While navigating through the stars to your dream, you've become overwhelmed and lost.

There is too much to do, and too many places you could start. Your shuttle is darting from thing to thing without a clear path to where you really want to go. Or you're stalled out, unsure of what direction to take.

There's a dramatic difference between dreaming and doing. And you're ready to start doing, ready to start making this happen.

It's time to get focused on your Solo Mission – to orient yourself, set clear and specific goals, and move towards them every day. We do this by crafting a Star Map – one that clearly shows the path you want to take and the destination you're working towards. Your map is flexible, so that as you learn new lessons, you'll adjust your flight path and become ever more effective.

If this is you, if you're stuck wondering what to do or how to know if it's working, or how to focus, I can help.

A Solo Mission will light your way in the dark, and provide you with a clear, organized, and focused flight path get you from where you are now, to where you want to be.

I've worked with hundreds of makers and dreamers. Women who want to create a change in their life or their business through their art, craft, or writing. While some rocket towards what they want, others work away and don't seem to make progress. It's not a lack of knowledge (I bet you read to learn about anything you need!), it's a lack of focus – of knowing that the actions you are taking are the right ones, and that they're moving you to the right things.

It's easy to get distracted by all the other stuff we think we should be doing, instead of working on what matters. Whether you're just dreaming of your business, or you've been working away, the Solo Mission can help you identify what will move you closer to your dream, through consistent, focused action.

Vanessa loves the Solo Mission

“This process makes everything far more likely to happen.

It went from impossible dreaming to concrete reality. It helps focus, ground and motivate you to actually doing the things you've been talking about doing.”


In this year-long adventure, you will:

  • Craft your own Star Map. This PDF workbook is your own personal orientation guide to where you are, where you're going, and where your North Star is. The questions inside will lead you to clearly identify where you are right now in your business (or your business plannings) and where you want to be. This workbook will help you identify all the big-picture things you want out of your business this year, in 5 years and in 10 years.
  • Make a Mission Map, every quarter. Spend one week at the beginning of each quarter (January, April, July, October) getting clear about where you want to go in the next three months…and then craft a hands-on plan that will you get there.
  • Reassess + Reorient your Mission every month. Check in on your progress and see if your map still makes sense (if not, you can alter it).
  • 50% off Solo Live Sessions. If you need to talk out your plan or get an effective marketing plan, you can book a Solo Session with me for 50% off the usual price of $200.
  • 10% off every online class I offer during the year.

The Maps, Guides and emails are not a stock set of answers for any business or dream – they are a collection of guided questions and inspiring activities that will help you choose a path to your personal, specific dream. You will be inspired by your own North Star, to take focused, dedicated action for the entire year.

The entire adventure is delivered via email, so you can schedule your flight during the times that work best for YOU.

The Solo Mission has ended, but there's a new adventure awaiting you: Lift Off.

The Solo Mission provides a framework for your work, a way of staying in touch with your dream as your year unfolds. It's a reminder to shift and grow and learn your own lessons.

Your Solo Mission will guide you to:

  • Craft your own path, and make it so do-able you can't help but work on it every day, no matter what else you have going on.
  • Regularly reassess, so that you learn and grow (instead of just staying on a path that doesn't work anymore).
  • Jump back on your path when you've fallen off – and learn from what distracted you so that you can conquer it next time without losing your footing.

The Solo Mission is built from the lessons that I've learned while leading over 50 Captains towards their dreams, combined with the research I've done into goal-reaching, success and happiness. (If there's a book or study on the subject, I've read it, taken notes, and boiled it down into something applicable!)

JuliannaThe Star Map was seriously life-changing. It helped me in so many ways to focus in on all the important stuff in my biz. I had been ignoring it and pretending it didn't exist. Filling out the log helped me focus in on exactly what I'd been doing and why that wasn't working for me anymore. After working through the Star Chart and making my map, I feel exhilarated. I'm not used to getting this much accomplished!

-Julianna, Julianna's Fibre

I've used the Maps + Guides in my own life to:

  • Quit my boring office day job.
  • Support my family with my handmade yarn company.
  • Get a publishing contract.
  • Write + publish my first book before my 30th birthday.
  • Create a thriving business + life, where I have weekends + holidays off.
  • Travel around the country to work with creative women.
  • Lead over two dozen live and digital workshops.
  • Get featured in international magazines, popular blogs and my own hometown newspaper.

The Solo Mission has ended, but there's a new adventure awaiting you: Lift Off.

If you have a lofty goal but little clue how to get there, this is perfect for you.

There's a difference between making a map & following it. Sometimes unforeseen events, unrecognized desires, & unaddressed doubts get in the way of following the map you've made.

But Tara's process accounts for these unknowns with built-in flexibility, a schedule for honest reassessments, & a fat stack of permission slips to take detours, make mistakes, & get gloriously messy. Whether you stay on track or not, the focus remains on learning & exploring your business (& yourself!), so there's no such thing as failure.”


Want more?

This regular review is what we do in the Starship, but The Solo Mission allows you to review with a smaller commitment. If you're not quite ready for the Starship (your business isn't selling any items yet), the Solo Mission provides the guidance and focus so that you can grow.

But if you want all of the above, plus the option to add 2 Solo Sessions, free access to over 20 classes, weekly live check-ins and a community to ask all of your questions, beam aboard the Starship.

Got questions?

Ask me!