On this page you'll find the replay of the Q+A session and a bundle of free tools (Scroll down to get them)!

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“Yay! Just got biz-finance bonuses from @taraswiger. You can get 'em too, sign up here: https://taraswiger.com/pay” (Click here to tweet this!)

Did you know I hold a Q+A where I dive deep into your business EVERY month?

It's just for Starship members, so head here to learn more. 

Want access to the class I discuss in this video? It's only available in the Starship Program.


Download your FREE tracking sheet here!
(Click to open Google Spreadsheet)

Then read on for an explanation for how to get the most out of it:

A truth about your business: it’s easy to forget is that ANY progress counts and deserves celebration! REALLY!

But here's the thing: you can only celebrate progress if you know you're making progress. You can only know what kind of progress you're making if you track it and measure it.

What should you track?

Anything you want to change!

Starship Captains often find that just the act of TRACKING a goal (like sales, subscribers, etc.) improves that metric, even if they didn't do everything they “should” do – just tracking it seemed to change it (I'll be sharing a story about this soon!). I've found the exact same thing to be true in my own business.

I keep this super-simple by tracking it all in a Google spreadsheet. Once a month (during my monthly review) I gather the numbers and plop them in, along with my notes of any ongoing experiments.

To make your own tracking easier and so that you start doing it (and not just thinking about it!), I've shared (above!) my exact template

Note that I've already put in the equations for you! If you save it as a Google Sheet or as an excel spreadsheet, the formulas should do the math auto-magically!

I want to challenge you to do last month's numbers THIS WEEK. Identify one number you can track to help you measure your progress towards your goal (is it related to sales? subscribers? traffic?) and fill in the number last month, and commit to doing it again at the end of this month.

This whole “monthly review” thing isn't just about the numbers – you can also review what you enjoyed, what you learned, what you're excited about. It ensures that you learn from your business every month and that no matter WHAT happens, you're moving forward.


My Accounting Software

True Fact: You can't know your numbers if you don't keep track of them. But it doesn't have to be hard (really!) There is software that makes it crazy-simple.

Here's a look at what I do:


Get the FREE Worksheet on pricing + profit