The view

Every week is an adventure and this is the view, the path and the finds that made this one special. You can follow all my adventures here.

First flowers! #foundwhilerunning
The first flowers of the year!

Beau is hard at work on my to-do list.
How my to-do list gets done

After 2 hours of editing, my video broke, programs froze...and then my computer crashed. So I bought myself a celebratory Vanilla Spice soy latte. #deepbreath
Starbucks Vanilla Spice Soy latte: my new best friend

Before and after: pink tips!

Eep! I pinked the tips of my hair (instead of the front  stripe)

Bowl of knits in progress -new coffeetable centerpiece.
Currently knitting

The Path

  • My week was filled up with class discussion and solo-sessions with Starship members (I had five, which might be a record!). It's so invigorating  to talk to interesting people about their adventure.


  • I just brought on a new writing client and I'm just loving the inside view at a business I've long admired. I don't do much writing-for-other-people because with the wrong fit, it can be draining (for both of us!)…so I'm also delighted (and a little shocked) when someone finds the info and signs up. Which reminds me, I should probably mention that I do that kind of thing, sometimes.


  • Banana yarn finally (finally!) came back in stock! I've got just a few skeins left, and you can grab 'em here.


  • I'm a Frockstar! Karina Dresses said so!



The Finds

  • I was delighted to learn that fellow coffeeshop-regular David makes music I love. Listen in here.



  • This retreat is SO close to me, I almost can't not go. Who's coming with me?


  • This envelope for expenses is going to the change the way I live (currently: all recipes for a whole year go in sad, torn-up envelope at the bottom of my purse)


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