Good Shtuff is a weekly-ish look at what I’m reading and thinking about. This week, it’s all about finding the ease.


Lynda Barry says some beautiful things about doing things by hand in this great interview.

Handwriting, for example, is a very complicated thing. It moves through time with no delete button in the same way we do.


Marissa wrote a beautiful mini-festo about choosing sipping over domination. I am practically allergic to any form of violence, so I very much appreciated this:

I don’t want to feed an ethos of power struggle, scarcity or battling.

Not even metaphorically. Words matter.

It reminded me of a post I wrote a few years ago, when I decided instead of “crush it” I'd make my goal succulence.
Irony: that year I was featured in the NYT best-seller, Crush It. Yes.

Month of Love

I can't believe I'm already at the 4th Annual Month of Love, my yearly attempt to spin yarn inspired by couples. It's my most favorite yarn-y thing I do and the feedback is amazing.
This year it's reminding me to do more of what makes me feel like this.  Connected, creative, easy.

What are you reading and thinking about this week?

2 Comments on Good Shtuff: doodling, sipping and crushing

  1. Marissa
    January 19, 2011 at 5:53 pm (14 years ago)

    Thank you for the inclusion in your Good Shtuff! The Crush It irony made me laugh out loud–especially the sentence, “She’s clearly crushing it.” Very funny. Raising my cup o’ tea to succulence! 🙂

  2. Anonymous
    January 19, 2011 at 5:55 pm (14 years ago)

    Thanks Marissa!
    I think allowing the space and permission and the ease to not TRY and crush
    it gives us so much more energy to *actually do awesomeness*, no matter what
    you call it!