My work A Novel Yarn (you know, my real-life yarn store!) has put me into contact with hundreds of independant yarnies.
I've read their blogs, poured over their online shops, signed up for newsletters.
I have observed.

And all this observing (combined with my own yarnie-experiences) taught me a few things:

  1. Everyone really has their own style of yarny-ness
  2. That own-style-thing means that everyone has something different to offer
  3. A lot of yarnies aren't highlighting their own, unique, awesomeness on their website, blog, twitter…in other words, on their public face
  4. Many of these yarnies have scattershot marketing, if any at all.

These problems are so overwhelmingly universal (with a few exceptions like ColorBOMB) in the handmade world – this is so NOT limited to yarnies.

And this is a shame,  because there are so many awesome makers of awesome things that are toiling in virtual obscurity because they don't know how to share their thing.

All this observing has ignited a passion inside me.
What was once just a vague thought (I'd really like to somehow, someday  help other handmade businesses) has turned into a solid plan.

I want to help handmade businesses reach their right people in a non-icky, super simple way.

I don't have all the answers, but I've studied a lot and I've done a LOT of trial & error (& error & error).

I've put together systems that have worked really well for me (newspaper & magazine articles, showing up in books, etc) and that can be applied to ANY crafty business.

And as part of my Sharing-It Pledge, I'm ready to share this aspect of my business in a 3-week online class.

You can read all about the class here and the subjects we'll cover, but the short version is this:

  • You want to share your thing with the world
  • You have something unique to offer
  • Together we'll discover the best places for you to share your thing, a system for doing it consistently AND ways to highlight your you-ness.

If this seems like something you might like, you can learn more and register for it here.

Have any questions or comments? Leave them below!

0 comment on Helping Yarnies Share Your Thing

  1. velmalikevelvet
    January 6, 2010 at 9:40 pm (15 years ago)

    OMG woman, you CRACK my ass UP! I sure have you fooled; don't you know my middle name is Scattershot?

    I'm flattered you think I've got some of my shit together, anyway. You've got a great thing going here – all the best with it!

    Smooches, Miz COLORBOMB Velma

  2. blondechicken
    January 7, 2010 at 1:04 pm (15 years ago)

    Honestly, darling Velma, you are the one site/brand/yarn that is totally consistent! And you know why? Because you are just YOU everywhere! Bright, crazy, hilarious!


  3. blondechicken
    January 7, 2010 at 6:04 pm (15 years ago)

    Honestly, darling Velma, you are the one site/brand/yarn that is totally consistent! And you know why? Because you are just YOU everywhere! Bright, crazy, hilarious!


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