Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the finds on Fridays, and you’re invited to join in.
You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.


The view

Hiked 4 miles to swim at the falls (& then 4 miles back. Oof).
Stargazer block #1 for #dogoodstitches!
My cupcake pan is a workhorse. Today = zucchini/banana muffins. (Recipe by @isachandra)
Beau's face when he realizes I've eaten the last bite of peanut butter toast. (I wish you could hear the deeply disappointed (& judgmental) sigh that accompanied this face.)
Ran longer than usual, thanks to @galadarling & @skooloflife on #blogcastfm. #foundwhilerunning
Finalizing the materials for the last week of #exploreyou (I'm gonna miss it!)

I am so grateful for:

  • The results of Explore You – epiphanies, clarity, experiments. This class lived inside of me for over a year before I was able to create it, and so it's effectiveness in shifting the perspective of the explorers is breaking my heart with love and gratitude.
  • The moments where I found + reacted in love, instead of fear
  • The cooler weather! Running feels good again!
  • Starship reopening anticipation (and the excited emails I get from new Cadets!)
  • This banana/zuchinni bread recipe (muffins pictured above). Everyone (vegans and non-vegans alike!) loves it.
  • Pumpkin Spice Soy Lattes! (to make your own, check out my recipe here)
  • Amazing solo-sessions. This week I had triple my usual number of sessions. It was exhausting and exhilarating. I am so grateful to be a part of the opening and flourishing of amazing women (and their businesses).
  • Steph's great book. Can't put it down!
  • Time spent quilting.


The finds

  • I had a great time on Pace + Kyeli's podcast. You can listen in here, as we discuss a lot of non-business stuff about being who you truly are – with yourself, your family, and the wider world.
  • Speaking of podcasts, I've become completely addicted to Blogcast FM and am afraid my tweets are bordering on fangirl squees. The episodes are illuminating, interesting and best of, applicable to my business. (On top of that, I ran an extra mile today so that I could finish the interview with Gala.)
  • Also delighted that the Good Life Project is now available as a podcast. I rarely watch online videos, but have plenty of dish-washing, spinning and quilting time to listen to podcasts!
  • CraftLit podcaster and Starship Captain Heather wrote a book! The lead is a KNITTER! Can't wait to start reading it!
  • Kim's posts on Homeward Bound are wonderful + have sparked the kind of conversations I want to be having more of in my online life.
  • Gotta love The Franz. She's inspiring us all to share our gratitude with World Gratitude Day.


1 Comment on The Adventures

  1. Kim Werker
    September 6, 2013 at 3:53 pm (12 years ago)

    Thanks, Tara. I’m smiling over here to be in such great company. xoxo