased when my friends write a book, but I don't mention things I don't like.  (I bought Amy + Diane's book.) Read the usual disclaimer here. 



Disclaimery Disclaimer!

Hi! You're here because you read a post in which I mentioned something I love! Awesome!

So let's get clear on what it means when I link to something I love:

It means I love it. 

I make 99% of my income from The Starship, Map Making Guide, live workshops and digital classes. I know that you only invest in those products if you like and trust me, so your trust is my absolute biggest priority, in everything I do. That means living with integrity, being honest, and doing my best to utterly delight you in everything I write and say (whether it's paid or free).

So…it doesn't make any sense to recommend something that won't build that trust and strengthen OUR relationship.


What I think about affiliate programs and advertising: 

I talk about a lot of tools, books, classes and well, stuff online. I send a lot of traffic to other people, products and things, because I truly like them. I think it makes sense to acknowledge that.

I don't sell advertising, because I don't want to focus on traffic and clicks and what someone else wants me to write about. I want to be able to write about what I find to be true and good and useful, and not worry if that brings me more traffic, attention, or money. So being an affiliate for things I really love, feels like a good way to be thanked, without being constrained to do what someone else wants. I've only ever become an affiliate for something after I've paid my own money for it.

(Do you know that a lot of bloggers, myself included, are asked to be an affiliate for things they've never read or experienced? These programs usually have huge payouts (like, hundreds of dollars), so otherwise honest people jump on it. This kind of marketing sucks, and it's why we have to work so hard to establish ourselves as honest.)


Here's what you should know: 

I’m an affiliate for Amazon, which means I get a tiny bit of money if you buy through the links I’ve used throughout the site. (So far, I've earned enough for a book. It's a very small amount and doesn't change the price you pay at all!)  

GoodReads is a free tool for tracking what you read. (I love it and use it, so I recommend it. I get no money!)

I read 99% all of the not-ebooks via my library, which I strongly advise! Unless you're like my friend Jamie, who really wants to own a book – in which case, use IndieBound to find your local bookstore! (I love love Malaprops!)

I'm a member of Leonie's Academy and I have read ALL of the materials inside. Although I don't use the forums, I've more than gotten my investment back. Leonie's Business Guide is the best resource I've found on STARTING to sell your crafts. Since I get that question so often (and all of my materials help businesses who are in the middle, not the beginning), I'm an affiliate (which means that Leonie sends me a percentage of  what you pay as Thank You Monies, if you use my link to join.) You can always join by going to LeonieDawson.com and joining, if you don't want to use my affiliate link.

I use my Desire Map journal every morning to set my three intentions and take a moment to be grateful for my day. I work through the Desire Map book every 6 months or so. I've recommended it to so many of my clients (and they love it so much), I'm an affiliate.

I love You Need a Budget. It's totally changed my financial health (and happiness!) If you buy the software using my link, you save $6, and they send me $6. That's it! I'm an affiliate for this because I recommend it so often and I'd like you to save $6!

These are the  ONLY things that I'm an affiliate for. So if I mention a class by anyone else, it's just because I think it looks cool! I always clarify if I've taken  the class or read the book, or if it just seems awesome. 


Got questions? 

Email me: vulcan@taraswiger.com

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The adventures

Every week is an adventure. On Fridays I share my adventures via images + notes, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

Finished block! This isn't as scary as I thought! #paperpiecing
"The feeling that the work is magnificent, and the feeling that it is abominable, are both mosquitos to be repelled, ignored, or killed, but not indulged." Annie Dillard says so. (True of any work, I think)
Andre doesn't seem to understand that I need to move the quilt in order to bind it.
Finished square! Yay! (For Believe circle of do. Good -finished quilt will go to foster kid!) #paperpiecing #quilting

The Path

Best Moment of the Week: Hearing that Jay got the new job he's longed for!


  • Even though I'm not really taking a break this August (I'm preparing for Explore You, teaching 2 live workshops with HIA, and our anniversary and Jay's birthday!), I am taking part in Susannah Conway's August Break. This means I'll be taking a photo every day this week, sharing it Instagram  and right here on this blog. Some days they'll be accompanied by words, sometimes not. If you subscribe to the blog posts, this means you'll be getting a few more than usual. You can always update your settings to just get the weekly lesson (always a totally new, not-on-the-blog lesson for your creative biz), if you don't want all those blog posts. You can see all the August Break photos with the hashtag #AugustBreak2013. Join me?


  • Another photo idea/challenge that I've been pondering is Becky Higgins' Stories of Home. It's a great reminder to snap all the tiny places around your house that you love, right now.


  • I've overjoyed at the response to our new Meet-Up map! If you wanna meet local explorers (we're a crafty, geeky, wordy bunch), add your town here. To be a part of the map, you need to click “Get updates” over in the left sidebar, after you've clicked on your city. This does NOT mean you have to plan something, just that you're saying: Hi! I'm here! (I heartily suggest that you add also yourself to the nearest bigger city, if you're willing to go there for a meet-up or class.)


  • I did my first paper-piecing this week! I made two 12″ blocks for the Believe quilting circle, using Fresh Lemon's Starry Night block. So much easier than I imagined (even if my points aren't quite perfect) and it's amazing to know the finished quilt will go to a foster kid.



This makes me very very happy: What it means to be a nerd, by Wil Wheaton:

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