
I'm probably a little obsessed with the hilarity of Kelly Parkinson. I mention her in nearly every Good Shtuff. But it's really good! Especially, this on How to dance (when dancing = marketing).


Jay, the house comic nerd, wants me to link to this post about what small businesses can learn from comics. Good shtuff!


I've been thinking a lot about time + planning, so the new book by Zen Habits about Focus has perfect timing. Haven't read it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
A big thanks to @joyfulmess for telling me more about it in this interview.


We had a special BONUS class for the early-birds of Holiday Sanity. The post-class chat was amazing. The program's already so full of smart, helpful creatives that I can not wait to see who joins this week. If you need some Holiday Sanity, you can join us here.


Speaking of smart and helpful, I am so excited to have Kirsty Hall as a guest teacher in a class about building a business Within Your Limits. As an entrepreneur and artist and mother with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, she has bunches to share about honoring your limits + building a sustainable business. You can get all the details and watch an adorable video of Kirsty here.



This has nothing to do with business, I just thought I should tell you that I'm totally addicted to making teeny tiny crocheted things.

A pirate duck, for Havi + Selma

I've already agreed to make a ninja for my web ninja and a typewriter for my Kyeli + Amy. And a dog to match my dog.
(Oh, that's so ridiculous I can't believe I just confessed it.)
I'll be sharing patterns and inspirations tomorrow at Blonde Chicken Boutique in case you are similarly obsessed.

What have you been obsessed with this week?
<a href=”; title=”IMAG1041 by blonde_chicken_boutique, on Flickr”><img src=”; width=”333″ height=”500″ alt=”IMAG1041″ /></a>

6 Comments on Good Shtuff: dancing, comics and sanity edition

  1. kyeli
    November 3, 2010 at 5:42 pm (14 years ago)

    Eeeeeeeee! An amigurumi typewriter! I am dancing around my house with glee and happy and antici……………pation. (;

  2. Anonymous
    November 3, 2010 at 8:29 pm (14 years ago)

    Ha! Luckily I watched the Glee Rocky Horror episode or I wouldn’t have
    gotten that….can you believe I’ve never watched the movie? Shocking, I

  3. Anthony Fortunato C.
    November 3, 2010 at 9:51 pm (14 years ago)

    Great blog post! Thanks for the backlink!

    – AC of Search Influence

  4. Amy Crook
    November 3, 2010 at 10:09 pm (14 years ago)

    OMG! Dog dog! That’s not ridiculous, that’s AWESOME.

    Also, the glee of typewriterly awesome is pretty darn gleeful, though now I’m going to have to go buy some sort of artist-ish one to match it. You really could rule the world making these things!

  5. Anonymous
    November 3, 2010 at 10:11 pm (14 years ago)

    What kind of artist-ish amigurumi shall we create? Paintbrush? Canvas?
    OH MY GOODNESS. I could crochet a blank canvas and you could embroider/paint
    on it.

  6. Anonymous
    November 3, 2010 at 11:09 pm (14 years ago)

    Thanks for writing a link-worthy post! I love thinking about marketing in new ways.