Every week is an adventure and I share the view, the path and the finds on Fridays, with an invitation for you to join me. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

Running in 81* weather was made bearable by the FLOWERS. Everywhere. #coloroverload! #yayspring
Rosebud! #foundwhilerunning #lookup
It's a little too rainy out there. #accordingtoBeau
Weeping Cherry = my favorite! A gorgeous day to explore a new neighborhood  & route. #foundwhilerunning #uar
Conclusion: I can't imagine doing this with a whole quilt. Don't like all the pulling & gripping. Will stick with hand quilting!

The Finds

The only thing I can focus on this week is praying for Boston. I wish I could do more, but what we can all do is donate to help the victims. Give here. If you're looking for some distractions, here's what I enjoyed reading this week:

  • I love this post about beauty and our cultural insistence (even in the Dove Real Women ads) that beauty is important to self worth.
  • I feel in love this with quilt.
  • And this one. I'm definitely making it soon!




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