Weekly-ish notes on navigating big change

An Adventurous Life

Welcome! // WEEKLY VLOG

Hello and welcome! I'm Tara Swiger and I help makers and artists create sustainable businesses through teaching biz foundations and confidence and mindset tools. I do that through my podcasts, workshops online and around the world, and the tools I offer: books, online community and essential oils.

My podcasts are Explore Your Enthusiasm, which is weekly lessons on how to build your business and comes out every Wednesday, and Essential Enthusiasm, which is a weekly conversation about how to take care of yourself and your emotional wellbeing, so you can do the work you want to do, it comes out every Friday.

The principles of what we do here:
1. You are your most valuable resource – so take care of your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.
2. Your enthusiasm is your best business advisor. You won't go wrong if you follow it.
3. After you learn the foundations of your business: profitability, marketing message and a workday that works for you, everything after that is about experimenting. Your business is an experiment and no one can tell you what will definitely work.
4. Trusting yourself is the key to loving your business.

Find out more about me here at TaraSwiger.com or follow me on Instagram http://www.instagram.com/taraswiger.

Trip to the Northwest // WEEKLY VLOG

This week I'm talking about my trip to Seattle and surrounding area to meet up with a couple of my Starship captains and teach essential oil workshops.

Get more goodness and support the podcast: http://patreon.com/taraswiger

You can also find me on Instagram as @taraswiger, I'd love to see what you're working on — use #exploreyourenthusiasm to share!

Music: DJ Quads, https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads

Midwest Craft Con 2018 // WEEKLY VLOG

This week I'm talking about my trip to Midwest Craft Con, the classes I taught, my lifetime achievement award, and upcoming travel.

Upcoming events:

Natural Solutions for knitters (and all crafters!)
March 8
Perfectly Knotty, Arlington, WA
RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/144490012913953/

Rest + Roll: An essential oil Make + Take for moms
March 9th
Bremerton, WA
Details and RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/577730082584678/

Essential oils 101
March 9th
Bremerton, WA
Details and RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/179010709384128/

Intro to Essential Oils
March 10, 11am
Cherry Street Coffeehouse Seattle, WA
Details and RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1619180364856422/

Get more goodness and support the podcast: https://patreon.com/taraswiger

You can also find me on Instagram as @taraswiger, I'd love to see what you're working on — use #exploreyourenthusiasm to share!

The Adventures

Here’s a round-up of what I saw, did, and read this month! Follow my Instagram Stories for in-the-moment photos + videos. You can find years of Adventures here.

The News:

The View:

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A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I'm watching:

I'm eating:


What did you read, listen to and eat last month? Come tell me on Facebook!

The Adventures

Here’s a round-up of what I saw, did, and read this month! Follow my Instagram Stories for in-the-moment photos + videos. You can find years of Adventures here.

The News:

  • I've started a new Friday video series where I talk about the lessons I'm learning while I build my own biz. Find it here!
  • Pay Yourself re-opens this month! If you wanna get real about your biz finances, sign up here to be notified when it does!
  • I was a guest on Me & Orla's podcast last month! Listen here.

The View

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A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

A post shared by Tara Swiger (@taraswiger) on

The Finds:

I’m reading:

I'm listening to:

I'm obsessed with:

  • Essential oils! I've been using them to stay healthy and get a handle on my anxiety. I'm going to talk more about it in an upcoming (free!) webinar. Head here to sign up and learn more.


What did you read, listen to and eat last month? Come tell me on Facebook!

We’re buying a comic shop!

In this week's Friday video (my series where I talk about the lessons I'm learning in my own creative business), I'm talking about my newest adventure: Jay and I are buying a comic shop!

Watch the video to learn more about how we're making this long-time dream of ours come true:

If you want more updates on my comic shop adventures, you can sign up at TaraSwiger.com/comicshop.

After today I won't be posting the comic-related stuff to the regular blog (at least, not often), so if you want to follow along you'll need to sign up here to get those updates!

The Adventures

Here’s a round-up of what I saw, did, and read this month! Follow my Instagram Stories for in-the-moment photos + videos. You can find years of Adventures here.

The News:

  • The Starship opens in March, but only to those who are signed up here.
  • I'm speaking at State of Making in March! You can get free access if you register and watch live!
  • I'm teaching at a summit for LYS owners with Gwen Bortner in Asheville, NC in April. I think we can still sneak in 1 or 2 more yarn shops, if you wanna learn how to up-level all your systems, admin and marketing.  More info here!
  • I've started a new Friday video series where I talk about the lessons I'm learning while I build my own biz. Find it here!

The View


The Finds:

I’m reading:

I'm listening to: 

What did you read, listen to and eat last month? Come tell me on Facebook!

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