YOU GUYS! It's episode 100! I can't believe that we have been hanging out for 100 episodes (I can't believe I stuck with it! I can't believe YOU stuck with me!). To celebrate, I did something all new - a call-in show! I invited you, in episode 98, to call me with your questions. And you did - yay! And boy, your questions were awesome! The first question got me so fired up that I created a totally new worksheet for you, to help you figure out your own best email opt-in! To listen in and get the FREE worksheet visit

YOU GUYS! It's episode 100!

I can't believe that we have been hanging out for 100 episodes (I can't believe I stuck with it! I can't believe YOU stuck with me!). To celebrate, I did something all new – a call-in show! I invited you, in episode 98, to call me with your questions. And you did – yay!

And boy, your questions were awesome! The first question got me so fired up that I created a totally new worksheet for you, to help you figure out your own best email opt-in! Click here to get it in your inbox!

In this episode, I answer questions about:  

  • What to send email subscribers
  • How to use your opt-in to get MORE email sign-ups
  • Where to start creating a new blog (I mention this workbook)
  • How to decide where to spend your time
  • Getting started making videos (you can see all of my videos here)


How to listen

Find all the podcast episodes here.