This week was full of real-life adventures (I traveled solo) and internal adventures (family) and crafty adventures (quilting).

The view

Starting a four-day solo adventure. #selftimer The new shoes are a perfect match for my kindergartener-appropriate outfit
My week is full of meeting babies. Today: Flash the lamb.
3 days with mom = 2 quilts. Of course.
No one looks cool singing aloud on the car
Finished top, ready for quilting.

Farmer's Market score :: vegan smore's :: driving :: new shoes :: lamb! :: quilting :: singing along to FUN! :: finished quilt top

The finds

This week I was almost entirely offline. My short time online (1 hour every morning) was spent entirely inside my new class. Even so, I managed to stumble across a few internet wonders:

If you're at Stitches Midwest, stop by booth 631 and say hello to my publisher! And get some lovely yarn from Starshipper Riin in booth 327.


What adventures did you have this week?

1 Comment on The Adventures

  1. Kristy
    August 10, 2012 at 8:06 pm (13 years ago)

    Thanks for linking to my site, Tara! 🙂