Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

I insisted on continuing to type, so we came to a compromise.
House to myself after a long, cold day = #vegan (cashew& red pepper) mac&cheese. #yearofmaking 23/365
This morning's pre-writing reading. @neilhimself's Make Good Art. #yearofmaking 21/365
Today's office, piled with hand knits, aka Survival Gear. (That's a Malabrigo beret, crocheted handwarmers in @mercedesknits yarn, and my own hand spun in @_leethal_'s Betiko.)


I am so grateful…

  •  to be home!
  • for the handknits necessary to survive the unnaturally cold winter!
  • for cups of coffee with my favorite creamer.
  • for a lovely, refreshing trip.
  • Super-exciting new project! (hint: a retreat! To be the first to hear about it, sign up here)



The Finds



Recipes we tried this week:

  • The above (vegan) mac+cheese is an adapted version of Isa's (I just add more garlic/lemon/nootch to taste).
  • Vegan Reubans = YUM (PS. This is more work than I'd ever do, but Jay loves it so he makes it)
  • Bindi Masala, from Isa Does It
  • Lentil Quinoa soup, from Isa Does It
  • The AMAZING tempeh meatballs + spicy marinara from…Isa Does It! Friends, we have a new favorite meatball.

(Yes, we're addicted to our new book. And yes, you should buy it, vegan or not! My mom did + loves it!)





2 Comments on The Adventures

  1. handmadeby EvaRose
    January 25, 2014 at 4:35 am (11 years ago)

    Lovely post! I was smiling because my cat has the same markings as yours and loves to snuggle, preferably on the keyboard just to remind me who is boss.

  2. Gabrielle
    January 25, 2014 at 5:57 pm (11 years ago)

    I just read your email and wanted to write, I love lists… to the point where I save most of them because I love going back through them to see what got done… what never will get done… and how I adapted my plans. I tease me kids that when I die and they go through all of my stuff they will know how crazy I really was, haha! I just bought the book you suggested, I think it will help to further my magazine plans. Thanks for your awesome blog. 🙂