Susy's post on Inspiration Boards really has be rethinking this board in my office.
I've read/seen/thought about making boards like this in the past, but not until reading this was I struck with the necessity of it. These weekly inspiration posts are a method of keeping all of my inspiration together, but I think I also need a visual board, one to continually inspire. I have a board both in my office (at the dayjob) and one in front of my sewing machine and both are pitifully bare. So to start the inspiration-fest, I've been checking out others!
Hanna's board is SO much cooler than the typical pinboard.
Design For Mankind's zine on inspiration boards is a plethora of goodness
The Flickr pool is not to be missed
Despite all the great inspiration boards out there, I don't see any that really “go” in an office like mine. Most are arty/crafty or fashion-based and while I love that for home, it just doesn't fit in with my work life…any suggestions?
Jill B
April 21, 2008 at 8:10 pm (17 years ago)I’ve had various forms of “inspiration boards” since I was a youngster (adolescent), and actually have materials and ideas to create a new one for my bedroom/sewing room. You’d like it I think. Maybe we could have an inspiration party – complete with inspiring chocolate sometimes after the first week of May.