I might be a bit obsessive.
I wish I wasn't.
I wish I was smooth and casual and je ne sais quoi.
But I'm not.  I'm excitable. And squeal-y. And a bit obsessive.
When I learned the new Yarn Forward was available in the States (it's UK-based), one that I had been interviewed for, I began stalking Barnes & Noble.
I've been 4 times in the last month, scouring the magazine racks, looking behind every title.

Yesterday, my mom and I had a bit of free time and we decided to pop into the bookstore for a cup of coffee and magazine perusal. I did my normal magazine-rack-hunting. The girl next to me set down one she had been flipping through and

There it was, the April issue.

I called my mom over as I flipped through, and was shaking before I even landed on this page:

"Meaning of Green" in Yarn Forward 62/365

That's me, in the upper left corner!

The article is a discussion with several “ecological experts” (squee!) about what “green” means to them, in terms of yarn and fiber choices. It's a fabulous article with input from Lorna's Laces, a Rowan rep and other experts on the subject!

You can find buy Yarn Forward online, at your yarn store or at a bookstore!

Oh, and the geeking out doesn't end there. My mom and I both squealed, jumped around, hugged and celebrated! This little excitement-party happened again when I told my husband (who, for the record, does not squeal)

0 comment on The Meaning of Green

  1. Hanna
    March 24, 2009 at 11:18 pm (15 years ago)

    YAY, congratulations!!!

  2. Sarah
    April 3, 2009 at 8:06 pm (15 years ago)

    Hi, Tara. I was at Borders the other day scoping the craft mags and this one really jumped off the shelf at me. It has a really nice look to it. It was only once I was flipping through it that I realized it was the mag I saw on your blog. Your piece really looked great. Good for you!

  3. blondechicken
    April 3, 2009 at 8:49 pm (15 years ago)

    Thank you SO much! It's crazy to think people are seeing it “in the wild”!


  4. flowers by post
    April 14, 2009 at 3:38 am (15 years ago)

    Interesting…definition of green i.e in terms of yarn and fiber choices.