I own a yarn shop.

A Novel Yarn

A real-life, bricks and mortar, come-in-and-have-a-seat yarn store.

I signed the lease just 11 days ago and we're opening tomorrow. Tomorrow!

I've been blogging our day by day progress on the website, you can read it here.

I've waited to announce it here, because I was still working out the details. What would the shop be like? What would it's personality be?
How would it affect Blonde Chicken Boutique?

Now that I know the answer, I'm ready to share it with you.

Blonde Chicken Boutique is going to continue on as it has. It's my own company, my own line of yarn. I will keep posting new yarns weekly to the Boutique and talking about eco-friendly fiber and pattern ideas here, on the blog. Blonde Chciken Boutique is my creative outlet and it's not going anywhere.

A Novel Yarn is in partnership with my mom. We're trying to create an open studio for fiber arts and a gallery for handmade yarn.

But what's that mean?

Open studio: I'll be spinning at the shop during business hours. I'll also have my carder, so you can see the process from fiber to yarn. I'll also have one-on-one lessons for knitting and spinning. We'll be teaching classes on a all sorts of knitterly endevours from learning to knit to knitting with handspun to using Ravelry.

Gallery for handmade yarn: Our shelves with be overflowing with handmade yarn from myself and a host of my spinny friends. Anyting relating to fiber that is handdyed, handspun or otherwise handmade  is welcome! We'll have handpainted needles, Learn to Knit Kits, books by indie publishers and (eventually) patterns by indie designers.

It has been a whirlwind to get open but so so satisfying to just begin to promote so many fabulous fiber artists.

Tomorrow is our first day and December 19th is our Grand Opening. If you're in Jonesborough, TN, come say hi!

And if you can't come in to the yarn shop, you can always find your favorite Blonde Chicken Boutique yarn right here in the shop.

6 Comments on My real-life Yarn Shop

  1. phoenix
    December 11, 2009 at 3:22 pm (15 years ago)

    Congratulations on your new shop! It sounds like a terrific idea.

  2. Wendy
    December 11, 2009 at 6:17 pm (15 years ago)

    Good luck! sounds wonderful!

  3. Melissa
    December 12, 2009 at 1:48 pm (15 years ago)

    Best of luck!

  4. Kathryn | Alpacamundo
    December 13, 2009 at 12:19 pm (15 years ago)

    Wow. Talk about an amazing year. I'm so excited for you.

  5. Kathryn | Alpacamundo
    December 13, 2009 at 5:19 pm (15 years ago)

    Wow. Talk about an amazing year. I'm so excited for you.