Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the news  on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

In preparation for two live classes,  countless face-to-face meetings , and cross-country travel, I have braved the snowy mountain pass in search of that one evasive necessity...a haircut.
And this is what 0* looks like on me. #longlivehandknits #nofilter
This what 0* looks like on my mountain.
Paper piecing under a cozy crocheted blanket. #yearofmaking 6/375

This weather has me longing to finish a sweater! #yearofmaking 7/365  (#staccatokal under my #scrappytrip quilt, with Beau)


The News

I'm in San Diego! And if you are too, I'd love to meet you!
You can come to dinner here (totally casual, everyone is welcome!) or take one of my classes at TNNA.

Not in San Diego? I still want to meet you! Invite me to your town here.