Every day is an adventure. I share the view, the gratitude and the finds on Fridays – you’re invited to join in. You can find all my adventures here, or follow along via email here.

The View

Office view.

I greet the day with a cat on my head. #catsofinstagram
Making chana. #yum #vegan #whatveganseat
Spent my afternoon note-taking & brainstorming improvements on next year's version of...everything (Starship, #mapmaking, Solo Missions). #loveagoodproject

As fun as travel is, there's nothing like making your own  food exactly as you like. Butternut pasta (recipe linked on the site) & roasted brussels.  #whatveganseat #vegan


I am so grateful for:

  • The deeply encouraging responses to my Big Lesson.
  • The editing powers of my Number One. (I really can't say this enough.)
  • Warm woollens in cold weather.
  • Coffee.
  • Puppy snuggles.
  • Spending all week planning, writing, and creating wonderfulness for Solo Mission pilots.

A few of the recipes we made this week


The News: 

This week I announced my newest offering, The Solo Mission, to the email explorers. Since I didn't really say much about it here, I wanted to share a bit about it with you:

Planning and thinking about the new year isn't enough. It's not enough to  plan the best year. You have to have know how to actually follow through. You have to have a system or habit of making your dreams do-able.

And when I talk to you – crafters, makers, writers – this is what you tell me you're missing. You struggle to take action, to know if it's the right action, and to keep your momentum.
It's not enough for you to know about marketing, communication and exploration – you can't do anything with that knowledge until you have a system for applying it on a regular basis.
But on the flip side, I'm surrounded by makers who DO reach their dreams. The Starship is full of artists who reach their income goals, yarn makers who quit their day jobs and designers who become published authors.
I want to help you become one of those dream-reachers this year. 
I've taken everything I've learned from explorers who DO reach their dreams, and I've created a plan for your Solo Mission.

Here's what we know works: 

  • Define what you really want (get crazy-clear).
  • Make a map of the steps in between you + your destination.
  • Work on doing the to-dos every day.
  • Regularly review what's going well (+ what's not) and adjust your map accordingly.

But it's hard for you to keep this up on your own. Life gets in the way – you get swamped with orders, your kid gets sick, you take some time away.
My job is to make your success unavoidable – no matter what life throws at you. Although I can't make you take action, I can provide support, encouragement and just-right questions to set you back on your path, again and again.

Introducing, the Solo Mission.

Find out more and join here: https://taraswiger.com/solo-mission/
(Since announcing it, at least 1/4 of the spots have been snapped up!)


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments or via email!

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