Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

Searching for "say no"

What I’m Reading: August 2014

I follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can join the informal book club by sharing your own list in the comments and find all the posts here.


What I read

  • Influence, by Robert Cialdini – This book covers the basics of how we're convinced to do things, along with tips to resist influence. This will totally change the way you view commercials, websites, and the world. Required reading if you want to be an effective communicator!
  • Mindless Eating, by Brian Wansink – Confession: I will read anything about why we do things and how to change habits. This book is super educational on just that.
  • 10X Rule, by Grant Cardone- After hearing the author on one of my favorite podcasts, I couldn't resist reading his book. His style is a far cry from mine, but his point – set bigger goals and work 10x harder than you think – is solid.

I didn’t get a lot of reading in this month, because I spent most of my time writing and editing my new class materials!

What I’m reading

Still obsessed with…

I got obsessed with the idea of reading the Great Books – you know, the books that have formed the foundation of our culture, that teach us something about ourselves…those books that everyone else read in high school and college that I missed. You can see my list of 101 Great Books here (some of which I’ve read, thank goodness!).

But now – what the heck should I do with this list now? Read through it in a year? Read one a month? Where would you begin?I got a few replies last month from makers saying that if I started a Great Books read-along, they'd join in. What about you? Is this something you'd want to read on the blog (once a month) or follow along on Twitter? Or Facebook?


The Power of Practice {podcast}

Power of Practice
“How do I get comfortable talking about my work?”
A client asked me this a few weeks ago and my answer surprised her. In order to get comfortable sharing your handmade business – you practice! Don't worry if you don't sound natural and comfortable yet, you'll get there with practice.
In this episode I talk about how I practice – before a craft show and before a class (it's kind of embarrassing), and we talk about the three things you MUST be doing in your handmade business.
To figure out WHAT to say when you talk about your work and find the most effective actions in building a business you'll love, join me in my (free!) class with CreativeLIVE here.

How to listen

  • You can subscribe to it on iTunes (If you do, leave a review!)
  • You can listen to it using the player above or download it.
  • Subscribe or listen via Stitcher (or subscribe in whatever you use for podcasts – just search “Explore Your Enthusiasm” and it should pop up!).

Find all the podcast episodes here.



Stop calling it “self-promotion”

This week I'm deep in my writing cave finishing materials for my (free!) three day class with CreativeLIVE. To keep writing AND keep you exploring,  I'm revisiting and refreshing one of the most popular posts I've written from 2012. 

Don't worry about feeling gross "self-promoting" all over the Internet. Instead, put the 4 Ps of Marketing to work for you and YOUR business, with this free guide from Tara Swiger.

I'm allergic to the term “self-promotion.”

Lots of crafters call the process of getting their work in front of other people “self-promotion”, and it's not just a malapropism; it's dangerous! It  distracts you from what you should be doing.

Self-promotion sounds gross. In fact, just promoting yourself, telling everyone how great you are, is kinda gross. No one wants to be around the girl who can't stop talking about how great she can sing. (You know the girl.)

But calling it self-promotion is dangerous.

If “promotion” is the only way you're thinking of marketing, you're avoiding it. And that's dangerous, because you're probably avoiding all the other aspects of marketing, too.

(Or you're the other kind of creative, that just accepts the gross aspect of self-promotion and fills your twitter stream with “just listed [link to shop]”…but I'm pretty sure that's not you.)

Marketing, however, is the process of communicating with your people, about your product, your business and how it can help them.

Promotion is only (a small) part of the marketing equation.

It might help to know that traditional marketing (as defined in my past-life, MBA marketing classes), Promotion is just one of the 4 P's of Marketing.
In other words, it's only one quarter of all the marketing you do for your business. In creative businesses, I have a theory that it's even less than 1/4, but we'll get into that in a bit.

The 4 P's of Marketing is a framework for thinking about your marketing mix (all the things you do to communicate with your people). Inherent in the concept of a marketing mix is the belief that Promotion isn't everything; that your focus should not only be on telling people about your work.

The other P's:

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place


It all starts with what you're selling – Is it something people want? If so, what about it do people want? Is that clear? Is there a new product you can add (or delete) from your line to reach a new market?
Read more about marketing with Product here.


We already know that pricing is not a benefit…but it is a tool for marketing. Not just special pricing (a sale or discount), but the overall pricing strategy: Do you have a range of prices? Do your prices appeal to one market over another? What does your price say about the quality of your product?
Read more about marketing with Price here.


Where your product is sold directly effects the market it reaches. Is your product where it's people can find it? If you only have an online store, do you know your Right People shop online? When you pick a craft show, do you make sure your people will be there? How do you pick a shop to carry your goods? Where does news of your business show up? Is that really where your buyers are?
Read more about marketing with Place here.


See, there's lots of marketing to do that doesn't involve promotion.

What Ps do you use in your marketing mix?
Is there one you want to explore?

Want to learn more about your marketing?

Check out my new (free!) 3 day class with CreativeLIVE. It's going to cover EVERY aspect of your marketing, from finding your Right People to how to write content that connects to making a plan to get your marketing done. Enroll here.

Or, enter your e-mail below and get my FREE Guide to the 4 Ps of Marketing!


The secret to turning readers into buyers

This week's podcast is live! Talking about my favorite question to your marketing floundering: Where does it fit on your Customer Path?

How customers find you, fall in love, and choose to buy = your Customer Path.

In today's podcast episode, we talk about what it is, what you already have and how to start improving it.

A “Customer Path” is a framework to think about your marketing. Once you think through your message and your goals from your own point of view (like we do in the book), you need to shift and think about how this all fits together for your ideal customer. What do they come in contact with first? Where do they go next?

This is how you turn a casual reader (or random googler) into a customer, and then a raving fan.

This framework will help you know:

The good news: you already have a Customer Path! Your job, your responsibility is to make it as easy and effective as possible, both to boost your own sales AND to provide service to your customers (they want to know how to find out more!)

In the podcast I share some questions to get you started in your own Customer Path building and a list of 5 things to remember as you map out your own Customer Path.

If you'd like to build your Customer Path, increase it's effectiveness, and get clear on how you make sales, join the brand new class: From Hi to Buy: Craft a Customer Path.

Links I mention: 

How to listen

Your Turn!

What does your Customer Path look like right now? Are there gaps? Cliffs? Too many options? 

What are you going to do this week to make it clearer (and thus, more efficient)?

If you don't know the answer to that question, sign up for my FREE marketing e-course:



From Hi to Buy: Creating a Customer Path

Imagine this: the perfect, most ideal buyer discovers your work. She wants to know more! She falls deeply in love. You give her what she wants and she becomes a long-time fan and evangelist of your genius. You two go on to connect, collaborate, and delight each other with your perfect-fit-ness.

Sound like a fantasy?
In a successful business, this happens every day, multiple times a day.

And it's no mystery – it's simply a well-crafted Customer Path.

A customer path …

  • increases sales, connection, impact (and money).
  • relieves frustration.
  • doesn't waste your time.

Connecting with customers can take a lot of time and energy, and since you're a one-woman show, you need to focus on the tasks that are easy, effective, and enticing. 

This is a customer path.

A customer path is the journey a potential buyer takes from “Hi!” (they just discovered you) to “Buy” (they're ready to invest in what you make). It is a cohesive marketing plan, one that makes sense. One that is easy and fast enough for you to stick with. 

A customer path naturally leads a potential buyer, step by step, into a deeper relationship with you and your work. And it doesn't have to take up all your time.

The fact is, you already have a customer path. There is already a way to find you, fall in love, and buy from you … but if this isn't happening enough, your customer path needs tending. Instead of trying a bunch of new things, you need to  make the path you have easier, smarter, and more effective.

In this new class, we'll craft your most effective Customer Path.


You'll learn:

  • Why your follower numbers don't matter as much as you think.
  • Why RSS is NOT enough + what works better.
  • How to create content that keeps people coming back.
  • How to feel great asking for the sale.
  • How to stop wasting your time on social media.
  • The easy way to create rabid fans + sell out your shop.

Most importantly, you'll learn how to craft and maintain a customer path that works for you and your business. You'll find what's working, improve on what's not, and still have time to make your product.


Sorry! Class is closed!

(But if you want to get ALL the classes I do (and have ever done) for free, check out the Starship!) 

Understanding and identifying your customer path will save you time, money, and stress. You'll know what to say, so you can speak clearly to your most-likely-to-buy reader.
And you'll make more sales, because you'll be talking to people who want to hear from you. You'll know what to do with your marketing, so you can get back to making your art.

Here's exactly what we'll cover:

Hi! (How potential buyers discover your work)

  • Social Media Empowerment
  • The Power of Other People's Platforms
  • First Impressions

Come Closer (How a reader becomes a buyer)

  • Beam them into your world
  • Never let 'em go
  • Relationship building with social media

Buy! (That Magic Moment)

  • Why new content matters
  • Feel good about making the offer
  • Stay friends forever

Your Path (Crafting your best path)

  • Identify your current path
  • Spot the stumbles
  • Pave it + plan it



When you complete the class, you'll receive several bonuses!

  • Free access to my class on creating automatic email series (my favorite sales tool!) – a $69 value
  • $100 discount for boarding the Starship
  • $100 discount for joining the Solo Mission
  • A pretty PDF with the entire class (lessons, transcripts, worksheets) all in one place, so you can refer to this again and again  as you grow!

To join, just click the big Register button!

Class is closed!

But if you want to get ALL the classes I do (and have ever done) for free, check out the Starship!  


The class includes:

  • A week-long, live digital class, starting May 26th.
  • 5 lessons (audio + written transcripts + worksheets) emailed right to you.
  • A workbook that will uncover YOUR customer path + clarify your plan of action.
  • An online space for you to connect and get feedback from the other biz smarties in the class.
  • A look at my own Customer Path + why I do what I do.
Got questions? (click to expand)


How does this work?

  • Registration closes May 23rd.
  • As soon as you register, you will be prompted to create an account and log in to the class space.
  • You will have immediate access to the class space + Welcome lesson, along with a bonus that will make sure the class works for you.
  • Class begins on May 26th.
  • Each weekday, you'll receive an email with access to new class materials.

Is this for me?

Yes! If you: 
  • Want to increase sales + reach more people.
  • Aren't sure what to say in email newsletters … or if you even need one.
  • Feel like all your marketing is a waste of time – is it even working?!
Probably not, if you: 
  • Don't already know what you sell (or soon will sell).
  • You have no idea who you're selling to. (Is she a knitter? A young mom?)*
  • Have absolutely no Internet presence (Etsy shop, website, any social media). You don't need to have it ALL together, but you should be comfortable working online.

*If you have no idea who buys (or will buy) what you sell or you haven't started (yet), start with my book.

How much time will it take?

You can watch or read through each day's lesson in less than 20 minutes. The worksheets will challenge you to think it through for your OWN business, so it will take 15-30 minutes of uninterrupted thinking and writing time. You may need to think about it throughout your day and come back with a clear answer the following day.
You can take as much or as little time as you want for asking your questions (or reading other people's).


I'm afraid it won't help – that nothing will help.

Oh honey, I understand. Building a business is a long, complex, frustrating journey. There is no ONE class, tool, or strategy that will solve every problem. There is no ONE marketing tip or tool I can share that will work for everyone.
But what does work, in 100% of businesses, is building a strong + consistent communication with your potential buyers. By connecting with the people who want your goods, you'll learn so much about what else you need to do to grow.

In this class, you'll specifically learn how to fit all your various marketing bits into one cohesive whole, one path. You'll cut out all the redundant or useless stuff. This will reduce your frustration, wasted time, and general apathy towards your business. Getting clear on one area (like your Customer Path) will help you get clear on everything else.

And if it doesn't — check out the refund policy in the next question….

What if I change my mind or it doesn't work for me?

I want you to build exactly the kind of business that works for you. If this class doesn't help you get there, you can get a 100% refund! If you change your mind before we begin, let me know before the class starts on May 26th. If you aren't satisfied after you take the class, just email  vulcan@taraswiger.com with all of your completed worksheets attached (because the class will only work if you use it!), any time within 90 days of the last day of class, or by August 30th, 2014. Within two business days, we'll refund your Paypal account in full.

I'm dedicated to making each class useful for every student. I'll be available throughout the live version (May 26-May 31) of the class to answer all of your questions and help you apply the lessons to your own business. If you have any issue, please it bring it to my attention and we'll fix it immediately.






 Got a question? Send it my way by clicking here!

Remember: Registration closes on May 23rd. 


Posted in |

How to launch a podcast in one week

How to launch a podcast in one week, on TaraSwiger.com


I mentioned yesterday that I love podcasts and that I've long wanted to start my own. The truth is, I started working on one THREE years ago. In 2011, I took a great class with Diane, that taught me everything I needed to know about starting a podcast. I bought a travel mic. I sent a million emails to friends about what I wanted the podcast to be. When I went to Chicago on a trip for a client, I interviewed two of my long-time fave crafters (their interviews will eventually be on the podcast).

But then..the idea withered. I know myself: I failed to follow my enthusiasm and just make it, so I got bogged down in the details and never moved forward.

When the idea hit me again I sat right down and wrote out all the reasons I shouldn't do it (that's a short list). And then I wrote all the reasons I should do it. I wrote what the podcast would be about. I wrote a rough outline of my first podcast. And I sent an email to Heather asking if I had the different steps of it right.

The next Monday, I decided: Yes, I'm going to do this project. I recorded the audio, recorded an intro, edited it together and by Thursday had it all uploaded and ready to launch. The day after I got everything set up, Elise wrote this great post about how to launch a podcast on a Mac. I use a slightly different workflow and set of tools, so I wanted to share that with you.

This is rather long, so instead of reading it all and getting overwhelmed, I strongly recommend that you save it (maybe pin it?) and open it back up when you're ready to start your podcast. 

Here's an overview of how each episode moves from your brain into your listener's devices:

  • You record it, edit it + send it to where it will live on the web (where iTunes will “read” it from).
  • You write the summary + title, then publish the episode on that platform (or you schedule it for the future).
  • When it goes live, iTunes (+ all other podcast readers) will “catch” the feed and post it on their site with the information.
  • Subscribers will magically have the episode!

How to launch a podcast in a week.

  1. Decide what you want to talk about.
    Make a big list of possible topics. Figure out who you're making this for and what you want to say. (You could use Craft an Effective Blog to generate topic ideas!) Now, summarize all that for your first episode. Listen to a few of your favorite podcasts to get a feel for the organization of it all. What do they say at the beginning? The end? Write down a general outline of what you want to say (be as scripted or as free-flowing as you like).
  2.  Pick a name.
    This took me forever, but don't stress about it. If your blog has a name, go with that. If your Etsy shop has a name, go with that. (I'm just “Tara Swiger” everywhere, so I had to find something new.)
  3. Make a cover image.
    It needs to be 1400×1400 and still look good at 150×150. If you're totally new to image design, hire someone. (This should be pretty inexpensive. You can find lots of designers here.) Or just put the name of your podcast on a colored background. Really.
  4. Set up your recording + editing + feed.
    -Set up an account on Libsyn (I went with the cheapest: $5/mo). Put the name of your podcast and the summary in there.
    -Set up an account on Auphonic (free!) then download the Auphonic phone app.
    -Go to the “services” page on Auphonic and add your Libsyn account. This will send all of your episode to Libsyn. (This makes everything so super easy.)
    -Also set it up to send recordings to your Dropbox/fttp/computer (wherever you wanna save your files).
  5. Record your first episode.
    -Open the Auphonic app and click the big Record button and start talking.  I recorded the first episode ON MY PHONE.
    -Save the recording + name it.
    -If you want an intro and outro to be the same on every episode, record each of those and save them.
    – After you're done recording, click “Start Production” on your episode file. (You can do this on your phone, or on the web app.) If you recorded an intro and outro, put those in the intro and outro section. On this production page, you'll name the episode, write a summary, etc. Be sure you've selected Libsyn in the outgoing file, so it's sent automatically.
    -Click “Start Production” at the bottom of this page. Your file will be edited + sent to Libsyn. Yay! You're all done creating the audio file!
  6. Your episode will soon be in your Libsyn account.
    If you need to, edit the title, summary, etc and publish it (or schedule it).
  7. Submit your feed to iTunes!
    Libsyn creates the feed with all the details you've already put in,  so you just need to copy + paste the feed onto iTunes. (Your feed will look something like taraswiger.libsyn.com/feed).
  8. Wait anxiously for their approval.
  9. Share it with your friends + customers!

This list may seem long, but none of the technical things will take any more than 10-15 minutes each.

Once you've done this the first time, you only need to do Step #5 + #6 for all future episodes. Two steps!

What takes the longest: YOU – deciding on what you want to say, what you want to call it and how you want to describe it!

Here's how it worked for me, in a normal work week where I did a zillion other things, including proposing and landing a new contract for a teaching opportunity.

Monday: Decided on a whim what it would be all about (after three years of thinking about it on and off).

Tuesday: Set up all accounts, made image (with a name I decided to change), recorded intro (with the wrong name), recorded first episode.

Wednesday: Did lots of other work. On my breaks, turned my YouTube videos into podcast episodes.*

Thursday: Asked Twitter what to name it. Decided on something else entirely. Redid the image with the new name. Rerecorded intro. Re-edited first episode (I just sent the original file back through Auphonic, attaching the new intro + outro files) – all from my phone. Edited the feed page with a longer description. Submitted the feed to iTunes.

Friday: Waited! When I got the “you've been approved” email, I sent the link to two friends to test. Tested it on Jay's phone with the Podcasts app. Tested in on my phone with Downcast. Wrote the introductory blog post. Danced around!

*This took me some research, so let me tell you how I did it.

How to turn your own YouTube video into an audio podcast:

  1. From your Video Manager page on YouTube, download your video as an MP4.
  2. In Auphonic, add the MP4 as your audio file. Fill out the details (summary, description, intro, outro). Make sure it's set to send it to Libsyn.
  3. Click “Start Production.”
  4. Bam! That's it! Now it'll be on Libsyn just like any other podcast and you can schedule it for whenever you want!

Your turn?

Ready to start your own podcast? If you do, I'd love to hear it! And if this tutorial helps you create yours, PLEASE leave a comment with a link to your show!





The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Jay brought me coffee in bed, saying, "This makes me think how well you and Granny would have gotten along - drinking coffee, crocheting, being introverted." #taralovesmornings
I am TOTALLY stuck now that it's time to name my new podcast! Help?  1. Explore Your Creative Biz OR  2. Follow Your Enthusiasm.  Please vote?
Taking this #GoodFriday slow & catching up on my education, with @garyvee's take on Tumblr.

I am so grateful for…

  • Eventually I'll stop talking about flowers. But not yet! I am totally grateful for the gorgeous blooms – especially the just-burst-open dogwoods.
  • The ability, flexibility, and permission to follow my enthusiasm towards a new exciting project (podcast! details next week!)
  • The birth of the newest version of my most popular class, Pay Yourself, went swimmingly.
  • A lovely Good Friday morning full of sweetness + hope.

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I'm eating: 

In case you missed it: 

What adventures have you had?

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Crocus! #foundwhilerunning #signsofspring cc: @pennyshima
YAY! First full-sized daffodil! #signsofspring #foundwhilerunning
These tiny buttercups are suddenly everywhere, making today's 3.1 mi run FANTASTIC. #foundwhilerunning
I'm wondering if the Orchestra often gets people dancing in the aisles... #indigogirls
Forgot to share this yesterday! I think it's saying: This way for orange clovers? Regardless, it was a cold, breathless, 40 sec/mi-faster-than-usual 2.5 mi run. (Still embarrassingly slow) #foundwhilerunning

I am so grateful for…

  • Spring is springing! The daffodils, the redbuds, YAY!
  • A lovely evening at the symphony, with the Indigo Girls and my dear friend
  • Running, and the opportunity it gives me to watch spring unfold.
  • The Starship launch is going fabulously. Since I only do this 4 times a year, every time is a huge deal!


The Finds:

Check this out:

 Don't forget! 

The Starship is open for just one more week! Check it out here.


What were your adventures this week?  


What I’m reading: March 2014

follow my enthusiasm by reading…a lot. And once a month, I share (some of) the books I read last month and the books I intend to read this month. You can join the informal book club by sharing your own list in the comments and find all the posts here

And now I'm in my pjs, on the couch, with a post-run smoothie and this fabulous stack. #fridaynightpartynight

Snow days are great for reading! I got through so much during the very short February!


What I read

$100 Start-up by Chris Guillebeau. As I hoped, this is going to the top of my to-recommend list for those where-to-start questions. This is for you IF you're not sure how to get started. IF you are seriously excited to start a business. Even though I'm 8 years past “start-up”, I still learned stuff – I used the Launch Checklist while opening Pay Yourself (and had my biggest class launch ever!)

Money: A Love Story, by Kate Northrup. In preparation for leading Pay Yourself, I wanted to read up on some of the emotional side of money. This book is a good look at the emotional stuff, particularly if you're afraid to get started.

No Meat Athlete , by Matt Frazier. If you're not sure where to start with eating more healthily, this book's first half is GREAT. Not only does he give you the knowledge of nutrition you might be missing, he really focuses on habit change. Because it's not just about knowing the thing to do, it's about doing it.

If You Can Talk, You Can Write, Joes Saltzman. The title says it all! I used the prompts to keep up with my 1,000 words a day and found myself quoting it to the writing-scared.

The Signature of All Things, by Elizabeth Gilbert. I wasn't sure if I liked this novel, but I kept going (and it's huge!). I enjoyed it, but didn't love it.

Fuzzy Nation, by John Scalzi. Read this sci-fi classic (it is a classic right? It should be!) in one long weekend. Fun!


What I'm reading


Slow Motion by Danie Shapiro.

Knowing your Value, by MikaBrzezinski. Another Pay Yourself-inspired read, and it came just at the the perfect time -I've been helping one of my clients double her rates.

Ready Player One, by Earnest Cline.

A pile of quilt books, including Word Play, The Quilts of Tennessee,and Tula Pink's City Sampler.


How about you? What are you reading? 


Disclaimer-y Disclaimer!  Or course I’m biased when my friends write a book, but I don’t mention things I don’t like. Read the usual disclaimer here.

The Adventures

Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The view

Too good to wait. #taralovesmornings
Gorgeous day, and art. #motherdaughterfun
Picking fabrics for my Cat Lady quilt. You, @pennyshima?
Beau isn't sure about this layout... #yearofmaking

I am so grateful for…

  • A lovely weekend with my mom
  • The  opportunity to use my doable-plan-creating superpowers for two dear friends, and being witness to the resulting awesomeness they've crafted.
  • The return of my quilt-making mojo. (I started this quilt. I am officially a Cat Lady.)
  • Dude. The thank you emails from Pay Yourself students, and  their epiphanies in the discussion space are THRILLING. And humbling. I've had other teachers/superstars email me to say their students are telling them how much they love it. I was proud of this material, but I am so much more fulfilled knowing that it's being applied and is useful. My heart has grown three times.

I can't say enough how overwhelmingly grateful I am to be doing this work + to be helping gorgeous, generous business ladies rock their own art. Group hug!


The Finds:

Read this:  

Listen to this:

What were your adventures this week?  

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