Remember how we talked about reassessing at the beginning of the month?

Right after I wrote that post, I felt the need to record a podcast.
But a wood chipper showed up outside my window. And then I had to walk the dog.

But then I came in, maybe 30 minutes after the initial idea and recording my first podcast! It's rough and unedited with no music, but I'm embracing the freshness of it (knowing that if I wait to edit, I'll never post it).

podcast photo

Download the podcast here.

Things I mention:
My Reassess post
KnitCast (Dude, it was longer than I thought! I started podcast-dreaming in Feb 2005!)
Leonie's Donkey


Please remember:

I didn't fancify the audio at all. It's a bit quiet and it won't show up all pretty in iTunes, but let's embrace that as part of the lesson: ride the donkey, friends.

I may do this again, I may not.

I definitely need a name for the podcast that I may or may not ever start…can you help me come up with one? Share your ideas in the comments!

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