The Starship is a 90-day Program that guides you through building (and improving!) the foundations of your business AND a community of support.

The Program will begin the Monday after you join. The Foundations we'll cover:
Mission + Map:

In the first two weeks you will get crystal clear on where you right now and where you want to go.

  • You'll define your values + identify your support resources
  • You'll make a plan to get to the very next step.
  • We combine big picture planning, with practical do-this-next planning.

Profitability and Pricing

Next you'll dive into your numbers! Ahhh! Don't run away, I make this super simple!
I'll teach you:

  • Where to find your important numbers
  • Profit and break even math
  • How to troubleshoot any profit problems you have, so that you KNOW that if you sell more goods, you'll make more money.

I'll also teach you how to be sure your next projects are money-making (or life-enhancing!) before you say yes.

Marketing and Messaging

We'll complete the program by making all your time on social media and blogging and email EFFECTIVE. You'll learn:

  • Who your Right Person is
  • How to talk to her + learn from her (so you're improving all the time!)
  • The best tools for reaching your future customers
  • How exactly to use them

Lemme be clear: I am not teaching you business THEORY, I am guiding you through building the foundations in your OWN business. Each week will have worksheets and homework, so that you take what you learned and apply it to your own business.

If you do the homework, you will have a clear picture of how your business works and how you can grow, improve or change it up. You will end the program with a big list of things you could do in your business…AND you will learn how to prioritize (via Map Making) so you know what to do first to get you closest to your goal.

With the Program, you also get 3 months of access to the Community, while you work through the Program.

What is The Community?

  • Weekly, gentle accountability check-ins where you share your celebrations and next steps, and get to ask each other and me anything you like, in the community
  • Monthly group coaching calls – ask me your questions and I'll give you a personalized, direct answer. (This is the only way to get my insight in your business, for the next while)
  • A  private, online space to ask me (and all the other Captains on board) your questions + get specific Do This Next steps or encouragement, exclusive to Captains and with very clear community guidelines, that keep the space friendly and warm.
  • First looks at my next projects –  Every new workbook, book or  class I create is free for Starship Captains.
  • And if you love the community, you can stay aboard once you finish the program!


Get ready to fly

The Starship Program is a 90 Day Program  of weekly education + a community of support + monthly group coaching with me, Tara. It costs $999 or you can pay with three monthly payments of $369.

You have immediate access to the community and your Program begins as soon as buy!

(Pay one payment of $999 here)