I can't believe it's taken me 4 days to share this (blame on being snowed in!) but last Sunday, my yarn shop (A Novel Yarn) was featured in the biggest local paper – The Johnson City Press!

That's me on the left (with the pink hair) and my business partner (and mom) on the left. We're hugging a shelf full of Jen Hintz's yarn (the photographer made us do it).

As you can see, the article took up the whole front page of the Temp (ie. Lifestyle) section, with my picture of Shera, along with more of Jen's yarn and my mom's hands knitting.

The article was all about our “philosophy” of handmade yarn and living curiously (about where stuff comes from, if we can make it, how it's made, etc).

The article also briefly mentioned my first business (and true love), Blonde Chicken Boutique, so if you're here from the paper – hi!

So many of you have asked, but it doesn't appear to be online.

0 comment on In the local paper!

  1. velmalikevelvet
    January 7, 2010 at 4:45 pm (15 years ago)

    well ain’t THAT just the bees kneesiest! or blondest chicken, i s’pose. kudos!

    ps – i tagged you on my blog. heh. http://bit.ly/5xpZLC

  2. velmalikevelvet
    January 7, 2010 at 4:21 pm (15 years ago)

    Well ain't that just the bees kneesiest! Or better, the blondest chicken, lol. so I tagged you on my blog today! http://bit.ly/5xpZL

  3. amy
    January 11, 2010 at 11:09 pm (15 years ago)


    *does the happy dance of being visible*

  4. amy
    January 12, 2010 at 4:09 am (15 years ago)


    *does the happy dance of being visible*