Hello friends! Today's the day!
Market Yourself is out of pre-orders and is shipping out, right this minute.
$26.95 plus shipping

DIGITAL (PDF and ereader)

In Boston? Join me!
Tonight I'll be teaching a workshop on Right People. It's totally free, and it's at the fabulous Gather Here. Get the details here.
Not in Boston? Tweet + win $50!
To celebrate the launch of my book, my publisher is giving away a $50 gift certificate for any of
their books. To win, all you have to do is tweet about the book, and use #marketyourself in your tweet,
today. Shannon will pick a winner (randomly) from all tweets + announce it via Twitter tomorrow morning.
In your tweet, you can ask me questions (I'll answer every one!), you can talk about your favorite part, or you can share your own marketing struggles.
Need some ideas? How about:
I just bought @TaraSwiger’s marketing book for handmade biz! Get yours here:
http://bit.ly/IbR5oM #marketyourself
Ooh! $50 worth of @cooppress books? Sign me up! #marketyourself http://bit.ly/IbR5oM
Here's what others have been saying:
The difference between the different versions.
I've gotten some questions about the difference between the versions of the book. Here's the lowdown:
Print + Digital (only available from me and Cooperative Press):
This is the actual, hold-in-your-hands print copy of the book
+ a PDF of the entire book, emailed immediately after purchase.
Digital (only available from me and Cooperative Press)
This includes a Kindle and Nook-friendly editions,
+ a PDF of the entire book, immediately after purchase
Print or Digital available anywhere else. Yep, you can buy the book from
Amazon , but it won't include a PDF of the book.
Why do I want a PDF?
Because your business is always changing!
There are a squillion worksheets in Market Yourself and while you're welcome to fill them all in on your print version, I want you to be able to come back in 6 months or a year and revisit the worksheets, and be able to look at all the questions with fresh eyes. The PDF allows you to print (and reprint!) the worksheeets as often as you need to.
And if you buy the digital-only copy, a PDF lets you print out just what you want, so you can apply pen to worksheet.
Do you have any questions?
Ask them in the comments, or tweet them!
Gabrielle Krake
May 30, 2012 at 4:54 pm (13 years ago)I’m on page 26… Wow, it’s really awesome how she is pulling out my old way of doing things and teaching me to look at my business in a fresh new way. A new mission statement has been born! Thank you Tara!
Tara Swiger
May 31, 2012 at 8:51 am (13 years ago)Thank you so much, Gabrielle!