Why your business needs your enthusiasm, on TaraSwiger.com

Welcome to the second episode of Explore Your Enthusiasm! 

This week we're talking about ENTHUSIASM. It's right there in the name of the podcast + it's a vital tool in a sustainable business. We'll cover why it matters, what to do when you don't have any, how you can learn from your craft, and how to make even the most boring tasks more fun. I also share a bit about my own crafting funks, some burn-out horror stories and what I've learned when I follow the enthusiasm in my own business.

Links mentioned in the podcasts

How to listen

Your turn!

How do you follow your enthusiasm in your business? What have you learned?
If you're feeling burned out or bored, how are you going to start experimenting with your enthusiasm?



1 Comment on Podcast: Enthusiasm – your business needs it

  1. Bobbi Rubinstein
    April 30, 2014 at 12:16 pm (10 years ago)

    Good show. Interesting how enthusiasm/liking something is better than passion, which like in love, goes away. Also I like the idea of not telling anyone about stuff I’m playing with or future projects. I have to learn to zip it. Because if I drop something, I feel embarrassed, though I know most people care more about their own work than the status of my life! Yes, barriers to starting, like classes that are weeks away and the spark of intense interest has gone. Good point.

    So 3 things I did in my PR biz, which I did from home for 10 years and is now morphing into photography, was to pay bills/write up invoices, etc on a Sunday with a glass of wine and CSPAN’s Prime Minister’s Talk on the TV above my desk. I love English accents so this was a treat to have the various voices in the background. And it was a hoot to listen to them rant.

    The other thing was having to send out bunches of email pitches to media all over the country. Like hundreds of them. It was mindless so I had my fave political talk shows on in the background. I love background noise, helps me focus and I’m not so alone but plugged into the outside world.

    Third thing is follow-up pitching to editors, writers, producers by phone, basically cold calling, since they probably deleted or never remembered if they even got my email. Scary stuff, though it does build character! But I’d remember why I was doing it: I was sending my two girls to college. It was MY added income to the family bank account that was putting them through private colleges. I was proud of myself. I’d remind myself of that, picture each of them, take a deep breath and dial.
