Today I'm delighted to be talking to retreat organizer and knitwear designer Varian Brandon. She shares how she got started designing, what a normal workday is like, and how she deals with the Comparison Trap. Varian's a member of the Starship (which is open now!) and we discuss how it's shaped how she thinks about her business. Listen in at

Today I'm delighted to be talking to retreat organizer and knitwear designer Varian Brandon. She shares  how she got started designing, what a normal workday is like, and how she deals with the Comparison Trap. Varian's a member of the Starship (which is open now!) and we discuss how it's shaped how she thinks about her business. If you loved this episode, hang out with Varian on Periscope!

How to listen

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  • You can listen to it using the player above or download it.
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There's no transcript for this episode since it's an interview, but you can sign up below to get transcripts of all the other podcasts!