Every week is an adventure and this is the view, the path and the finds that made this one special. You can follow all my adventures here.
The view
Kitty yawn!

Finished a new hat!

A finished wholesale order

Snuggling with my handmade throw

Spun by my 13 year old knitting student (she carded and spun the yarn from a local llama!)
The path
- This week's email (How to not get bummed about the internet) really struck a chord and the replies have been flooding my inbox in a wave of solidarity. If you've been feeling down in comparison to everyone's apparent success, read it.
- Budgets + Boundaries, my advice-column-y take on the tricky issue of your business money + your family, on OhMyHandmade. It sparked deep + sweet conversations during the live chat. I'm always open to chatting about this, so if you need a sounding board, don't hesitate to write. (I might be the only person in the world that really loves my inbox. Don't be shy!)
- The ladies at Create Hype interviewed me! You can read the truth about fear (uh, yeah, I have it!) here.
The finds
“Sometimes we set out to do something, like write a novel, and we fail at writing that particular novel. But in the process of failing at that novel, we can actually succeed at writing another.”
-Wil Wheaton, in this awesome post on failure. (Thanks to Kim's newsletter for the link!)
(This is doubly true for business. You might start to sell one thing, and have one kind of business and decide to change your mind (500 times). While you've “failed” to do the first business, that process created your better idea)
This is a beautifully honest post by Diane. Please read the whole thing.
Thanks to Alex for sharing ReciteThis. With it, I made this in about 30 seconds: