Last January, I sat down to think about the upcoming year.

I'm not one for resolutions or promises or big change-your-life sort of goals.
But I do like to figure out what I want out of the next year.

First on my list for 2009 was to quit my day job. But that goal had a lot of mini-goals that I wanted to happen before I quit:

  • get some press coverage
  • make enough, by selling yarn, to replace my dayjob salary for 3 months in a row
  • create new, not-strictly handspun yarn-related products

As I look back on 2009, despite all the other icky stuff this year brought, I'm really proud of myself for accomplishing those goals.

But what about YOU?

But my goal was two-fold: I want to crush it and share it. (I wrote about that here).

And while I've shared as much as I could as I was going through the process, I now have the time (and presence of mind) to share even more, with more details.

This year, it's not a goal or a resolution or anything, but I am commiting to sharing it in 2010.

Since making my own goals public and then sharing the process, I've gotten a steady stream of emailed questions. I know there are more people who are NOT asking and I want to share as much as I can!

I have lots of ideas for really in-depth ways to share it (and by “it”, I mean the whole quit-your-dayjob, do-what-you-love, make-a-biz-from-your-craftyness thing) but I wanted to get started right away.

Let's talk!

Next Monday (12/28), at 2pm EST, let's take a break from the holiday-craziness and just chat about business stuff.

I'll give you a toll-free number (and access code) to call and you can call in and ask questions  about anything business-y.  Even if you don't have questions or you're shy and don't like to speak up (that's me!), call in to hear other people's answers!

If you can't make it at that time, I'll send you the recording (as long as you've registered for the call).

To get the phone number & the recording, just sign up here.

I look forward to talking to you!

PS. I'm not selling ANYthing! They'll be no sales pitch or anything on this call, I just want to answer the questions you have!

4 Comments on Sharing It

  1. Maggi
    December 28, 2009 at 3:18 pm (15 years ago)

    That was a great session, I learned a lot and it was great speaking with you! Thanks for doing this!

  2. Maggi
    December 28, 2009 at 8:18 pm (15 years ago)

    That was a great session, I learned a lot and it was great speaking with you! Thanks for doing this!