I don't think I am know I'm not.
In fact, even thinking that anyone expects me to be one freaks me out.
And yet.
People ask me questions.
I answer them.
But in my answering, I'm just saying this is what works for me.
Not I know the only right way.
I've been thinking about this expert-thing since reading this post about not being an expert. And while working on my Twitter class.
I am not an expert
I wasn't sure how to announce the class, because I keep getting hung up on I'm not an expert!
Morover, I think Twitter Experts are the problem!
They overwhelm us with information on what we should be doing.
Or they have all these rules that makes Twitter not-fun and frankly, sort-of-icky.
So why teach a class on Twitter?
Becaue, in every one of my other classes for crafty businesses, someone (or several someones!) ask about Twitter.
How can I use it without being icky?
What's the right way?
Won't I seem spammy if I talk about my business?
What if no one is following me?
Am I doing it wrong?
And Oh! do I have answers. Lots of don't-be-icky, but-still-grow-your-business and have-lots-of-fun answers.
Not because I'm an expert.
But because I love Twitter.
I love making new friends.
I love getting to know people better.
I love sharing my business in a non-icky way.
I love the opportunities it provides (magazine articles, interviews in books!)
So, despite not being an expert, I'm going to answer your questions about taking the ick out of Twitter while rocking it and having a great time and not-being-at-all-sales-y in a week-long class, next week. You can read more about it here.