Since I'm on sabbatical, and the rest of the country is in a holiday-induced panic, this is a rest-filled, super-short Good Shtuff.

How can I NOT love a book called Take That Nap?!

Stop worrying about the website stuff. Updates, plug-ins, meh! Let my pal Wendy handle the hassle while you just work on creating your awesomeness.

During all this resting, how about a little knitting? I have plans to make 11 shawls in 2011 and I know at least 2 of them will be the fabulous Betico. I LOVE patterns that let you work your own magic. And I can think of a zillion ways to make it and 50 people to make it for. Totally smitten!

Hope your week is filled with rest, joy and light!

PS. If you're using the next two weeks to plan the new year in your business, I humbly submit the CraftyBiz Kitchen as a fabulous place to learn, hang out and generally figure business stuff out in a no-panic, no-should cozy (virutal) kitchen.

1 Comment on Good Shtuff: Naps + Rests Edition

  1. Wendy Cholbi
    December 22, 2010 at 8:45 pm (14 years ago)

    Thanks for including me, Tara! I’m honored to be in Good Schtuff company with the lovely Lisa Baldwin and the Crafty Biz Kitchen.

    And I love that you’re on sabbatical. A beautiful, conscious, intentional way to close out 2010 and begin 2011. High-five!